God Simulator

Chapter 166: Gods and Ancestors New Year Illustrations

Chapter 166: Gods and Ancestors New Year Illustrations

Two days later, it’s New Year’s.

Lu Yao returned to his long-lost hometown.

It’s still the slow and quiet small county, just cleaner, with more elderly people on the streets.

On WeChat, the high school group chatted. Everyone was scattered all over the place, envying the old classmates who could go home for the New Year. So, the few people who returned to their hometown started taking photos and sharing them with everyone to celebrate the New Year.

Lu Yao lurked and watched.

Everyone talked about their lives and their interests.

Some were addicted to running and marathons, some were obsessed with fishing, some were making videos, some were studying cooking, and some just liked drinking tea, taking walks, and watching trains.

Outsiders might think it’s meaningless, but these things are important to them.

Lu Yao’s interest is the Deity Simulator.

He couldn’t help but seriously consider the significance of the simulator to himself.

The identity of a deity player seemed to make him different.

But in reality, there wasn’t much difference.

This was just the qualification given by the simulator, not the truly omnipotent deity. It was more like an admission ticket, a special profession, able to explore certain secrets of this world.

After getting the simulator, Lu Yao spent all his spare time on it, afraid that if he wasn’t careful, the little people would die for various reasons at the speed of light.

Fortunately, just watching the pixelated little people go from nothing to something, building tribes and cities, and working hard to develop, Lu Yao could feel joy and comfort.

Seeing the simulator as a special real game, maintaining a calm mind, he could enjoy the wonderful fun it brought.

But once he followed the rhythm and process of the simulator, disregarding everything to chase the limits of a deity player, to ascend to become a god, to pursue titles and even the main god... then he would be tied up by an invisible rein, only able to charge forward continuously, desperately pushing upward, like a warhorse being whipped.

It was just another round of the ranking mode, thousands of troops crossing a single-log bridge, and it was all back and forth.

Lu Yao had been playing the life ranking for more than 20 years, and in the simulator, he just wanted to be an amateur deity.

On ordinary days, he would watch the little people in the pixel world, farming and building, fight monsters when there was nothing to do, and make friends with other deity players who entered... witnessing the change of eras, he remained unmoved, enjoying the leisurely life of a deity.

When the conditions were ripe, he would find a way to take the pixelated little people to other worlds for a stroll.

Lu Yao calculated. Unknowingly, he already had 26 faith items, and could earn 1776 faith points every day, which was quite a substantial fixed income.

Not to mention, it was displayed in the upper right corner.

Faith: 104,419.

His faith reserve had broken through 100,000 for the first time, and his firepower was unprecedentedly sufficient. With an Apostle guarding the temple, he wasn’t afraid of being robbed.

In the pixel world, he also had a slight advantage.

So, it was time to start trying to transform this world!

Lu Yao tentatively set a big and a small goal.

The long-term goal was to take over the Golden Wilderness and break through the Abyss.

The short-term goal was to use the Eastern Continent as an experimental field, trying to change the terrain and introduce species, to see if he could create a new environment and ecology.

Lu Yao opened the old computer at home and inserted a USB flash drive.

The simulator could indeed be used.

With a melodious music, the pixel world unfolded on the computer screen once again.

Lu Yao took out a prepared metal box.

Inside were earthworms he got from his fishing enthusiast father, which was also his next gift.

He placed the first earthworm on the mouse, and the wriggling soft-bodied worm quickly disappeared without a trace.

Lu Yao looked at the screen.

【Unidentified earthworm descending...】

Under the brown earthworm icon, the progress bar gradually filled up.

Lu Yao clicked and dropped the earthworm on a small island on the west side of the Western Continent before releasing the mouse.

A new prompt popped up on the screen.

【Unidentified earthworm has entered this world.】


【Unidentified earthworm LV1】

HP: 51/51

MP: 1/1

Damage: 1

Defense: 2

Speed: 3


Able to move flexibly underground, speed is not affected.


Lu Yao looked down from an overhead view.

A brown earthworm appeared on the island, slowly moving on the ground.

Before the earthworm had taken a few steps, a group of Cannibal Crabs suddenly rushed out and surrounded it, and the earthworm died. The Cannibal Crabs had smiling faces on their heads, carrying their prey and running towards the sea.

【Unidentified earthworm failed to integrate into the world.】

Lu Yao picked up the second earthworm with tweezers and released it again.

He almost used up a small box of earthworms, but finally found a species that could adapt to the pixel world.

【Unidentified earthworm successfully integrated into the world.】

You may name it ___.

Lu Yao still used the characteristics to name it.


【Splitting Earthworm LV1】

HP: 35/35

MP: 1/1

Damage: 1

Defense: 1

Speed: 3


Able to move flexibly underground, speed is not affected.


When in danger, it can split itself into two segments to escape, and each segment will gradually become a complete individual.


Just as Lu Yao was about to see the changes this new species would bring to the surroundings, he heard his mother calling him for dinner.

He put down the mouse and stretched his fingers.

Even deities need to celebrate the New Year, so he would rest for tonight.


In the confinement room.

Jia Xiaokai ran his hand through his hair. "I only know this much about the 【Whistleblower】, and the ability of this title is the 【Whistle】. The whistle made by the Whistleblower will continue to grow, and the more followers they control, the stronger the whistle’s ability. The requirement for use is 【Gods】.""In this regard, they are no match for the ’Skinners’. They possess a special ability to recast idols, allowing them to split the idols, and it seems they can even do it several times. But the cost is that each idol’s faith harvest is halved or only a fraction?"

He rubbed his hands together: "Today is New Year’s, I want to make a phone call, which is reasonable according to the relevant laws and regulations."

"After I turned myself in, I have been actively reforming for the past two years..."

Song Shiyi cut him off: "You turned yourself in because you were cursed by the ’Whistleblower’, unable to use faith artifacts, seeking protection from the Committee ’Southern Dipper’."

Jia Xiaokai didn’t care: "Prosecutor Song, don’t be so unapproachable."

"Who are you calling?"

"My cousin, Huang Liaoxin."

Song Shiyi took out a brand-new phone and placed it on the table: "Please use speakerphone throughout, the Committee will also synchronize the recording of relevant data."

"It doesn’t matter, record whatever. It’s just an ordinary call."

Jia Xiaokai picked up the phone, dialed a number, and after a few beeps, the call connected.

"It’s me."

"...Ran into some trouble, laying low outside, I’ll return after it’s over."

Jia Xiaokai said nonchalantly: "Just thought of calling you for the New Year."

"If you have time, help me visit a grave, if not, never mind." He hung up the phone and said thanks.

"Prosecutor Song, are you going home for the New Year?"

Song Shiyi just picked up the phone and left the place.


In the empty apartment, a large plate of stir-fried pork intestines lay on the coffee table.

Song Shiyi slowly ate with a bowl of rice.

Little Ming stood at the edge of the plate, using his beak to pick out all the Sichuan peppercorns and chili pieces, piling them into a small bowl on the side.

On the 70-inch TV screen, the host announced the New Year countdown, everyone on the screen was beaming with joy.

The phone on the coffee table suddenly vibrated.

Her parents were making a video call.

Song Shiyi wiped her mouth clean, tidied her hair, and then answered the call.

"Still busy?"

"A bit."

"Take care of your health, work is busy, but you still need to eat well and sleep on time... Can you come home next year?"

"I’ll try to make it."

"Then... Happy New Year!"

"You too, love you."

Song Shiyi also smiled at the phone camera and skillfully made a heart gesture.

She closed the phone.

She looked at her companion on the table.

"New Year’s, Happy New Year, Little Ming."

The little sparrow fluttered its wings: "Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

Song Shiyi looked out the window. Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window, most of the buildings were brightly lit, and even farther away, fireworks were lighting up.

It was only at times like these that Song Shiyi wished she had a better memory.

She habitually opened her phone to check recent work records and memos.

When she saw the name Mary, there was a small, simple hand-drawn sketch next to the memo, depicting a girl with tightly covered sunglasses.

Song Shiyi clicked on the note beside it, and her own voice came out.

"I always feel that Miss Mary has a lot in common with me."

"If there’s a chance, I’ll invite her to volunteer again, so I can chat with her."

Who is Mary?

Song Shiyi began to search for this entry, looking for intersections between herself and the other person from the text and audio.

Little Ming on the coffee table waved its wings and chirped.

"Master, master, it’s time to hunt the gods."

Song Shiyi didn’t look up from her phone: "The alarm hasn’t gone off, it’s not time yet."

"Let’s go earlier, maybe you can catch something rare and powerful."

Song Shiyi yawned and covered her mouth: "Little Ming, what kind of person is Miss Mary?"

Little Ming immediately became alert: "She might be a bad woman, master, you better stay away from her."

"Why do you have such a big opinion of her?"


"Then I need to interact with her properly. Identifying bad people and bringing them to justice is one of the duties of a prosecutor."

"No, master! Trust me!"

Song Shiyi stretched and looked at her phone: "Twelve minutes left, let’s buy a piece of clothing! You should wear new clothes for the New Year!"

Her fingers slid across the screen, humming softly: "Wear my, wear my new clothes~"

Thanks to: Fuyouyi for supporting with 10,000 Qidian coins, Aicrymadman for supporting with 1,500 Qidian coins, Aicrymadman for supporting with 500 Qidian coins.

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