Godly Choice System

Chapter 3730: Three prayers and three please

"It's so big!"

"Mishiko doesn't enlarge people?"

"Mikako seems to be respectful."

"Who is Mikami? If you are not on stage, you have to use witches to please?"

"Hurry up, can't wait!"

The audience was even more dissatisfied, and they actually asked their witch wives to please?

"Jingle Bell."

Outside the screen, there was a crisp sound of bells, melodious and ethereal, like the tune of the gods descending from the sky.

The camera was aimed at the audience, and everyone saw clearly what the audience looked like for the first time. After only one glance, everyone was stunned again.

I saw at least five or six hundred priests and witches sitting on the square in front of Kagura Hall.

They looked respectful and solemn, and the priests were all wearing white hunting clothes, wearing tall black ebony hats, and holding wat boards that symbolized majesty in their hands.

The witch is wearing a red and white witch costume, holding a magic wand in her hand, and her expression is equally serious and solemn.

"Please Mikako again!"

Hundreds of priests and shrine maidens all bowed together and respectfully came to the stage.

"Oh My God!"

This scene completely shocked the Sakura country and millions of viewers around the world who saw this scene.

Even foreigners who do not know Sakura Kuni Shrine know what it means for so many clergymen to hold the festival neatly and solemnly at 8 o'clock in the evening.

This "Ise Jingu-Amaterasu Daigojin Festival Ceremony" is more solemn and majestic than any of them imagined, full of sacred majesty.

At the same time, it also aroused their curiosity about the witch holding a Kagura bell.

Can the millions of priests on and off the stage be invited over and over again, what exactly does that witch look like?

"Jingle Bell."

The third ringtone gradually moved closer, and the audience seemed to realize what would happen next.


The people on and off the stage knelt and bowed together, and then shouted: "Three, please go to the gods!"

Three prayers and three invitations, the true body of Mikami finally appeared.

"Tingling bell~"

Accompanied by a brisk ringing, Mikako holding the Kagura bell seemed to respond to their respect, and the camera slowly shifted to focus on her back as she walked slowly onto the Kagura Hall.

"What a nice view."

Seeing Mikami's slender figure, the audience couldn't help but have the same thoughts in their minds.

This Mikami is much more beautiful than they thought!

The graceful and slender figure, the arrogant walking posture, and the sacred temperament that he saw from the side, all deeply shocked every audience.

"it's beautiful."

Shangguan Lingxian couldn't help but exclaimed. She returned to Shangguan's house during the Chinese New Year. During the day, she went to worship relatives with her parents. When she returned home at night, she saw the live broadcast of the group.

After seeing the profile of Yu Shenzi, Shangguan Lingxian was very surprised, shouldn't Li Yun want to...

"It's so cute, I really want to give her a hug!"

Gong Qingyu covered her face contentedly, she really couldn't help but want to give a hug to the existence of the cute witch!

More and more viewers watched the live broadcast, and also saw Ise Jinzakura after walking up to the Kagura Hall.

The Kagura Hall is very special. There are no walls around it. It is just a palace similar to a stage with an altar on it. On the stage, the maidens dance a dance to please the gods, so called: Kagura dance.

As the festival was held at night, lanterns were hung around the Kagura Hall. The night color matched the lights, shining on the noble Mikamiko on the Kagura Hall, becoming more holy and noble.

She just stood still on the stage holding the Kagura bell, but she had already demonstrated her outstanding beauty.

Because around the Kagura Hall, there are hundreds of priests and witches kneeling.

Only she is standing.

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