God Simulator

Chapter 163: Everyone has a bright future

Chapter 163: Everyone has a bright future

Pawa sat at the table by the window, holding a charcoal pen and writing on the paper.

"Dear Jodi, I have finished decorating the house in Sanilo. It’s just as you requested, with two floors, great views all around, and plenty of sunlight. All the furniture is made of wood..."

"I still have plenty of travel funds, and I make sure to eat well and get plenty of rest every day. Please don’t have the elves bring me any more gems and pearls. It might cause resentment and jealousy among others if there are too many..."

"The city environment in Sanilo is completely different from before. There are many incredible creatures living here, and Mayor Chapman manages everything very well."

"The transcendent beings who come here are quite intelligent, and they often share remarkable insights. I once had a debate with a Cannibal Crab scholar, and it said that crabs eaten by humans far outnumber humans eaten by crabs."

"Why can humans eat crabs, but crabs can’t eat humans?"

"The scholar believed that the crab species developed the Cannibal Crabs as a way to gradually escape the fate of being hunted and eaten by humans. It’s a form of resistance that forces humans to take them seriously. The Cannibal Crabs in Sanilo don’t eat humans, and some of them are even vegetarians. Their favorite foods are honey and potatoes. Quite interesting, isn’t it?"

"Of course, it’s also because Mr. Phileas, the King of the White Bones, is here, so no one dares to cause trouble."

Pawa smoothed out the letter.

At that moment, a giant eye appeared outside the window, peering in curiously.

Pawa opened the window and tossed a bunch of grapes to the creature. "Big guy, wait a moment, I’ll be finished soon."

The sandworm outside the window opened its mouth wide and ate the grapes, making a sound of thanks. Then it wriggled its massive, snake-like body and continued to sit outside the house.

Pawa sat back down and continued to write quickly.

"Dear Jodi, I look forward to being together with you in this beautiful and wonderful city. Love you, Pawa. Kisses a thousand times."

After finishing the letter, he put it in an envelope and walked to the dining table.

A small elf was already dozing off in a chair next to the table. It folded its body like a baby, resting its head on its feet.


Pawa gently fanned the elf with the envelope.

The elf startled awake and flew into the air. It had a human-like face, but with a slender body and transparent wings.

Pawa handed the envelope to the elf. "Please deliver this letter to the Tree Nymph Jodi, near the Elf Lake in the Southern New Continent."

"Jodi will pay you for your trouble. Thank you for your hard work." The elf glanced at the address on the envelope, nodded, and flew out the window with the letter in its arms.

Pawa put on a leather coat and a wide-brimmed hat, then opened the door.

He jumped onto the back of the sandworm and set off down the street.

The city streets were bustling.

The Cannibal Crabs walked along the streets, chatting with each other and carrying wooden barrels filled with sweet-smelling honey. They had just bought these delicacies and were eager to get home, moving their claws quickly.

The Frost Giants were by the canal, unloading blocks of ice from the sailboats and storing them in wooden crates.

This was an important commodity in Sanilo. With the Frost Giants around, the ice wouldn’t melt easily, and only here could complete blocks of ice be transported safely.

The Fish People emerged from the water, bringing fish, shrimp, and shellfish to the shore. The Fish People on the shore put these sea products in wooden tubs, covered them with crushed ice, and carried them off to sell.

Pawa looked in another direction.

The Dwarves’ exclusive shop was bustling with merchants. They were all looking for the best weapons and equipment to buy and resell in Yao City and Salt City.

The Cave Dwellers had become the city’s architects. They carried bags and toolboxes, drawing and writing on stones with charcoal, and working around the houses to make them more sturdy and beautiful.


Pawa arrived at his destination.

The temple of Sanilo.

Unlike Yao City and Salt City, the temple was built by the Fish People, originally made entirely of clay and wood. After many renovations and adjustments, it had been completely transformed.

The temple was adorned with many gems and pearls, emitting colorful light. Due to the presence of fluorite powder in the clay, it even emitted a faint light at night.

A group of Fish People stood guard around the temple.

There, Pawa saw a man in a black robe, wearing three sacred flowers on his chest.

Pawa jumped off the rough back of the sandworm and walked over quickly, greeting him in the islander dialect. "Long time no see."

The man smiled back at him. "Long time no see, Pawa."

"You’re now a famous bard. ’Pawa’s Amazing Adventures’ is loved in Yao City and Salt City, and many young scholars at the Academy of Theology are reading it."

"I’m just recording the stories that everyone has experienced."

Pawa smiled and said, "Quiberol, you must be the youngest Three-Flower Scholar now, right?"

The two had first met outside the temple in Yao City.

At that time, Pawa had just regained his freedom, and Quiberol had just graduated from the Academy of Theology.

Many years had passed, and the two had taken different paths in life.

"How long will you be staying this time?" Pawa asked.

"I’ll be returning to Yao City tomorrow."

Quiberol said, "I’ve come on behalf of the Prophet Spoon to discuss some intercity cooperation with Mayor Chapman."

"And also... I’m formally inviting you to join the Academy of Theology. If you’re willing, you can become a recognized Three-Flower Scholar of the Academy."

Pawa politely declined.

Quiberol seemed to have expected this and didn’t continue to persuade him.

"By the way, I heard there’s a secret society in Yao City called the ’Flame Society.’ Do you know the details?"Pawa asked curiously, "It is said that this is a group of scholars who want to directly study Transcendent powers, even performing some special mystical rituals and concocting drugs."

"I’ve heard of it."

Chubiro nodded, "But this society is more like a rumor, with no concrete information. It’s not even certain whether this organization exists."

"What about the Dragon’s Nest? Can we trust what the dwarves say?"

Pawa shrugged, "I haven’t visited this Dragon King yet. Wouldn’t it be better to ask the scholars from your Theological Institute? They’ve been there."

"Those guys never actually met the dragon, they just saw a cursed yeti..." Chubiro said helplessly, "The High Furnace Eccentrics’ adventuring party often vanishes without a trace, making it difficult to confirm any news."

"Adventurers are always on the road."

"Then, until next time."

"Until next time."

The two said their goodbyes.

Pawa once again mounted the sandworm, rushing towards the docks.

On a certain galley, old friends of the "High Furnace Eccentrics" were waiting for him; they were about to visit the Dragon’s Nest again. However, this time it was to be done in secret, without alerting anyone.

And in "Pawa’s Marvelous Adventure: The Dragon’s Nest Chapter," this extraordinary journey would be fully recorded.

May God Yao bless us!

Pawa silently prayed in his heart.

Hoping that this time, too, everything would go smoothly, and everyone would return in one piece.


Watching Pawa’s retreating figure, Chubiro pondered deeply.

He pulled up his hood and walked into the streets of Sanilo City, quickly disappearing among the sandworms and behemoths.

In a dimly lit room, Chubiro took off his scholar’s coat, revealing the coarse linen underneath.

Four men and women were already present.

"Now that everyone’s here, let’s begin."

Chubiro said, "Recently, it’s best to minimize activities; the Flame Society has already attracted outside attention."

Everyone frowned.

"Does that mean we have to stop experimenting with the magic drugs?"

"Of course not."

Chubiro said decisively, "Lord Spoon has emphasized time and again that the production of magic drugs must not stop. This will be humanity’s first time touching Transcendent powers with knowledge."

"The ’Anesthesia’ it brings may well usher in a new era."

All four were moved, "Lord Spoon has spent thirty years combining pharmacology and theology, all for this first magic drug."

Someone worried, "But doing this... could it be blasphemous to the gods?"

"If the gods wish to punish, then let them. I believe the gods will be proud of us, their children!"

Chubiro said firmly, "Creating magic drugs from the extracts of Transcendent creatures is to help more patients, to treat their wounds, to cut away the rot... Someone has to do it."

"The purpose of the Flame Society is to bring fire to those in the dark; that is our ultimate goal. The gods cannot attend to everything personally; we must learn to ignite the fire ourselves. This is also the test and revelation given to us by God Yao..."

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us begin!"


In front of the screen, Lu Yao, with an overlooking perspective, witnessed all this and felt somewhat reassured.

Spoon has not forgotten her original aspiration, always remembering to combine pharmacology and theology to heal people. She has carved out the path of magic drugs, truly living up to her name as a genius.

The scholars led by the Temple Association are cautiously exploring the naturally existing Transcendent realm, which is a different direction and system from the ascetics who observe divine miracles to gain enlightenment.

The former is the collective wisdom and knowledge of a group, while the latter is the individual’s asceticism and challenge to the limit.

Everyone has a bright future.

That is Lu Yao’s assessment of them.

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