God Simulator

Chapter 168: How did I, a coppersmith, become the mayor?

Chapter 168: How did I, a coppersmith, become the mayor?

Tonghai has been busy with the affairs of Salt City, far beyond his expectations. Even though most of the proposals from the Citizens’ Council are rejected, there are still a large number of remaining suggestions.

Sitting in the mayor’s office in the council hall, Tonghai looked at the scrolls on the table and felt dizzy.

How did I, a coppersmith, become the mayor?

People are unpredictable.


Not long ago, Tonghai returned to Salt City to visit the elderly Shangli.

The old mayor, leaning on a cane and gazing at him with his remaining eye, said, "I have proposed to the council that you become the mayor. The council has approved it."

Tonghai listened, looking bewildered.


The word seemed as mismatched with himself as using a hammer to polish pottery.

Tonghai didn’t understand.

Apart from his long-abandoned coppersmith skills, the only place he might be suitable for was the city guard.

"Don’t worry, listen to me," the old man explained slowly. "In this world, different people have different talents."

"Some people are talented and full of ideas, like the late Mayor Yulian; some are resilient and clever, like the prophet of Yao City; some can ignite the passion and enthusiasm of everyone, like the prophet Dorennunu."

"And you, my friend, have a unique ability."

"You symbolize fairness."

Shangli smiled, his wrinkles deepening.

"Not everyone can lead the Northern Temple Army to achieve this great counterattack and recovery."

"Tonghai, they admire you, trust you, and are willing to follow you."

"Not because you are tall and strong."

"But because you always lead by example, charging into the enemy first when you shout ’charge.’ You face the power of the gods calmly, treat everyone equally, liberate every slave, and treat every soldier as a brother."

"The fairness and charm you possess give everyone confidence in you, and they firmly believe that following you is the right choice."

"The Citizens’ Council exists so that many people can participate in city decision-making and leadership needs to bring out the abilities of more people and gain the support and trust of all citizens. You are the most suitable and will be the best mayor."

Tonghai said, "But I don’t know anything."

"No one knows everything."

The old man shook his head. "You have been wandering for a long time and have seen more than in the past. Now I ask you, have you eliminated all the slave traders?"

Tonghai fell silent for a moment. "They went into hiding... I only took out twenty-seven. After that, I couldn’t find any trace of them."

"Do you understand now, my friend?"

Shangli said softly, "Those despicable and crazy, arrogant and malicious things will hide quietly. We cannot judge when and from whom they will appear."

"So what we need to do is to light a fire, let the light cover most of the world, and prevent the dark from taking hold."

"It’s a pity about Shangji."

A hint of regret flashed in the old man’s one eye. "If I had been more patient with him, given more guidance and affirmation, perhaps he wouldn’t have become radical step by step, ultimately causing a disaster. Instead, he might have become a talent that made Salt City even more brilliant."

Tonghai didn’t think so.

A bastard is a bastard!

He had always wanted to hit Shangji on the head, but that bastard had escaped quickly and couldn’t be found when the city was breached.

"So, stay."

Shangli’s withered hand grasped Tonghai’s strong arm and said, "Salt City needs you, and the people need you."

"If you want to completely eliminate slavery, then turn this city into a true beacon! Let the fire of fairness shine on the whole world, and let the system of slavery become thoroughly despised and scorned. This will be a whole new battle!"

Tonghai agreed.

But the main reason was not what Shangli had said.

It was because Shangli was too old, his energy was declining, and he was visibly exhausted and fatigued.

Tonghai didn’t want the old man to toil until death.


Tonghai’s mayoral career was full of ups and downs.

He missed the days of solo adventures, even though they were always dangerous and accompanied by exposure to the elements. But it was a simple and pure life, just like when he was a coppersmith.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Mr. Mayor, archaeologist Fabiani is here to see you. Do you have time?" asked the scholar’s secretary outside.

"Let him in."

Fabiani entered the mayor’s office, and he told Tonghai about Pawa’s situation and conveyed Pawa’s greetings.

"Is the museum ready?" the archaeologist asked.

Tonghai nodded. "It will be open to the public this month, and you will be the one to give the first explanation. How is the situation with the earthworm ranch in Dragon’s Nest?"

"There are still a lot of them. The earthworms are being loaded onto ships in crates, mainly to be sent to Sanilo," Fabiani said, taking off his hat and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Tonghai tugged at his beard, feeling a little frustrated. "Salt City is best at trade, but we have no way to deal with the earthworms. The production can’t keep up, and the growth rate is too slow."

Fabiani smiled. "Mr. Mayor, in this world, only Dragon’s Nest can do this. Salt City’s earthworm farming technology is already far superior to that of Yao City."

"And so far, only Salt City has successfully bred musk beetles, which is very impressive."

Tonghai felt a little comforted.

For Salt City, losing to anyone was not an option.

Tonghai had inherited this dual-city complex from Shangli.

"This is the will of the gods," Tonghai smiled slightly. "In the new era, we will lead the future of the Yao Clan."

Fabiani agreed on the surface.

In his heart, he thought that Yao City probably felt the same way.

It’s still unclear which side the gods favor.

At the moment, it seems that the gods prefer Dragon’s Nest.


After a day of rest, Lu Yao entered the simulator again.

As soon as he entered the game screen, a series of notifications popped up in the interface.

"The division of earthworms has caused a frenzy among the transcendent beings."The rampant reproduction of the splitting earthworms caused a slight increase in the number of Transcendent creatures.

Fabiani invented a new profession: Archaeologist.

Lu Yao was a bit puzzled.

How did the splitting earthworms cause such a big change?

He switched perspectives, overlooking from above Yao City, Salt City, and Sanilo.

All three cities had seen the appearance of splitting earthworms, but now these earthworms had become a kind of livestock, used for herding and trading.

The buyers were mostly Transcendent creatures, which were very fond of these earthworms.

Lu Yao observed carefully.

To Transcendent creatures, splitting earthworms were like meat, eggs, and milk to pixelated little people. The earthworms were gentle by nature, not very aggressive, and they produced a high amount of meat with a short growth cycle, becoming the first example of commercially used livestock born on the Transcendent side.

Especially in the ghost city of Sanilo’s port, which had the most splitting earthworms and served as a transportation hub.

All three cities were trying to raise earthworms. Unfortunately, although the splitting earthworms could self-replicate, the yield in the cities was not high.

Lu Yao was suspicious.

Looking at the ports of the three cities, there were a large number of earthworms. So where did these earthworms come from?

He tracked the merchant ships and finally found the source.

The northern new continent, Dragon Nest.

The outside of Dragon Nest was now bustling, filled with carriages and unicycles. Ice giants packed robust and plump splitting earthworms into boxes, then handed them over to various people, who took them away on behalf of the buyers.

Lu Yao felt dizzy.

The terrifying Dragon Nest of the adventure dungeon, turned into a large agricultural market?

The Dark Sun Dragon Pasha wouldn’t have so many ideas; it must be the work of the yetis!

Lu Yao found the yeti.

Jimmy was in the Dragon Nest, arranging treasure chests in display cabinets.

Lu Yao typed above its head.


"Divine Lord!"

The yeti was thrilled to be summoned by Lu Yao: "Jimmy has always followed your instructions, taking good care of Pasha. It’s very obedient, eating and sleeping diligently..."

"This is a treasure that the yeti and Pasha present to you, exchanged from the Cannibal Crabs with earthworms!"

It presented an item with both hands.

Lu Yao clicked to check.


【Whale Tailbone LV2】: Faith +1/hour, can slightly increase speed in water.


Specialization is key.

That’s what they call loving what you do.

Lu Yao’s brewing scolding and accountability were instantly forgotten, and he typed above its head.

—Keep up the good work, well done.

A big smiley face symbol appeared above the yeti’s head: "Serving the Divine Lord is Jimmy’s honor! Jimmy will definitely collect all the precious treasures in the world for you!"

Thanks to: The Crying Lunatic for the support of 1000 Qidian coins, Seven? Beads for the support of 100 Qidian coins.

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