''You shouldn't be so quick to lose your patience just because a few people ignored you, right? '' Diam walked up to Raydon and said in a flat tone.

Raydon attempted to deny it, evading the judgmental gazes fixed on him. "Losing my patience? Not at all," he asserted, his words laced with a touch of defensiveness.

Diam addressed Raydon with an unusual tone that combined firmness with a tinge of exasperation, while maintaining her customary composed and emotionless demeanor. ''So you're telling me you don't plan on burning this whole building with these flames? ''

'Oh shit, I forgot this. ' When Raydon became aware of the barely perceptible dark embers rising above him, he immediately took control of them and drew them into his body. Even though these flames were a side effect of his body enchantment, they were now completely under his control. However, the anger that he had just felt, in addition to the excitement of engulfing his entire family's living space in flames, had made him momentarily lose control.

"Of course, there is no way that I would ever do something like that. I am a person who is considered to be very reasonable. Hehe '' Raydon said right away, denying that he had any such intention. Surprisingly, the way Diam had reprimanded him made him feel ashamed.

"I'm not entirely sure about that." She must have thought it was pretty funny as she said it because, for the first time in her usually emotionless face, a smile broke through. 

Oddly, Raydon was familiar with this smile. At that very instant, a flood of memories rushed through his head, and he suddenly recalled the reason why he had always experienced an innate sense of unease when he was around her.

'Her behavior toward me was always different and meaningless. ' Raydon thought.

Even though Raydon's mental state rendered him incapable of coherent thought while he was residing in the mansion, Diam never treated him as if he were devoid of consciousness. On the contrary, she consistently showed him the kind of playful affection that one would save for a child who is known to be mischievous and spirited.

It didn't make sense to treat a kid who couldn't even take care of his own daily needs. Despite this, it became clear that Diam was ignoring Raydon's mental disability on purpose.

What made it even more intriguing was the fact that Diam appeared to be there whenever Raydon needed to be reprimanded or corrected, regardless of whether or not it was Raydon's fault..

For instance, whenever Raydon was lost and wandering aimlessly through the halls of the mansion by himself and tripped and fell, there was always a hand holding him from behind, and she would raise him to his feet and say: "You're not going to blame the floor for tripping you, are you? If you want to avoid falling over so easily, you will need to learn how to put more force into each step. ''

Or, to give a different illustration, whenever Raydon was made fun of by his cousins or even the servants, Diam would mysteriously appear by his side. With a serene yet resolute tone, she would impart her wisdom, saying, "Not everyone is obligated to like you. Just let them enjoy themselves. However, if earning their respect is your goal, it should not be too difficult."

When Raydon considered it, he became aware that occurrences similar to this took place on a daily basis at that time, and he recalled Diam's reprimands in addition to the guidance that she had provided to him each and every time.

When Diam spoke to Raydon, she did so with a smile on her face, even though the tone of her words often gave the impression that she was being critical. It was her smile that gave him the impression that she wasn't simply reprimanding him but rather directing him to make improvements. 

Despite the fact that he is unable to think for himself and it is unknown whether he understood what was being said, she would always point out his shortcomings and offer advice on how he could improve himself, but Raydon never got the impression that she was trying to harm him. Instead, he believed that Diam had his best interests in mind and was genuinely interested in assisting him in becoming a better person.

And the main thing that perplexed Raydon was that. Because no one else paid him this level of attention, he was taken aback by how Diam typically interacted with him. As a result, he developed an interesting respect and affection for her as a result of this behavior.

'I get the impression that she knows me really well and is influencing my thinking. ' As Raydon contemplated this, he couldn't help but wonder if Diam possessed some kind of mind-altering ability.

When Raydon contemplated this, he wasn't thinking about the body he was in at the time; rather, he was thinking about the soul that was at the center of his being. The way she seemed to understand him so well and subtly shape his thoughts gave him the impression that she had a deep insight into his true self. Each and every sentence Diam had spoken to him up until this point was analogous to a sentence to his primary personality.

Diam proceeded to lead the way down the hallway while saying, "We had better find your room before you go for another tantrum."

'This again. ' Raydon pondered the meaning of the word for a moment before beginning to trail behind her..

They had only been walking for a short while when Diam said, pointing to a door. 

''Have some good rest. ' After that, she told him while opening the door, but as soon as she saw inside the room, her brows furrowed.

The room, though quite spacious and seemingly comfortable for an ordinary person, evoked a frown from Diam. It was similar in a manner that was reminiscent of a plush hotel room, complete with a television and a double bed. However, the fact that the room was in a state of disarray was the reason why she was concerned. It appeared as though someone had been living there for a considerable amount of time, but no effort had been made to keep the place tidy or perform maintenance. 

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