Godly Choice System

Chapter 3515: Lingxian is moving

Li Yun thought they were just talking casually, but he didn't expect that after the car reached the foot of the mountain, Shengzi Lori insisted on getting off the car and said that she would observe the terrain.

Reluctantly, Li Yun could only stop the car, and the women got off together.

"Here, it will be the residence of the angels!"

The son Xiaosu pointed to the mountains, akimbo, with long golden hair flying in the wind, I have already set a pair, and at the foot of the mountain is the place where the angel army is stationed.


Hu Xiaomeng clapped and clapped his hands, "Xiao Su, are the angels very powerful? Do they have wings? Are they particularly beautiful when flying? By the way, Xiao Su, God Lord, listen to my husband saying that he is super powerful. Is your father?"

Xiao Su's expression was a little petrified, and after a while, he said, "My angel legion...different from those angels."


"Angels are born from faith...Oh, Xiaomeng, don't ask for it for now."

"Well, I listen to you Xiaosu!"

After hearing their conversation, Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. He pointed to the villas at the foot of the mountain and said: "If you want to buy it, a house here is worth a billion...Of course, Xiaomeng, you have money. But you can't buy it even if you have money."

"Who would dare not sell it? Don't want my shelter anymore? Ignorant mortals!"


Li Yun didn't bother to care about them. Let Hu Xiaomeng, an energetic guy, accompany the blonde loli to play around, just to make a couple.

Gong Lianyi looked at the scene in front of her with a smile.

Xiaosu is actually very cute. I wonder if her and Li Yun's children will also be so cute in the future?

Hmm, no, they have a long life span. Maybe they won't have children in the next 100 years. Do not rush or rush, Xiaomeng and Xiaoxiao are also very good-hearted, they are half daughters.

Li Yun took Lingxian's hand, smiled, and took Gong Lianyi's hand again, holding one in each hand, and walking slowly with the two girls on the mountain road of Huangting Mountain.

The two women's faces blushed, and after looking at each other, there was no objection.

Because the Huangting Mountain in the morning, especially the Huangting Mountain in the winter morning, there are not many people around. Everyone is sleeping late. Even the morning exercisers have basically rested and only practice indoors.

"It turns out that this mountain is so big."

The places Shangguan Lingxian pays attention to are always very different. After seeing the stream flowing down from the top of the mountain, she said in surprise: "If there is running water, it is much more convenient to plant herbal gardens, Li Yun, you said it would be sold to me. Is it a herbal plot?"

"Huh? You want to plant here?"

Gong Lianyi also looked over.


Shangguan Lingxian's face was reddened and nodded, "Although I can stay at Tiandanmen, it seems that staying in the martial arts will only make my vision smaller and smaller, so I want to move out and move to Zhonghai City. Here, my herbal garden is also moved here... is it okay?"

After several months of training on Penglai Island, she has matured a lot, and is no longer the somewhat reckless and innocent spiritual medicine fairy.

"It should be okay." Gong Lianyi is not sure. "If you want to build a piece of land on Huangting Mountain, you only need to get the owner's approval. Li Yun, you should come forward and it should be fine."

"Huh? It's so troublesome, so I don't want to look for other things."

"Don't worry, let's go to the villa first!"

Li Yun took the two girls up the mountain, leaving Hu Xiaomeng and Xiao Su at the foot of the mountain.

When Shangguan Lingxian saw Li Yun's villa covering a thousand acres, which was the size of a high school, a smile appeared on his face.

"Li Yun, shall I move here?"

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