God Simulator

Chapter 176: The World of Songlv God

Chapter 176: The World of Songlv God

The Songlv God favored this otherworldly realm.

In the valley, vast expanses of soil allowed trees to grow freely, insects to find shelter, and birds to flutter around.

The wind whistled through the leaves, carrying a rustling sound, while the sun cast a dappled shade through the treetops.

Everywhere, there was the light and soothing breath of life.

The Songlv God stood quietly among the trees, gazing at the distant mountains.

Songlv Mice scurried up and down the pine trees. They were still young, recently transformed, and unaware that all of this was a divine gift and creation.

But that was okay.

The Songlv God could wait.

For a tree, the journey of life is a long and patient vigil.

In the soil, pinecones broke through the earth, sprouting tender shoots, growing into saplings, then gradually reaching towards the sky, nourished by sunlight and soil.

The Songlv God used the Miracle of Growth to help them through the long period of growth, shortening the fragile sapling phase.

He used the Miracle of Poison to protect the bark and canopy, preventing large-scale damage from insects and enemies.

With the Miracle of Symbiosis, He increased the survival rate of pinecones, ensuring their resilience in most harsh environments.

Several unique monsters inhabited the valley.

Fighting Beetles, fierce and aggressive, feasted on tree sap, unfriendly to the pine trees and Songlv Mice. However, under the deterrence of divine miracles, they too restrained their movements, not daring to approach the pine forest.

Mighty Grass, a peculiar plant with a strong territorial instinct, capable of uprooting itself and moving around, was the most troublesome group in the valley.

But the God wasn’t overly concerned. These grass-type monsters were lazy by nature, preferring to sleep and sunbathe, and would not move unless provoked.

Then, there were the butterflies.

Whether the Green Phoenix or the Stink Phoenix, they were harmless, flitting through the forest and meadows, collecting pollen and seeds. Everyone was indifferent to them.

Most of the time, the entire valley was peaceful.

Recently, however, the Songlv God sensed something watching him.

Many animals in the valley, like monkeys, field mice, and some birds, would occasionally dare to approach the statue. But the God felt it was not them.

Every pine tree was His tentacle and wing.

Yet, the Songlv God couldn’t see the eyes that watched him.

Perhaps it was an overthought.

He continued to silently nurture the pine trees.

As the forest grew denser, the number of Songlv Mice increased. These simple and hardworking creatures, once reaching a population of thousands, underwent a transformation.

The first Songlv Mouse Prophet was born.

The Songlv God was pleased.

The Prophet Mouse possessed the crucial Miracle of Wisdom. It would lead the others and could hear His voice.

Under the Prophet’s guidance, the Songlv Mice were transformed.

They began constructing continuous nests in the sturdy canopies, weaving roads and fences from vines and branches, forming a tiny treetop city.

The mice started venturing beyond the forest.

They gathered various seeds, collected flowers and weeds, decorating the treetop habitats, making them more beautiful and vibrant.

Then, the treetop city welcomed new residents: field mice from the ground.

The field mice, mostly dwelling in underground burrows, exchanged their underground worms, bones, and special stones for the mice’s pine nuts.

The Songlv God silently watched over them.

Given time, the field mice would gradually become believers, and the Songlv family would grow even larger.

One day, the Prophet Mouse came to pray before the statue.

"O mighty Songlv God, we face a challenge. A strange bird attacked the field mice and captured many Songlv Mice. We are helpless against it..."

Through the pine trees, the Songlv God saw the strange bird.

A Blazing Flame Bird?

This species hadn’t been seen in this small world before.

The Blazing Flame Bird, ablaze with fire, hunted the fleeing Songlv Mice in the distance.

The tough-shelled Fighting Beetles and the stationary Mighty Grass left the scurrying Songlv Mice as easy prey.

The Songlv God immediately deployed the Miracle of Poison.

A red mist enveloped the area of the Blazing Flame Bird, and in the next moment, the bird skimming the ground vanished.

The narrowly surviving mice returned, led by the Prophet, to worship the statue.

"Thank you, almighty Songlv God."

"Thank you for saving us all!"

"Such power of the deity! The forest is our refuge!"


The unease in the Songlv God’s heart resurfaced.

His miracles did not cause disappearances.

The Blazing Flame Bird, never before seen, came from the far outside?

What took the bird away, making it disappear so suddenly...

The Songlv God looked towards the distance.

The outermost part of the valley was bordered by steep, undulating mountains, blocking everything, including the distant sea. Only birds capable of long-distance flight could cross this natural barrier.

What was the outside world like?

Perhaps planting pine trees all the way up the mountain would reveal the answer. Thus, the Songlv God began to work harder at deploying miracles, guiding the Prophet and the mice to plant trees and expand towards the mountain region.

Soon, the first hero among the mice was born.

This hero did what others could not, finding a vine in the canopy that bore edible berries. These fruits, named Songlv Berries, were said to taste sweet and sour.

The appearance of the hero marked a period of rapid growth for the Songlv Mice.

The flame of civilization was ignited and spread among them.

They planted berries, strategically planted pinecones, expanded their territory, and weaved safe passages through the canopies with vines. They even made new nests from mud, branches, and dry leaves, complete with leaves for rain shelter.

The mice even learned to domesticate and train sparrows.

These sparrows, not very smart but highly alert, guarded against monkeys and snakes, allowing the mice to set up defenses using the poison from Red Pine Trees.

The first wonder was created.


The Songlv God eagerly anticipated the day he could cross the mountains, where a vast land and wilderness awaited. The true face of the whole world would unfold there.

Then, the entire world could become a treetop kingdom!

With grand ambitions, the Songlv God ordered the Prophet to lead the mice towards the mountains.

But upon reaching the mountain’s base, the mice discovered enormous footprints, resembling terrifying hoof marks as if an invisible behemoth had passed through.

Approaching the mountains filled them with an irresistible fear and shiver, forcing them to retreat.

Even birds and beetles would fall and disappear there.

The Songlv God felt a tinge of melancholy.

The insurmountable Mad Mountains, a fear and warning above all life, seemed like barriers and boundaries constructed by rules, not to be crossed or touched.

This world was too small.

Perhaps only by entering the Pantheon of Gods could one escape these bindings and limitations and achieve true freedom and evolution.

The Songlv God decided to focus on developing pine trees and cultivating believers, working to leave this world.


Lu Yao picked up a piece of apple with a toothpick, watching the valley on the screen.

Overall, the Songlv God’s approach was solid, focusing on developing internal civilization.

"The righteous Lord, I used Intimidation and Trampling to scare away those Songlv Mice, stopping their outward expansion," said the White God nervously. "The Blazing Flame Bird was an accident... It clashed with a believer named Salt Long and fled, landing at the mountain’s base."

"I warned Salt Long against crossing the mountains. Unexpectedly, the injured bird flew over."

"Fortunately, Phileas noticed and captured it swiftly."

"Rest assured, it won’t happen again!" pledged the White God.

Suddenly, a notification popped up in the Simulator.

【Forest Elemental Civilization awakened, Silvanus Tree roused. Please collect the treasures atop the Silvanus Tree.】

Lu Yao thought, well done, Songlv God, brother.

Keep developing and ascend with the pine trees. As long as you don’t mess up, I’ll ensure your safe departure.

Among the gods, it’s not always about opposition; sometimes, mutual benefit is possible.

Lu Yao switched to the Golden Prairie, excitedly anticipating his reward.

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