Godly Choice System

Chapter 3443: Treasures of the Valley

"But it doesn't get in the way." Fan Qingsheng shook his head, "I can still hold on."

Li Yun smiled, running violently, emitting a faint blue flame light all over his body, making Smith and the others who followed him look surprised.

This is the first time they have seen flames that can resist the icy land!

An ordinary lighter can't even be turned on when you get it here, and the flame type supernatural ability can only barely run it. It is very difficult to warm up and want to send a fireball.

However, your Excellency Superman Li Yun could easily wrap the entire team with flames, blocking most of the severe cold weather for them.

"Don't be too happy!"

Li Yun warned the people of the Menn Congregation who became excited and began to look at the surrounding ice crystal minerals and sparkling spirit plants with their eyes shining. , Even I can't resist it for too long. You may be frozen before you even take the pill after you wait!"

The five people's expressions froze.

"I, I stay here?" Lisa raised her hand and said cautiously: "Your Excellency Superman, I will stay here to collect some things. After you come out, I will let you distribute the collected things. How about? "

"it is good."

Li Yun nodded. It's best for this group of people not to go in. If it weren't for the sake of repaying before, Li Yun didn't want this group of dragging oil bottles to follow.

Seeing that he did intend to let them stay, the other two flame type supernatural powers also moved in their hearts one after another, and proposed to keep the treasures around them.

They have now reached deep into the valley, because of some wonderful factors, many wonderful treasures will be born in the cold place with abnormally low temperature.

Just like now, Li Yun casually glanced at it, and he could see the ice crystal treasures that were flat on the ground, or that grew like mushrooms, shiny and beautiful, with large areas growing.

What’s amazing is that these ice crystal treasures don’t emit much cold air. They are restrained and can be held up directly with their hands, but after smashing them out and breaking these ice crystal stones, they will instantly release a lot of cold air. , Freeze everything around.

These wonderful ice crystals seem to be used by the heavens and the earth to suppress this abnormally cold thing, otherwise, this icy land can freeze everything!

"Okay, then you can collect it here."

Li Yun nodded his head and agreed. He couldn't help it. "But you have to be careful and leave as soon as possible if you can't hold it."

He didn't want to see these people freezing to death here because of greed.


The three of them immediately agreed with excitement that this large piece of ice crystal was sold for at least a few billion yuan, all of which were sold to those with ice attributes or some people in need.

In fact, most of the transactions between abilities have developed into bartering, which seems to be able to sell for billions. In fact, it is the exchange of treasures in the hands of other abilities to help oneself become stronger.

All the resources are to make oneself strong, against the possibility that the future may come to the end of the world, or the return of the gods.

"Your Excellency Li Yun, can I follow you in again?

Smith pleaded.

Since everything is to become strong, these treasures are actually not that good. If he can enter the deepest part of the valley and gain more powerful power, he can ignore this whole piece of ice crystal or other things!

"Mr. Li Yun, I, I also choose to continue..."

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