God Simulator

Chapter 202: Wuhu, take off!

Chapter 202: Wuhu, take off!

Transformed into a hero, Boto now had his own character portrait.

In the large image, a serious-faced young man squatted on the ground, inspecting suspicious footprints left behind. Behind him, soldiers were locked in combat, bodies and gunsmoke littered the ground; ahead of him lay sprawling golden wheat fields, where civilians were toasting in celebration.

Boto stood at the intersection of two worlds.

Beneath the portrait, it read:

—No matter the facts, people always find an explanation.

After being transformed into a hero, Boto gained new abilities.

【Scout LV5】: Skilled at gathering intelligence and investigation, with a certain chance to detect negative events and disasters in advance.


Entered this world at the age of 24.

Became part of the Yao Clan at 30.

Search /2p9emv8w for the original.

From the detailed information on his personal panel, it was clear that Boto had offered up the flame of faith years ago.

Yet Boto insisted, claiming he was still the captain of the empire’s scouts.

Lu Yao understood.

After being transformed into a hero, an exclamation mark lit up above Boto’s head, revealing a frame of his personal thoughts.

Boto knelt on the ground, beginning to repent.

"Great God Yao, I am not worthy to be a hero, please take back your gift."

"I am just a lost sinner..."

Lu Yao saw the status 【Confused】 appear above his head.

It was just dual nationality, something the gods themselves didn’t care about. But to Boto, it was a grave matter, as he was in agony over conflicts of faith and perceived betrayal of loyalty.

To prevent his collapse, Lu Yao sent his Chief Goodwill Ambassador, Isabella, to intervene.

Isabella descended from the heavens, arriving beside Boto.

She whispered softly: "Worry not, hesitate not."

"The divine lord cares not who you are or where you come from, only what you have done."

"The title of hero is a commendation far surpassing your peers, a testament to your years of maintaining order in the city and protecting the citizens."

"It is your due."

"O wanderer, your loyalty has earned trust, your resilience respect, and your contemplation has made you sharp and wise, yet your pain also stems from them."

"These make you who you are, unique in your own right."

"May you carry them forward, whether in Salt City or your distant homeland, there is a place for you. The generous God Yao will always bless you."

Under Isabella’s persuasion, Boto’s confusion quickly dissipated.

He seemed to have found a balance and a path for himself. Boto said, "Lord God Yao, I understand now. Thank you for your wisdom and tolerance."


Having dealt with the renowned detective of Salt City, Lu Yao turned his gaze to the Dwarf Fortress of Sanilo.

Two notifications popped up on the screen.

【Wind-up Monkey No.4 has been repaired...】

【Wind-up Monkey No.6 has been repaired...】

Efficient work.

Lu Yao immediately inquired with Phileas.

The skeletal being reported, "Lord God Yao, their issues were much less severe."

"No.6’s cracked body, after repairs by No.2 and No.5, has been glued back together and is functioning normally."

"No.1 was confused, seizing limbs from other wind-up monkeys. We disassembled the excess parts and repaired No.4, which had lost its arms."

"Additionally, No.1’s confused state was due to it being the central hub for all wind-up monkeys, unable to receive feedback from the others. Once all the wind-up monkeys are assembled, it will return to normal."

Phileas spoke succinctly, but Lu Yao knew that repairing these mythic monkeys was no easy task.

Lu Yao gave high praise.

—Well done, no one could have done it better.

A huge exclamation mark appeared above Phileas’ head, followed by a tearful expression.

"Thank you for your recognition... for this insignificant ability of mine."

Now only No.3 monkey was needed to complete the set.

Lu Yao switched screens, entering the Golden Plains.

On the golden fields, the White God lay on the ground, an expression of fatigue and weakness above its head, with ZZZ symbols emerging.

Lu Yao did not scold this time.

Searching for monkeys here was indeed a grueling task, even for the White God with its 【Treasure Seeker】 trait, it required a lot of effort.

Sensing keenly, the White God’s head lit up with an exclamation mark, and it sprang up, standing erect.

"Supreme God!"

"I dozed off in a daze... please punish me."

—How is the progress.

"I’ve found it, the last monkey has been found!"

The White God looked into the distance: "No.3, come here!"

At the call, a brown monkey with a wind-up key on its head ran out from the golden bushes. It wobbled as it ran, its arms bent as if holding two invisible watermelons, its posture somewhat comical.

"Supreme God, No.3 is the best preserved of the six monkeys. It buried itself in the ground and has been sleeping."

"It was buried too deep, and it took a lot of effort for me to dig it up..."

Lu Yao’s mind, however, was occupied with only one thought.

The task is complete.

The Golden Plains, soon to be in hand!

Lu Yao immediately took out the other five monkeys from his inventory and placed them together with No.3. The White God quickly wound up each monkey.

As the six wind-up monkeys gathered together, No.1 also returned to normal.

They formed a circle, sitting quietly on the ground.

A prompt appeared in the simulator.

【All six wind-up monkeys have been repaired.】

【The flame of faith in the Golden Plains has been ignited by you.】

Lu Yao noticed that behind the 【Golden Plains】 text in the center of the screen, there was a new flame symbol, representing the burning of the flame of faith, which he had seen in the wishes of the 【Wishing Star】.

At the same time, a new 【World】 tab appeared in the upper right corner of the game interface.

Inside was only one item.

【Main God Space·Golden Plains】.

The simulator had completed its recognition.

But Lu Yao was still unclear on how to utilize this main god space.

The Silvanus Tree had not appeared, and it seemed no different from before.

Was it necessary to use the monkeys?

Lu Yao turned his attention back to the six wind-up monkeys.

At that moment, they formed a palm. Five wind-up monkeys each made up a finger, their curled tails stretched and intertwined, with the last wind-up monkey acting as the palm’s core.

In the ability entry for the wind-up monkeys, aside from 【Mythic】 and 【Rule Repairer】, there was another 【Open Plains】.

Lu Yao activated the plains.

The Golden Plains began to tremble slightly, and the Silvanus Tree slowly rose from the ground, manifesting clearly in the main god space. The large hand formed by the six wind-up monkeys deftly burrowed into the dense canopy.

Lu Yao clicked on the tree trunk.

Three item icons emerged.

【Whispering Robe LV5】: A random ancient spell that is alive can be obtained from the robe. Either command it, or be commanded by it.

【Treant Seed】: Plant in a forest to harvest a loyal treant.

【Boulder Totem LV2】

Health: 1000/1000

Damage: 24

Defense: 12

Speed: 10


Choose an area for permanent placement, automatically attacking all non-believers within range.

All three were previously selectable rewards.

This time, Lu Yao collected them all.

It’s worth mentioning that the spell within the 【Whispering Robe】 was called 【Corrosive Crow】, capable of summoning two crows to forage and restore health, with the effect related to mana. Besides, there were no faith bonuses or attribute enhancements, essentially a built-in active skill.

Lu Yao handed it over to Isabella.

Aside from leaving behind a natural set of three, the Forest God had not stockpiled many items. It was unclear whether the main god did not need them, or if they had been exhausted.

At that moment, clusters of the flame of faith lit up on the Silvanus Tree, the fire enveloping the entire tree in a spectacular sight.

Lu Yao clicked furiously, and the clustered flames of faith fell rustling down, turning into faith points in the upper right corner.



Normally, Lu Yao hated the monotony of repetitive tasks, but this time he found it anything but tedious, wishing the work could last as long as possible.

After collecting the last flame of faith, Lu Yao looked at the upper right corner.

His faith points now read 3,747,421.

Meaning, the Forest God had left around 3.5 million points of faith here as a startup resource for rebirth.

Lu Yao stared at the numbers in the upper right corner, grinning foolishly for a while... then gradually calmed down.

In truth, 3.5 million faith was not much for a main god. A population of millions could produce this amount of faith, and titled deities should be able to muster this sum.

But for Lu Yao, an apprentice deity, this substantial main god-level faith reserve was a windfall, propelling him to new heights on the spot.

At the same time, he had acquired the most significant item to date.

【Silvanus Tree LV7】【Controlled by Wind-up Monkeys】: A mythic marvel. Created and nurtured by the god of the plains, Silvanus, capable of extending roots into the web of rules of many worlds, creating connections between worlds, and also the hub and pillar of the main god space 【Golden Plains】.

Health: ∞/∞


Existing across many epochs and thousands of worlds, witnessed the rise and fall of numerous gods, celebrated and mythologized by countless beings.

【World Pillar】

Due to its unique properties, it can support and radiate the rules of many tree-top worlds.

【Anchor Worlds】

Its roots extend into the web of rules of many worlds, linking worlds that overlap with the Golden Plains or tree-top worlds to the Silvanus Tree.

(Anchored: Unnamed Fragmented World)

【Create Connections】

Establish stable passages between tree-top worlds or dock parts of worlds together.

【Rule Repair】

Modify and add or delete parts of the rules of tree-top worlds.

【Tree of Creation】

Burn the flame of faith to merge various existing creatures and fire-kind items, creating special life forms.

【Set Sail】

Use the flame of faith as fuel to propel tree-top worlds through the dimensions.

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