Godlike Player in a Game-Like World

Chapter 247 Is This Really Our Technique?

Raydon appeared to be oblivious to the materialized stones surrounding him, and with each deft evasion, it seemed as though he was moving his body in an ordinary manner, rather than intentionally dodging the stones. This gave the impression to onlookers that he was merely lucky enough to narrowly avoid being struck by the stones.

But as Galen continued to observe him, he realized that this was not the case and that he was employing a technique that was similar to the one used by their family.

"But how is it that he seems to be so natural?" Galen was speechless.

''It will soon be 60 seconds. '' Mell said after a while, her eyes fixed on the screen behind Raydon. Soon after, level 1 on the screen was replaced by level 2.

''Let's see if he can also keep up with this.''

At level 2, the number of stones and their speed increased, while their interaction with the air decreased as they spawned and were thrown, making them more difficult to decipher and evade. However, it was evidently still insufficient.

'What am I watching? ' Mell thought as she noticed Raydon avoiding stones at level 2 as naturally as he did previously.

It should have been nearly twice as difficult to avoid the stones this time, but Raydon managed to do so just as easily as before.

'I can't stand how his grin annoys me. ' Mell grumbled at the annoying smile that had never left his face since the training began.

"Cousin, don't you think it would be best to start paying attention to the stones? 60 seconds are almost up.''  Galen made the suggestion in response to his nonchalant demeanor.

''Hm? But I'm already paying attention. '' Raydon gave Galen a look before responding to him as he continued to avoid the stones.

"It doesn't seem like that, though," Galen said with a grimace. The continual appearance of Raydon narrowly and seemingly luckily dodging the stones served as evidence that he lacked the necessary focus. In addition, the fact was demonstrated by the way he diverted his attention and responded to the question that was posed to him.

''Hmph… Let him be. I'm sure he will fail at level 3. '' Mell said.

But, alas, she was let down, and after a while, despite the fact that the text on the screen indicated level 3, he continued to avoid the stones as if nothing had changed for him.

After Galen and Mell witnessed this, they were rendered speechless and began to focus solely on watching. Despite Raydon's apparent lack of ability and concentration to consistently advance to the next level, he continued to dodge the stones in the same manner, surprising everyone each time.

And in the same manner, he was able to pass level 3, and then, in front of everyone's shocked eyes, Raydon had also passed level 4, and he had now reached level 5.

''How? I don't understand. How are you doing this? '' Mell was finally unable to take it any longer and asked.

A little while ago, she was able to maintain level 5 for seven seconds by using a second technique, but now Raydon is able to maintain it with the same ease as if he were at the first level.

This question was not only on the minds of Mell and Galen. Watching his performance from a room behind the white walls, Diam and the other family elders looked even more shocked than they were.

Thalia scowled as she announced with a frown, "He is obviously using our technique." 

Even if Mell and Galen couldn't see it, they could see Raydon's incredible concentration as he dodged the stones. They were also able to see very clearly that the only movement that he was making with his body was the minimal amount of angling that was required to avoid the stones. This is why it appeared as though he was barely dodging the stones.

''It is obviously the technique that we use, but it seems as though he is able to predict where the stones will come from before they are even formed. How is that even possible? '' Arden said in a shocked tone. 

Because of the technique that they possessed, they were able to quickly calculate all of the factors in their heads after the stones had been formed. This enabled them to predict the angle at which the stone would hit their bodies as well as the force that it would cause, and as a result, they were able to avoid being hit by the stones. 

However, despite the fact that the technique Raydon was currently demonstrating to them was similar to theirs, it seemed as though he could foresee the future and already know where stones would form and be thrown at him.

''Shit… He is using our technique, right? I'm not blind, so it must be our technique, right? He's fucking using our family technique right now, right? '' Zephyr abruptly lost his composure, threw the bottle of wine on the ground, and began yelling.

All he wanted was confirmation that Raydon was indeed using their Demugen family technique right now. 

The room fell silent as a result of his question, but he soon received the answer he was looking for from Diam. 

"Unquestionably, this is the mid-tier movement technique that has been in the Demugen family for generations," Diam said with a voice that was slightly shaking.

''I knew it… I know and can see that he is using our family technique… But why the fuck does this technique, which we've been using for years as a mid-tier technique and taking pride in, now seem to be a high tier when he uses it? '' Zephyr raised his voice and asked the question that everyone present had been pondering for some time but no one had the courage to directly address.

Because they were all aware of the answer, even if they didn't want to admit it. 

This technique, which they had possessed for many years and worked tirelessly to improve using all of their resources, had by this point been elevated to the status of a high-tier technique in Raydon's hands.

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