"Don't you think it's weird?"

Fan Linglong shook her head and drove her long, black hair to follow, but compared to the outside world, even if she shook her head vigorously here, her hair only fluttered.

"It's strange." Li Yun said, "Theoretically, the people who can come here are powerful practitioners. Even if they run in a panic, they can't step on the ground too hard, but the footprints are obvious and deep. Normal walking will not have such deep footprints, and it is deep in the front and shallow in the back. It is true for running."

"Just go and see!"

Fan Linglong looked back and forth, "Should we follow the footsteps, or trace back to why he ran?"

"Let's take a look at the source first."

Li Yun made a decision. The two women had no objection. It is rare to see footprints in this world. Naturally, they have to explore and see what the other party is doing in this world and whether they see something terrible. That’s why they frightened. run fast.

The three of them did not destroy their footprints, and went back five or six meters away.

It's just that Li Yun stopped suddenly, and vaguely, he seemed to hear something.

"what happened?"

"Have you heard?"

"Hear what? No, just you are talking." Fan Linglong shook her head. She has been paying attention to the surrounding situation, but found no abnormalities.


Sage Fanqing also shook his head.

Li Yun listened carefully, but didn't hear it again. He could only suspect that he had auditory hallucinations.

Just a few steps after he continued to walk out, Li Yun heard another cry of "Ah"!

This time it was very clear, and Li Yun was sure that he hadn't heard it wrong!

"Really not!"

Fan Linglong denied what he said again, and turned to look around. There was still no one. If there was any sound, it would definitely reach her ears.


Li Yun listened again, but there was no sound again.

A weird atmosphere began to rise, and in this chaotic world, it seemed that all weird things could happen.


Li Yun continued to move forward, and as soon as he took a step, a sound burst into his ears, and he was frightened for a while, and the intercalary fire sword in his hand was clenched tightly.

"You still haven't heard?!"

Li Yun turned his head to look at the two women, Fan Qingsheng and Fan Linglong both shook their heads at the same time.

Li Yun looked left and looked again, but still couldn't find what was yelling.

"Listen to the sound, it should be a man calling." Li Yun calmed down. "He acted in a panic, his voice flustered, running around like a headless fly, but it was strange. Every time I stopped, the sound It disappeared, and after a few more steps, the voice came again!"

It was as if there was a horn that sounded directly in Li Yun's ear.


Sage Fanqing suddenly flew up, his feet floating on the ground, his ears were level with Li Yun's, and he flew forward for a certain distance. He turned his head and nodded at Li Yun and Master: "I heard it too. "


"Could it be that……"

"I go!"

Fan Linglong also flew up, and after hearing the same sound, it suddenly dawned on him: "That's it... the sound was also still, and it just solidified at the position of Li Yun's ears. No wonder Qing Sheng and I couldn't hear it before! "

After figuring it out, Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

The sound was solidified in this world abruptly, like a river floating in mid-air. Only when the ears happened to be in this position, could the man yell and yell, otherwise, he would not hear it at all.

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