Godly Choice System

Chapter 3422: Pathfinder

Three-eyed toad, this thing can only be called something, because it is a pet mount of Li Yun's daughter Heiyudie. In the past, the favorite thing in the past was to be teased by the black feather butterfly. The biggest fun of this toad is to lie on the nine sons. The lotus pond was slumbering, or lying on the lotus leaf to sleep, wake up and croak a few times, let Nie Xiaoqian, who lives by the pond, feed it the spirit fruit, and live a very happy little day.

Regarding the origin of the three-eyed toad, Li Yun didn't want to say any more, but if he didn't remember, he turned over the previous chapters and reviewed it.

However, this toad is usually useless for the so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days. Now it’s time to make a contribution!

"Goo... scratch!"

After the three-eyed toad suddenly appeared at this time, he subconsciously wanted to please the boss, croaked a few times to frighten the people around him, and seemed to have some strength, not just the eldest daughter's mount.

However, when it was halfway through the quack, its spirit sensed the world around it, and then noticed the sky above its head. In an instant, it scared it to shame—no, it was Toad that was shocked, and the second half of the sound was abrupt. He swallowed back, panic in his small eyes.


The three-eyed toad almost fell on the ground, wanting to cry without tears, it is now!

When he went out last time, he went to the overseas fairy island with his master. He inhaled happily and swallowed a lot. If it weren’t for the face of the boss and the master, and for fear of offending some possible existence, it could do it. Swallow half of the aura from Penglai Island in one bite.

But this time?

As soon as it came out, it felt that the world had changed!

It actually entered a small world opened up by a super boss!

Life and death are completely controlled by the owner of this space, and there is no way to run.


The voice of the three-eyed toad revealed deep fear and grievance, and seemed to be complaining about its boss, why he brought it to such a dangerous place.

"...Stop talking nonsense."

Li Yun didn't know if this toad, which seemed to have survived from ancient times, could speak, but it didn't matter, as long as it understood the meaning.

"Give me in and find the way!" Li Yun pointed to the gray crack on the ground and motioned to the toad to go in and take a look.

"My son, Xiaodie is going out."

When Nie Xiaoqian's voice came, Li Yun was stunned. Then, a beautiful human-shaped butterfly jumped out and smashed Li Yun's face directly.

"Baba Baba~~~!"

Fan Linglong's face became very weird, and Li Yun had more secrets than she had imagined. Whether it was the toad or the butterfly wing monster behind, they all revealed a bit of mystery, unlike the monsters of this era.

Could it be that the Ancient Immortal Mansion in Li Yun's hands is home to many ancient things?

"Fluttershy, now is not the time to play!"

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry and caught the black feather butterfly on his face. This little guy was a little bit bigger again. He could still sleep on his palm before, but now Li Yun is almost unable to hold her with one hand.

The nine-winged black feather butterfly is still in the third-winged state, but its height has become more than forty centimeters. When sitting on Li Yun's shoulders, it looks like a petite and cute doll.

"Hehe, Baba~, it seems interesting here?"

Black Feather Butterfly sat on Li Yun's shoulder again, looked left and right, and finally looked at the sky above her head, her eyes seemed a little confused, as if she saw something incomprehensible and fell into a state of thinking.

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