Bright, bright and coquettish.

Xiao Mingzhu, who was lying on the tatami, looked at Li Yun with such a smile and indescribably charming eyes. Li Yun, who was very angry in the morning, immediately became a little bit ready to move.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Mingzhu, who was lying on the tatami, squinted at him.

"What are you doing? I just look at the situation of the little witch."

Li Yun smiled, stood up, and walked towards Xiao Mingzhu.

"It's strange if you believe it, wait, don't come here, I'm going to call someone, I'm really calling."

"Scream, call "Broken Throat", and I won't come to rescue you even if my throat is broken."

"Bastard, don't come near me... well."

Xiao Mingzhu's protest was silenced.

Ordinary people wake up in the morning with a peculiar smell in their mouths, but Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu are not ordinary people. Their bodies are already in a pure state. When they are too lazy to brush their teeth in the morning, they just stun their mouths and wipe their faces. That's it.

Always keep it clean.

As for Xiao Mingzhu, after a long sleep, it fragrant.

It's very nice to kiss.

"Pervert, don't do this, Sakura is still..."

When Ise Kamakura woke up in a daze, she saw a strange scene.

Li Yun kissed Xiao Mingzhu, and more than that, it was messy anyway, she didn't quite understand, she only knew that when Xiao Mingzhu got up, she might have to look around for clothes to put on.

"Li Yun."

Ise Jinzakura wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and yawned long, ignoring the two people who were hugging each other, froze, and said in a daze, "I seemed to have a long dream last night."

"What, what dream?"

Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu were shocked, how could this little witch get up without a sound!

"Bad guy, let me go!"

Xiao Mingzhu pushed him away and stretched out his hand without rushing, putting on the pajamas that Li Yun had thrown aside.

She didn't dare to move too much, for fear of completely awakening Ise Jinzakura who was sleeping in a daze.

"What dream? It seems that I dreamt about... Huh, what?"

Ise Jinzakura’s hand touched something, and she subconsciously picked it up and took a look. A white ribbon was attached to a garment decorated with a bow. There was still a very wonderful fragrance faintly, as if she had been there last night. Smell the scent and slept all night.

"Mingzhu, this is yours..."

"Little Miko, give it to me!!"

Xiao Mingzhu's entire face was red, and she hurried forward, took her clothes off, and put her hands on her chest.

"what happened?"

Ise Kamakura tilted her head suspiciously and looked stupid, and then she suddenly realized: "Mingzhu, you slept with me last night. No wonder I faded out my clothes. I like to sleep like this when I sleep. Comfortable, unconstrained... Hey, no, why did I sleep with you last night?..."

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