Godly Choice System

Chapter 3762: Countermeasure

Kyoto, House.

"How dare they, how dare they, how dare they do this!!!"

After seeing the statement issued by Ise Jingu on the Internet, the prime minister was furious and knocked all the documents on the table to the ground with a wave of his hand. His eyes were red, like a lion that had been irritated, and roared in anger.

Ise Jingu's request to segregate a hundred kilometers of land was like a slap in his face, leaving the parliament blank.

In the parliament, everyone who saw this scene showed a weird look. Some people were equally angry, some were thoughtful, and some began to live up their minds-Ise Jingu is so powerful, I am afraid that it might not really master the transcendence. The power of this era, in other words, is that Amaterasu is strong enough to ignore any modern weapon attack.

"Prime Minister." The Defense Minister quickly suggested: "We must respond immediately and resolutely refute the request of the madman at Ise Jingu. Otherwise, the citizens of the outside world will look down on us and believe in the god..."

That **** is naturally Amaterasu.

Just fighting against the gods in my country’s myths and legends made the prime minister’s loyal lackey ministers feel a little guilty, for fear that they would be killed by a sharp sword falling from the sky in the next moment.

"You're right!" The prime minister said coldly: "Immediately hold a meeting of the two houses, so that all members of the Council will immediately use the influence of various channels to refute Ise Jingu's rhetoric in the media and order the **** Ise Jinzakura. Stop the obvious infringement immediately!"

"Prime Minister, should we directly block all media related to Ise Jingu?" someone suggested.

"Okay, do it now!"

A series of actions were issued from the prime minister's residence. Countless people were waiting for the two sides to compete. Should they see their tricks, or did the Mikami directly use his supernatural power to kill the mortal?

What the prime minister and the ministers who followed him did not expect was that the move to block the media that released Ise Jingu's news was opposed by a large number of parliamentarians.

Some TV stations even ignored the banning order and rejected the banning order from the prime minister's mansion on the grounds that Ise Jingu was the shrine of Amaterasu, the kingdom of Sakura, and the decision would greatly affect the people.

In addition, many media have carried out a lot of reports on the grounds that the Prime Minister’s Office is confronting Ise Jingu. Two hours later, almost every TV station broadcasted a statement about Ise Jingu, which caused it again. Countless sakura people's discussion.

"Really? Ise Jingu requires a hundred kilometers of land?"

"Huh? It's that simple?"

"Simple? This is a separatist land! This is a country in the middle of the country!"

"Of course I know, but it's only a hundred kilometers. Of course it's simple. The opposite is Omikami, the real god. The legend is the Omikami who created our country of cherry blossoms. Her shrine and Mikami only require a one-hundred-kilometer apprentice. Is it simple?"

"I also think this request is not far from the mark. After all, we are all the people of Omika."

"The country in the middle of the country, it doesn't matter if it is split or anything. Didn't that goddess say that there will be disasters in the future, we have to believe in her."

"What disaster? Really?"

"I heard it is a monster in mythology."

"Haha, you are still discussing, those wealthy people will buy land near Ise Shrine in the future. In the future, 100 kilometers near the Shrine will be safe land!"

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