God Simulator

Chapter 174: 【Stigmata】

Chapter 174: 【Stigmata】

Lu Yao checked the latest "history" of Salt Long and found the reason.


Completed the sixth pilgrimage at the age of 69.

At the age of 76, witnessed the cannibal crab and the fire chicken hunting down the ascetic, and comprehended "Heavy Blow."

Completed the seventh pilgrimage at the age of 77.

At the age of 78, began to challenge transcendent creatures.

At the age of 79, when he was dying, he evolved "Martyr" into "Holy Mark."


Salt Long was updated in cognition and goals because the ascetic was treated as prey by transcendent creatures.

If he couldn’t protect himself, he couldn’t go on a pilgrimage or spread the blessings of the gods.

So, even though he was nearly eighty years old, Salt Long resolutely transformed and began to explore the possibility of becoming a combat ascetic.

Lingyu treated the old man’s wounds, bandaged him up, and wrapped his whole body in burlap, like a skinny mummy.

Ordinary people would not survive such injuries. Salt Long, however, was a rare transcendent human. After being transformed into a hero, his life value was restored to full, and his level also reached LV16.

The only downside was that the scars burned by the flames seemed to be unable to heal.

Lu Yao clicked on Salt Long.

In the illustration, the old man was wrapped in bandages all over his body, wrestling with a huge fighting beetle, firmly holding onto the creature’s two mandibles.

Below was a sentence.

—Human potential is no less than theirs.

In Salt Long’s abilities, "Martyr" was replaced by "Holy Mark," in addition to "Evade" and "Heavy Blow."


"Holy Mark": Martyr is sublimated from pain and death, comprehending how to further spread the blessings of the gods, and has a certain chance of igniting the faith of transcendent creatures.


In extreme pain and near death, "Martyr" may evolve into "Holy Mark."

It’s just that Lu Yao was not sure of the effect of igniting the faith of transcendent creatures.

He locked his perspective on Salt Long’s head.

After gaining a new life, the old man became more robust and moved along the coast of the eastern continent. There were cannibal crabs on the beach, fighting beetles and fire chickens on the land, making it a common area where the three sides were relatively restrained.

Lingyu followed behind him.

"Can you teach me? I also want to be able to confront transcendent life. It would be great if I had your strength."

"Do you have enemies?" Salt Long asked.

"Yeah. There’s a bad guy over by the Elf Lake who goes around stealing other people’s treasure chests. It’s really despicable. I want to teach him a lesson!"


A question mark appeared over Salt Long’s head. "Kid, transcendent power is not to be used like that."

"No. He goes around stealing everyone’s things, but no one can do anything to him. Even though everyone says that the thief can’t be caught. But if no one is willing to try, then nothing will ever change."

Lingyu insisted, "Bad guys who steal things should be caught and locked up." The old man fell silent for a moment.

"Good point. Some things need someone to do them."

"Unfortunately, I can’t teach you. Because I’m still groping in the dark myself."

Facing the young man, the ascetic confessed, "If you want to find a way, go to the Theological Academy in Yao City, study there first, and become a scholar."

"I’ve been an apprentice for three years and still haven’t passed."

She had a big smiley face popping up over her head. "The scholars said I’m not cut out to be a scholar, can’t sit still, and get sleepy as soon as I open a book. They suggested that I continue the family business and become a hunter."


A sweatdrop emoji appeared over Salt Long’s head.

"Do you like honey? My father was a rare beekeeper before he passed away. He would go around collecting honey, and I’ve been making honey wine, but the taste is still a bit off."

"I brought honey wine, honey cakes, and beeswax. Do you want to try them?"

The old man fell completely silent and continued on his way.

Lingyu didn’t find it boring either, as she could talk to herself.

"I heard that ascetics don’t drink alcohol and eat very little. It’s said that you only eat one clove of garlic a day. Is that true?"

"Ah! Your garlic is gone! It must have been burned off in the previous battle. Remember to take the garlic off the string before the next battle. It’s such a shame that the food was wasted. Wasting food is a sin..."


"But it’s okay, I have a lot of garlic in my backpack!"

Lingyu strung together a new string of garlic for the old man, and Salt Long did not refuse, putting it around his neck.

"Also, I don’t have any new cotton and burlap in my backpack. It might take a long time to get more. If it gets wet with alcohol, the wound won’t rot easily."

"By the way, with your transcendent power, won’t the wound not rot?"


"Why do ascetics shave their heads and not wear clothes on the upper body?"

"Is it for convenience, or to train themselves? It’s strange, if you don’t wear a shirt, everyone will think you’re an ascetic, but if you don’t wear pants or a skirt, you’ll probably be considered a pervert."

"The difference between a pervert and an ascetic is just the upper body and pants..."


The emoticons above Salt Long’s head kept changing, sometimes angry, sometimes sweating, sometimes a question mark, and sometimes a sigh.

Lu Yao was just watching on the simulator, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Lingyu chattered along the way, in high spirits.

But soon, Salt Long was relieved.

A new battle began.

The old man faced off against another fighting beetle, starting the duel.Unlike the first time, this time they stopped as soon as they made their point. The two wrestled for a while, seemingly acknowledging each other, and then tacitly backed away.

Salt Long continued to move forward, challenging one Fighting Beetle after another.

The lowest level among them was LV12, and the highest even reached LV17.

After experiencing a life-and-death battle, Salt Long was more about honing himself, somewhat in the spirit of making friends through martial arts.

Once in combat mode, Hunter Rain dared not speak, watching anxiously from the sidelines. Only after it was over did she come out to check and treat the old man’s wounds.

After the confrontation with the eighth Fighting Beetle, a new situation arose.

That LV12 Fighting Beetle actually started following behind Salt Long.

The old man patted the beetle’s carapace: "Since you have ignited the fire of faith and also believe in God Yao, then join me in the arduous cultivation and challenge the limits."

Although the Fighting Beetle couldn’t speak, it kept following Salt Long.

With Salt Long’s permission, it even allowed the tired Hunter Rain to sit on its back, carrying her along the way.

Lu Yao completely understood.

Salt Long, who possessed the 【Stigmata】, was spreading faith through sparring with Transcendent beings, and at the same time, he was constantly challenging the human limits.

This founder of the ascetic society was carving out a Transcendent path for pixel people.


Lu Yao elevated his perspective.

Coincidentally, more pixel people were rushing from all over to the Eastern Continent.

Unlike Salt Long’s hardcore cultivation, most people took a more circuitous approach.

They brought fruits and vegetables, including potatoes, soybeans, berries, grapes, etc., which they fed to the Fighting Beetles.

In return, the Fighting Beetle clan allowed humans to move about in their territory. Moreover, because of the protection of the Fighting Beetles, the pixel people no longer feared the Fire Turkeys.

Of course, the pixel people’s goal was not just to foster good relations.

Their target was the juvenile Fighting Beetles.

Many wanted to follow the previous experience of raising wild rabbits, musk ladybugs, and splitting earthworms, to further introduce this powerful species, raising them from a young age to serve humanity.

However, the whole process was not going smoothly.

The Fighting Beetles’ nurturing of their young was as laissez-faire as other Transcendent creatures. As soon as the larvae hatched from the pupae, they were left to their own devices, survival of the fittest.

At this point, humans could use food to lure and take away the larvae.

But because the Fighting Beetles were naturally combative and aggressive, not a docile species, and they had a large appetite, the larvae brought back to Salt City and Yao City were difficult to truly domesticate, and carelessness could even lead to injuries to people and livestock.

Therefore, soon both Yao City and Salt City prohibited the private breeding of Fighting Beetles.

Lu Yao thought it was normal.

The pixel people were still in the early stages of contact with the Transcendent, far from mature domestication; one must eat one bite at a time.

Even he, as a deity, was still slowly conducting pilot programs, gradually introducing new species.

It was not only to increase the biodiversity of this fragmented world but also to prepare for the initiation of a civilization of forest elemental creatures.

Just then, Phileas suddenly reported a piece of intelligence.

"Lord God, an unidentified statue has appeared in the Valley of Creation."

Lu Yao shifted his perspective.

A new player, who had not appeared for a long time, had just arrived in the experimental field.

His luck was indeed good.

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