Godly Choice System

Chapter 3468: The saint who likes the noise

However, even if human beings were created by several gods, judging from the hints given by the system, gods in ancient times divided powers.

Heaven, monsters, Olympus, Garden of Eden and so on.

In short, the situation is complicated, and Li Yun does not want to be constrained by his thinking.

It's a pity that even though he had already opened his brains, searching around Taohua Village with Saint Fan Qing, he didn't find anything unusual.

The village is quiet and peaceful. From the early morning birds to the morning sun, the villagers began to carry hoes in twos and threes to go out to do farm work, and then to the children playing and playing, the village’s private school read loudly, from the Four Books and Five Classics to the time of the Republic of China. Some of the popular science books, etc., have professors.

It surprised Li Yun for a while.

However, this world is very weird. Li Yun and Fan Qingsheng took a closer look at the private school, and after not finding anything abnormal, they gave up.

The only thing that makes Li Yun a little concerned is that the villagers here are very casual. At first, Li Yun thought it was the man behind the scenes-or the **** behind the scenes, who was perfunctory, just to make this isolated village behave normally. Look like.

Later, Li Yun learned that it turned out that Taohua Village is like spring all year round, and there are not many comparisons. Therefore, the villagers here don't need to work hard every day. They only need to grow a small amount of food and vegetables, which is enough to sustain their lives.

"Qingsheng, do you like this kind of life?"

When the sun was right, standing by the ridge, looking at the working villagers, Li Yun asked Fan Qing Sheng who was holding his hands.

"Do not."


Li Yun was very strange. Originally thought that the Holy Spirit would like such a leisurely and isolated pastoral life, she did not expect her to deny it so quickly.

"Does it like to be with me?" Li Yun suddenly thought of a reason for her.

As a result, Sage Fanqing glanced at him again, and said leisurely: "Part of it is."


Part of it is, that's not it.

"Actually, I prefer to live in the city." Fan Qingsheng said seriously. Before Li Yun asked, she took the initiative to explain: "The city is very lively, noisy, prosperous, and dusty. I like living in the city very much."

Li Yun held her hand tightly.

The most spotless sage around him, like a fairy, is the one who likes living in the city the most.

Perhaps, for the cool character of the Vatican, the hustle and bustle of the city is not only not annoying, but will give her a pleasant enjoyment.

Li Yun actually feels this way occasionally, because he has become accustomed to living in the city. When he occasionally lives in a quiet rural area, he may enjoy it in the first few days, but after that, he will feel very deserted.

Although he doesn't call friends to play in the city, the noisy atmosphere in the city alone can give people a strong sense of security.

People who are accustomed to first-tier cities, even if they leave first-tier cities, only return to provincial capitals or small county towns. They rarely return to the countryside. Even if they build small villas in the countryside, they still can’t compare to living in the cities.

"it is good!"

Li Yun nodded at her and smiled: "After this is over, we will go back to Zhonghai City and spend the New Year in Mansion No. 3. Before listening to Lianyi, there will be grand fireworks on both sides of the Huangjiang River. Go and see?"

"Yeah." Sage Fanqing nodded slightly and added: "I look forward to it."

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