Godly Choice System

Chapter 3446: ice crystals

It can be heard ten thousand times, so it's better to see it with your own eyes.

When they really saw Li Chaoren's broken arm, it took less than ten seconds from the fracture to the completeness, and the two of them were still frightened.

"This ice mist does have some signs of life!"

Li Yun took a deep breath and moved the newborn's right hand. After confirming that there was no ice mist in the flesh and blood, he was relieved.

In fact, he does not need to recover the pill to grow a broken arm. Li Yun's innate ability of the fetus has not yet been fully tapped. The rebirth of a broken limb is only the most superficial effect. Li Yun suspects that even with only a drop of blood, he can do it again Reshape the flesh.

Of course, he would not be so stupid to experiment like this.


Bart trembled all over, and his silver-white pupils looked around in disbelief. This filled the valley, like a thin mist. Are they creatures like insects?

Doesn't that mean that there are hundreds of millions of these little bugs, flooding the valley, and any one of these little bugs can directly freeze a super power like Li Chaoren into an arm? !

This Nima... can humans continue to mix?

Smith felt dizzy and dizzy. This ice fog is a few kilometers wide, and hundreds of millions of bugs live here, and each one can kill a level 10 supernatural power (Roughly speaking, Superman Li counts as level 12. , A short calculation).

That is to say, all human beings with supernatural powers are gathered, and even if all the nuclear, bomb, hydrogen, and bombs are thrown here, they may not be able to kill all the bugs here!

"Yes." Li Yun nodded, staring solemnly at the surroundings, like the light gauze worn by the most beautiful Jiangnan woman, and the skirts dancing in the wind, hazy and ethereal, as if it was not the real ice. fog.

"These should all be special lives."

Li Yun explained: "The bees mentioned by Qingsheng before, mean that they exist in a way similar to bees, but more than bees... Then what, I can’t describe it, that is, bees have individuals, but they live their lives throughout their lives. Living as a group, an entire bee colony is like a whole."

"These ice mists are also the same." Li Yun said again: "They should have no intelligence. Although they have very strong power, they will not flutter around and naturally repel some very weak flames!"

Bart was stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Mr. Li, how did you know?"

Li Yun glanced at him and said helplessly: "Didn't you enter here before but weren't killed? You definitely didn't have any protective measures at the time. You relied on fire-type supernatural powers to resist the ice fog. Therefore, these ice If the fog has a head, or if it is sane, they will kill you in an instant!

Moreover, if it is an ordinary life with a trace of sanity, it will reject what it hates and instinctively extinguish the flames instead of fleeing. "

So Li Yun didn't know whether to call these ice mists life.

Smith was an eye-opener. After knowing that the ice mist seemed to be afraid of all flames, he calmed down a lot and began to eager to try: "I don't know what it would look like to grab some ice mist and use it as a weapon? Fog only appears in this valley, which is very rare."

"If you are not afraid of death, go."

Li Yun shrugged and said that he would not stop or mix up.

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