Godlike Player in a Game-Like World

Chapter 249 The Name Of The Technique: Player Instinct

In this world, the most fundamental component that families and organizations were built upon was their techniques. They were the crucial elements that allowed individuals to awaken as item holders. It was considered the gravest offense and the utmost disrespect that one could possibly commit to asking for detailed explanations of these techniques. Techniques were to be revered and protected with the utmost secrecy and respect; this was an unspoken rule that everyone followed.

However, fortunately for them, Raydon was not the one who was concerned about this fact.

Observing the misunderstanding, Raydon said. ''Ah well, it's not that important. It's just… '' 

'I don't even think that these techniques have a name. ' Raydon thought.

In point of fact, everything that people in this world referred to as a technique was nothing more than the professions that belonged to the player classes he had played in his previous life, and these professions did not have names that were specific to them. 

He even made up a name for the technique he had previously taught Dan and the others, calling it the shadow assassin technique. However, this was nothing more than a player's own skill that emerged as a result of them playing the assassin class for a significant amount of time and having mastered this class.

For instance, Raydon had also mastered the archer class in the games he played in his previous life and had a variety of techniques, including the breathing technique and those that were related to using a bow. However, each of these techniques emerged from his experience as he played this class professionally, and he never found it necessary to give a name to any of them.

After giving it some thought for a second, Raydon eventually said, "Well, I guess we can call the technique I'm using now Player Instict."

'Player instinct? ' Everyone who heard the name muttered it in their heads repeatedly.

"So what makes this player instinct technique and our family's technique so similar, but at the same time their powers are so different? " When Galen observed Raydon's carefree attitude toward the technique, he mustered the courage to inquire. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, and he wanted to increase his knowledge of this technique by taking advantage of every available chance.

"The difference, and the reason I said your technique is just an imitation and combination of two techniques, is actually your technique's main flaw." Raydon began to explain, living up to everyone's anticipations.

"While you are using the technique, you focus too much using your mind, and as a result, your body is unable to react quickly enough." Raydon identified the most significant flaw.

The primary objective of the Demugen family's technique was to utilize their heightened bodily senses to swiftly process incoming attacks in their minds and enable them to respond effectively. However, despite their ability to perform these calculations swiftly, there was a significant delay in their minds issuing the command to their bodies to dodge or react, resulting in a lag in their response time to the incoming attacks.

"Therefore, instead of putting this burden on your mind, you need to trust your body and your reflexes more, and you have to leave this calculation work to them. ''

''It is also the primary cause for why you are unable to complete level 5. '' Raydon said to Mell as he looked at her, "You put too much weight on your mind, and as a result, you get mentally tired quickly. After a while, this causes you to lose focus, and ultimately, you fail."

In Raydon's previous life, the technique that he now refers to as player instinct was something that was possessed by almost every professional player. After all, when fighting a boss, not all bosses would announce their next attacks before making them, and there wasn't always time to think about how to avoid those quick attacks. Because of this, they had no choice but to rely on the instincts and reflexes that they had honed over the course of their lives and which their bodies were equipped with.

In Raydon's previous world, there were a lot of bosses in games that the players had never faced before and didn't know the patterns of their attacks, but they were still able to avoid getting hit by those bosses' attacks as long as they reacted quickly enough.

'Actually, this training makes me think of those boss attacks when they're in rage mode.  Unpredictable as well as unrelenting. ' As Raydon continued to avoid the stones, he thought with a chuckle, remembering the good old days.

He couldn't even remember how many times he had died while fighting the bosses that the rest of the game world considered to be the most difficult bosses for a single player to defeat. However, in the end, he gained this natural instinct, and his body would naturally react to the attacks of these stones now thanks to the experiences he had gained.

''So, we need to stop using and training our minds for this technique and instead focus on improving the natural instincts of our bodies so that we can allow our bodies to do the calculations and react to it on their own. '' Mell mumbled as she considered what Raydon had said.

Although there were no virtual bosses in this world, where it was not a problem to die and where they could improve this ability by fighting continuously, the training formation that they were standing in front of now would be sufficient to replace this and give them the experience necessary to gain this insight for their bodies.

"Damn, the mind, which we believed to be the most important part of this technique, is actually its biggest flaw, huh? No wonder we couldn't improve it any more than this until now.'' Inside the room behind the white walls, Zephyr grasped the explanation and said it in amazement.

This technique, which they had inherited from their ancestors, was not originally their own creation, but rather one discovered in a fallen world. Now, however, he realized that this technique was flawed from the start and that they had never been able to elevate it to a high level because they had focused on what they believed to be the most important aspect: mind concentration.

''But the most amazing thing,'' said Arden, "is how he discovered the flaw of this technique so easily." 

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