God Simulator

Chapter 63: When the Light God Falls

Chapter 63: When the Light God Falls

For a long time, the islanders lived carefree lives.

On this vast island, there was an abundance of food: berry bushes covered the ground, dense coconut trees grew along the beach, and there were many shells and fish and crabs washed up on the shore.

The islanders relied solely on the blessings of the Light God to fill their stomachs.

They worshipped a friendly and gentle deity, the Light God.

Whenever the islanders encountered difficulties they couldn’t handle, the Light God would bestow blessings upon them. He would bring rain during scorching days, use strong winds to disperse huge waves, and use sunlight to drive away continuous downpours.

Under the protection of the deity, the people of the Moon Tribe lived each day with ease and contentment.

The Light God bestowed a seed called "wheat" upon them, and the islanders began to try growing crops. However, they didn’t pay much attention to it because there was no shortage of food on the island.

The appearance of wheat brought a new delicacy to the Moon Tribe, but it also attracted a large group of seabirds. These birds loved wheat even more than the islanders and would often flock to peck at the wheat ears.

Soon, the Moon Tribe was plagued by the birds. Many of these birds had come from afar just for the delicious wheat.

Because of this, the Moon Tribe prayed and pleaded to the deity.

The Light God only blew the wind to disperse the birds, as if comforting them.

At some point, a strange small creature began to grow in the wheat fields. The tribe’s prophet learned from divine revelation that they were called "weed monsters."

Weed monsters were born from weeds and were even thinner than insects. Individually, a weed monster was no different from ordinary weeds, except that it could twist its body and press down the surrounding grass to gain more sunlight and soil nutrients.

But once these weed monsters multiplied, they would tightly cling to each other.

In the quiet of the night, the leaves of the weed monsters entwined with each other. They wove a huge web on the ground, strangling the surrounding plants, occupying large areas of soil and blocking the sunlight from above.

They were also skilled at camouflage.

The weed monsters started to resemble wheat more and more. They secretly hid in the wheat fields, strangling the wheat and replacing it in order to receive the care of the farmers.

The Moon Tribe found it increasingly difficult to distinguish between the weed monsters and the wheat.

The angry islanders tried various methods, such as burning, flooding, and burying, in an attempt to uproot these weed monsters.

They did manage to eliminate large patches of weed monsters. However, these small creatures had already spread throughout the entire island, in the cracks of rocks, on the beaches, in the water, and on the trees... They would not disappear unless the entire island was burned to ashes.

The islanders were helpless against these small monsters.

It was at this time that the Moon Tribe finally discovered that the seeds of the weed monsters had been brought to the island by the birds. These weed monsters had no natural enemies here, so they grew continuously and quickly became dominant.

The Light God gave a revelation to the prophet: go to the sea and find new land.

But as soon as the Moon Tribe set foot in the ocean, they encountered a blockade from the Eastern Sea Clan.

The Moon Tribe could only build rudimentary rafts, which were completely inferior to the Eastern Sea Clan’s canoes in terms of speed and agility. Underwater sea monsters lurked, making the Moon Tribe afraid to enter the water, so they had to retreat to the land.

The islanders who were bullied by both sides once again prayed for the blessings of the deity, hoping to escape the disaster.

Unable to bear the suffering of the islanders, the Light God once again bestowed a miracle.

Using a treasure, he created a special potion.

This potion transformed the island’s rats into "mad travel rats," and they launched a frenzy of attacks on the weed monsters, devouring everything within their reach.

Faced with the hunting of the mad travel rats, the weed monsters were defenseless. This time, they finally suffered a devastating blow and were eaten by the rat swarm, turning into feces and unable to regenerate.

The islanders of the Moon Tribe saw the rat swarm achieving victory after victory, and each of them was greatly encouraged.

However, the good times didn’t last.

While the weed monsters were cleared out, the mad travel rats did not stop their rampage. They began to devour other plants, whether it was wheat, weeds, or coconut trees, the rats ate them all.

The Moon Tribe watched helplessly as the weed monsters were replaced by the mad travel rats, and they still had no solution.

The rat swarm was even more difficult to deal with than the weed monsters. They moved quickly, could burrow and hide, and could even swim and dive.

When their numbers were small, the mad travel rats would avoid humans. But once their numbers increased, they no longer feared humans and swaggered around, even entering the tribe’s houses to steal food.

As the rat swarm continued to grow in number, their appetite became stronger and stronger.

Finally, that day came.

The rat swarm began to hunt the islanders on a large scale.

Faced with a life and death crisis, the Moon Tribe erupted with unprecedented courage and fierceness. They wielded wooden spears and stones, killing one group of rats after another.

Unfortunately, humans can feel fear and exhaustion, and with each death, there was one less person.

But the rat swarm was endless.

Their reproductive ability far surpassed that of humans. They were made crazy and tireless by the potion. Dead rats became food for other rats, becoming the foundation for the next generation’s birth, and they had no qualms about cannibalism.

The humans were gradually forced to the side of the statue of the Light God on the mountain.

The deity became furious.

The Light God brought down lightning and hurricanes, and the flames and strong winds caused by the lightning wiped out the rat swarm that covered the mountains. However, these bodies would not go to waste and became meals for other mad travel rats.

These resilient little creatures relied on their complete madness and rapid reproduction ability to resist the power of the deity.

One day, the deity could no longer bring down lightning.

The Light God was exhausted.Countless mad voyage rats finally swarmed up the mountain, completely submerging the last of the humans and the statue of the god.

The Light God, having lost all his believers, also met his downfall.


After witnessing the history of the decline of the Moon Tribe, Lu Yao’s first feeling was that it was absurd.

The Moon Tribe was absurd.

This player called the Light God was also absurd.

The destruction of the Moon Island demonstrated a god player’s wrong way of operation.

Overprotecting the believers not only consumed a lot of the player’s faith for no reason, but also intensified the believers’ dependence on the god.

The people of the tribal era were mostly not very intelligent, so Lu Yao didn’t find their lazy behavior surprising. The Garlic Tribe had also been laid back before they were hit.

The core issue was that the player, Light God, had a problem with his thinking.

Lu Yao had now figured out a set of operational ideas: god players need to use faith to reasonably use miracles, to push the process of civilization at critical moments, and to maintain a certain distance from believers at ordinary times.

This not only allows the believers to learn to be self-reliant, but also gives the player more operational space.

The starting conditions of Moon Island were very good. If the Light God could create some natural disasters in moderation, applying pressure, then the islanders would naturally feel the crisis of survival.

They would learn to build sturdier houses to shelter from the wind and rain.

They would learn to farm or fish to secure a more stable food source.

They would study shipbuilding, and with seafaring vessels, they would have a way to understand the outside world.

These were all the right directions.

However, the Light God did not have the patience to wait and chose the most wrong path.

He used the "Broken Magic Potion Crucible" to create a magic potion, created mad voyage rats to deal with the barnyard grass monsters, and in the end was bitten back by the mad voyage rats, resulting in the loss of both people and land... Throughout the process, the Moon Tribe was of no use at all, like a giant baby only asking for things from the god.

The god was defeated by the monster he created, which was indeed an ironic thing.

Lu Yao suddenly thought.

If the barnyard grass monsters and mad voyage rats entered the Garlic Tribe, could they be dealt with?

Isabella replied, "Sir, in the area where the Garlic Tribe is located, the farmers have already learned how to deal with weeds."

"Insects often nibble on the grains in the fields, insects are hunted by birds, and rats are food for various animals in the forest... It’s not as closed off as here. The order there is very normal."

Lu Yao thought to himself, that’s true.

The initiative and responsiveness of the Garlic Tribe were not comparable to the people living on Moon Island.

They faced the threat of the Forest Tribe from the start, and had back and forth encounters with the East River Tribe, Salt Pool Tribe, East Sea Clan, and many monsters. They could be said to be walking on thin ice.

The muscles and resilience of humans were all forged through tough battles.

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