As for the thousand years later, God knows!

"Linglong, I'm such a genius!"

After figuring it out, Li Yun kissed her fiercely. As a result, Fan Linglong woke up. After seeing Li Yun, he remembered what happened last night and blushed.

"Lady, can you still get up?"


After chatting with her for a long while, Li Yun finally picked her up from the bed, and the two of them dressed and washed together.

After all, Fan Linglong is a realm of soul and light. Although the rain and wind of last night made her feel uncomfortable, at least she could walk smoothly.

Outside the door, only Sage Fanqing sat in the courtyard with a book in his hand. After hearing the sound of the door opening, Sage Fanqing looked over.

Li Yun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

So is Fan Linglong.

The atmosphere became a little sad, as if a loved one had been sent away.


After a long while, Fan Linglong sighed slightly, and walked into Zhao Xiaoqing's room. As expected, no one could be found.

However, there was a letter left on the table.

It's a parting letter.

"Xiaoqing, you...really!"

Fan Linglong picked up the letter and looked at it casually, with a helpless and relieved expression on his face, which was very complicated.

Li Yun took it and looked at it with Qing Sage, and found that nothing was recorded in it, that is to say, she had a hunch that she was leaving last night, and she was satisfied with her wish.

If it is the elderly Zhao Apo, she may not leave any letter, but it was Zhao Xiaoqing last night. She was sentimental in the girlhood, so she left a letter specially as a farewell.

I also said in my heart that if there is only Sister Linglong, she would not leave any letters, but now Sister Linglong is married and has a husband by her side, and as a married "Zhao Xiaoqing", she knows how a married woman treats her. Her husband, that's why she left the letter.

Because Li Yun can comfort sister Linglong, she doesn't have to be sad alone.

Talking about, at the end of the letter, finally left some useful information.

"Ancestral Temple?"

Zhao Xiaoqing specifically mentioned that the ancestral temple in Taohua Village is where the villagers believe. Vaguely, she also feels that her resurrection is related to the ancestral temple, so if she asks Linglong sister to take a look, there may be some gains.

Li Yun had a weird face, and glanced at the two women, but none of them spoke.

In fact, the existence of this letter is strange in itself.

In theory, whether Zhao Xiaoqing and Li Yun’s grandfathers are real or not, the resurrection of the two is related to a certain behind-the-scenes messenger, and what they do is under the control of each other. This is what Zhao Xiaoqing and Li Yun did yesterday. After suddenly becoming younger, it also proved this point.

But now, Zhao Xiaoqing left a letter saying that there was a problem with the ancestral temple in the village.

Is this the meaning of Zhao Xiaoqing after the resurrection, or is it a message specially conveyed to Li Yun by a manipulator in the ancestral temple?

"Don't think about it, just go and see!"

Fan Linglong has regained her vigorous and vigorous character, and compared to before, she has become more confident and confident after meeting her best friend again, but after meeting her wish.

Sage Fanqing looked over, and Li Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "It's affirmative to go and see, but before that, we need to understand two things."

"What's up?"

"follow me!"

When Li Yun walked out of Aunt Zhao's house, in fact, after the death of his relatives, the last thing to do is not to go to the place where he used to stay before his life, otherwise it would be easy to see things and love.

However, Fan Linglong is a Soul and Bright Realm after all. After seeing the parting of life and death, he quickly recovered and put the envelope away solemnly.

As for other things, just follow the wind.

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