God Simulator

Chapter 208: This path was blocked

Chapter 208: This path was blocked

Lu Yao’s inspiration came from the blackwater mink invasion.

The Whistleblower’s strategy was sound, utilizing a species with exceptional reproductive capabilities to deliver a devastating blow to the world’s ecological chain.

However, Lu Yao’s development was too advanced, and the blackwater minks soon became a new economic species after their brief appearance.

This time, Lu Yao chose locusts as his insect of choice, with the target set squarely on the granary regions behind the Fifth Fearless Empire.

He first introduced the locusts into the experimental zone.

Here, a relatively mature and stable food chain had formed, with predators like White Mountain Sparrows and raging flame birds, ground dwellers like Fighting Beetles and mighty grass, two types of butterflies serving as ambassadors for plant pollination, and the world of Songlv Mice in the trees.

With Pinkman overseeing the area, he could adjust the ecological structure at any time.

After a busy period, Lu Yao named a new Transcendent species.

[Green Locust LV1]

Health: 7/7

Mana: 1/1

Damage: 2

Defense: 1

Speed: 7




When gathered together, they exhibit greater combat strength, the more there are, the greater the enhancement.

Next, he opened up the Golden Plains and further modified them.

Lu Yao clicked on the Silvanus Tree, and the creation diagram of the Tree of Creation appeared once again.

He selected the species [Green Locust] and the item [Tyrant Whale Whiskers].

After being fused with the fire seed item, the locusts grew slightly larger, their health and stats slightly increased, and their bodies gained some intricate white patterns.

The abilities they could be endowed with included:

Positive abilities: [Rapid Reproduction], [Burrowing], [Bleeding], and [Camouflage].

Negative abilities: [Gluttony], [Madness], [Seasonal Death].

Lu Yao chose one positive and one negative ability.

[Rapid Reproduction]: Capable of reproducing the next generation at an extremely fast rate.

[Gluttony]: An irresistible desire to feed, capable of consuming a large amount of food at once.

These two abilities were perfectly suited for locusts, and combined with the initial traits of stamina and swarming, they perfectly matched the role of a guerrilla unit behind enemy lines.

Lu Yao named them [Tyrant Locusts].

The Simulator displayed.

[Please select the world where you want to release this species.]

This time, the options included not only the Fragment World Unnamed but also Wuzi Wang’s kingdom.

Lu Yao chose the latter.

Most of Wuzi Wang’s kingdom was sandy and barren, with sparse vegetation on the ground. The Wuzi people did not cultivate or rely on grains. They were a special kind of elemental creature, and their food consisted of underground Wuzi elements and other minerals.

Therefore, releasing locusts here had no impact on them.

Moreover, there were not many edible plants here, so once the Tyrant Locusts completed their initial reproduction, they would inevitably migrate towards the Fearless Empire, which had abundant farmlands.

Lu Yao observed the movements of the Fearless Empire, waiting patiently.

At this moment, he noticed that the empire’s army had begun to make significant moves.

On the ground, legions advanced further into the heartland of Wuzi Wang’s kingdom. Their precise movement was thanks to the surrendered Wuzi people, who now served as guides.

The captured Wuzi warriors faced a different fate; they were bound and marched at the forefront as cannon fodder and human shields.

This hindered the Wuzi people’s defense and counterattacks.

The empire’s forces, on the other hand, were unstoppable.

The leading officers and generals issued proclamations of conquest along the way.

"The duty of the weak is to submit; resisting the empire is a death wish!"

"The Fearless Empire is invincible in battle. You subterranean insects are nothing but lowly commoners, like mules and horses, daring to block the iron hooves of the empire’s advance?"

"The empire has not slaughtered you all, and this is the emperor’s mercy. As long as you believe in God Bo, offer faith and loyalty, you will be redeemed, and you can become glorious citizens of the empire!"

"Primitive and barbaric civilizations must be cleansed and evolved under the glory of the empire."

"Transforming you is our mission and responsibility; accepting transformation is your duty."

"Everything is for the faith and glory of the divine!"


The surrendered Wuzi people also used hand signals and stone tablets to voice their persuasion, with their words carved on the tablets.

"Brothers, whether it’s you or us, we are loyal to this land; it’s just that our choices differ."

"Continuing the war will only lead to more deaths, and it’s all meaningless. First, there were the Wuzi people, then came Wuzi Wang, and only then did Wuzi Wang’s kingdom exist."

"We must admit, the Wuzi are a backward and inferior race. They cannot smelt, cannot farm, cannot write, cannot sing or dance, and their bodies are as heavy as tombstones. This is our ignorance and original sin of shame."

"Only by embracing the empire can we be granted true civilization!"

"Brothers, do not be misled by Wuzi Wang any longer. What the empire has launched is not war, but liberation!"

"The future of the Wuzi people lies with the empire."


Lu Yao watched with a cold eye.

The Fearless Empire indeed had a knack for understanding war.

From physical to psychological assaults, annihilating living forces and creating internal conflicts, these tactics seemed to have been frequently used in the past.


Faced with the enemy’s relentless attacks, Wuzi Wang’s kingdom was somewhat struggling to cope.

The end result was that they could only keep retreating, ceding vast tracts of land.

The Wuzi people, although subterranean, had also built stone mountains on the surface, further expanding and extending space, also reflecting the Wuzi people’s obsession with space.

One by one, the stone mountains were destroyed, forcing them to retreat underground.

Soon, the empire’s legions attacked from all sides, reaching the last bastion of Wuzi Wang’s kingdom on the surface—this was also where Isabella had visited Wuzi Wang.

Calling it a bastion was a bit of a stretch; it was actually a series of conical mountains piled up on the surface.

The Wuzi people called these conical mountains "earth arches," with closable stone caves on the outside that allowed the Wuzi people to move on the surface. The mountains were riddled with passages, where subterranean boats could dock.

This was also the only city of Wuzi Wang’s kingdom, known as [Wuda], the place where the Wuzi people arrived.

From an aerial view, Wuda looked like a continuous range of mountains, except each mountain was neatly arranged, possessing a peculiar beauty of order.

The empire’s army had already surrounded the place, ready to completely destroy the last defense of the Wuzi people.

If this stronghold fell, they would completely lose their hiding places on the surface.

The Wuzi people would flee into the underground caves, scattering like moles.

Once the people’s spirit was broken, it would be difficult to rally them again.

The imperial generals knew well that destroying this city of the Wuzi people would be the straw that broke the back of the struggling Wuzi, causing them to lose all hope and will to resist.

It would be even better if Wuzi Wang made a move.

Even if the soldiers died under the divine might of this deity, it would be a great honor, and their families and children would receive the empire’s preferential treatment and fiefdoms. The emperor was always generous to those who died for the divine, which was the backbone of the empire’s soldiers’ ferocious fighting spirit.

At that time, God Bo would be able to kill this hidden deity and win the war outright.

The first legion arrived outside the city of Wuda.

The mounted general raised his iron sword: "Soldiers! Take down this city of infidels! The amount of fiefdom rewards from the emperor depends on your courage and fighting spirit!"

"Make a name for yourselves in this battle!"

The soldiers erected their shields and spears, following the general into the city, facing the Wuzi people’s stones and explosions.

Since the city of Wuda had no proper walls or defenses, the imperial legions easily crossed the stone barriers.

They used bows and spears to kill Wuzi warriors and ordered the militia to dig open the earth arches, salvaging the valuable war spoils of the striped or shuttle-shaped subterranean boats.

All the Wuzi people kept retreating, gathering under one earth arch.

The general found it strange.

This conical mountain was no different from the surrounding ones, neither tall nor adorned with any special decorations or carvings. The only difference was a crude fence piled up with stones.

Could this lead directly to Wuzi Wang’s divine palace?

The general’s eyes blazed with excitement.

He shouted loudly: "Soldiers, on my command, form up and take down that earth arch!"

The scattered soldiers, upon hearing their commander’s order, immediately lined up again, shields raised and spears forward, advancing.

The archers in the rear kept firing, forcing the Wuzi warriors to hide behind stones, unable to show their faces. They could only throw stones in vain, which could not harm the empire’s shield formation.

Just as the soldiers were about to breach the fence, a group of blue creatures suddenly rushed out from behind the earth arch.

There were hundreds of blue-skinned people, their bodies filled with arrows, but they seemed completely indifferent to pain. They easily broke into the imperial legions, swinging their axes and hammers, quickly destroying the army’s formation.

Transcendent power!

The general was shocked.

Wuzi Wang still had a powerful elite guard hidden away.

The general immediately ordered: "Retreat, retreat!"

He was the first to tactically shift on horseback.

The soldiers behind him also quickly retreated.

But after running for a while, the general realized that the enemy had not pursued. It seemed they had some restriction and could not leave the vicinity of the earth arch?

The general was annoyed; he had underestimated these barbarians. No matter how backward, they were still protected by a deity.

At that moment, a fellow commander arrived with his troops, laughing heartily at the disarray of the general’s forces.

"It seems the honor of taking this broken city is not destined for you."

"Better spend more time training your troops instead of thinking about giving gifts and banquets all day. That’s what a general should really do."

The other commander taunted for a while.

The general’s face turned sour.

Soon after, watching his colleague charge forward with full confidence, only to be slaughtered by the blue-skinned people and flee back in disarray, the general felt much better.

After some time, the third legion also arrived, and despite killing a few blue-skinned people with the combined forces of three legions, they still could not break through the defense.

The blue-skinned people fought fearlessly, conveying an incredibly resolute attitude.

This path was blocked. But the generals were not in a hurry. Once the Sand Lizard legions arrived, they could use giant crossbow machines for long-range bombardment, and the blue-skinned people would not be able to protect the earth arch.

Moreover, facing such a formidable enemy, the emperor, as the chief Apostle, would likely come in person, and then it would not be a problem.

In large-scale warfare, it’s important to remain humble and cautious.

The generals reorganized their soldiers, set up camp, and patiently waited for further orders from the empire.


The Corruptors’ legion entered the fray, immediately stabilizing the front line.

However, a full counterattack still needed an opportunity.

Lu Yao saw it clearly; the dense swarm of Tyrant Locusts had already reached God Bo’s realm, beginning to sweep through the farmlands and forests in a mighty wave.

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He was not in a hurry.

Let the swarm fly a little longer.

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