God Simulator

Chapter 160: God Yao shines upon us

Chapter 160: God Yao shines upon us

Lu Yao scolded the snowman and then struck it with a bolt of lightning.

"People are rushing into the dragon’s lair to kill the dragon, and you’re still here opening treasure chests!"

The snowman knelt on the ground, nodding and bowing, and a light bulb symbol suddenly appeared above its head.

"Lord God! Jimmy made a mistake!"

"Raising the dragon is the most important thing."

"As long as Pasha grows up and becomes an adult evil dragon, it will attract many adventurers and powerful monsters!"

"Facing the evil dragon, they will definitely have treasures on them, and then we can easily get them!"

"The wisdom of the Lord God!"

"The Lord God sees through everything!"

"It’s Jimmy who’s too stupid!"

The snowman danced with excitement.

Lu Yao: "......"

You’re really talented.

But if it weren’t for absolute purity and madness, the snowman wouldn’t dare to tamper with the fire of faith in the main god.

Lu Yao thought to himself.

Someday, when Pasha grows up and becomes an adult dragon of the dark sun, lurking in the dragon’s lair, there will always be brave humans. Most likely, there will be a classic battle of the brave against the evil dragon.

Just the existence of the dragon will have an impact on all the pixelated people, stimulating them to become stronger and seek ways to fight against the transcendent...

It should be like this, right?

Lu Yao couldn’t say for sure.

He decided to take a look outside the dragon’s lair first.

After the snowman returned to the dragon’s lair, Pasha was still asleep.

Jimmy was bored and started building snowmen in the dragon’s lair - although it was a bit strange to build snowmen with snow, that’s exactly what he did.

In no time, the snowman used snow to create a white Pasha, constantly compacting and shaping it until it became a proportionate ice sculpture of Pasha.

The ice Pasha spread its wings, looking majestic.

Then the snowman began to work hard to improve the crude dragon’s lair.

It was called a dragon’s lair, but it was actually a basin between a group of snow-capped mountains, with higher terrain. The dark sun sank into the snow in the basin, making the entire dragon’s lair emit black smoke, making it look like a small volcano.

Jimmy first built the outer walls with snow, then laid a road from the dragon’s lair to the foot of the mountain, compacting blocks of ice bricks, and then made a huge ice archway out of snow. Then he moved Pasha’s ice sculpture to the foot of the mountain and placed it at the entrance.

At this point, Jimmy found the stone tablet left by the dwarves.

He picked up the stone tablet and placed it next to the ice sculpture of Pasha.

After the snowman finished all this, he returned to the dragon’s lair.

Pasha gradually woke up at this time, its body had grown a circle, resembling a small cow, and it had recovered its spirit, flying around the snowman.

Lu Yao clicked the mouse and found that Pasha had reached level 24.

The dragon of the dark sun evolved by absorbing the power of the dark stars, and had innate development skills, ignoring the world version. As long as it passed through one era after another, Pasha would continue to grow until it stood at the top of the transcendent creatures.

After a while, the newly decorated dragon’s lair welcomed its first visitors.

The visitors were four little people, each carrying a bundle, wearing rabbit ear hats, and thick cotton clothes, all very young.

"This should be the dragon’s lair, right?"

"There’s a stone tablet."

The little people approached the stone tablet to take a look.

"Below is the dwarf script of the Fire Furnace Clan, I’ve studied a little."

"Fire Furnace Clan... Oh, it turns out to be that dwarf adventure group, as written in ’Pawa’s Wonderful Adventure’."

"You actually read that kind of book in the theological college!"

"...I just read it in my spare time."

"I read it too."

"So did I..."

All four little people smiled.

"Mr. Pawa’s stories are really interesting, and he also came out of the theological college... But is it not good to come to the dragon’s lair after the pilgrimage?"

"We are scholars, we must spread the faith and gospel of the gods, and continue to learn about this world."

"In other words, we are also spreading the gospel of the dragon!"

"Enough. Let’s hurry up, or the dragon will really come out later..."

The little people all showed fearful expressions on their faces.

Then they all got to work.

One little person took out an easel and began to draw a map of the dragon’s lair.

Another little person tinkered and made a directional wooden sign, carved something on it, and inserted it next to the dwarf stone tablet. Then he also joined in the map drawing process, but from a different angle.

The third little person plucked up the courage to walk on the ice bricks and look into the dragon’s lair, as if taking a stroll.

The last little person knelt down and prayed, "Kind and wise God Yao, we are passing through the dragon’s lair on a pilgrimage, hoping to receive your protection and return safely to Yao City Theological College..."

Lu Yao thought to himself, it turned out that these were four scholars from the theological college.

Just as the four scholars were nervously working, the snowman Jimmy ran out.

The little people were startled, about to pack up and escape, but when they saw that it was a snowman, they all relaxed. A snowman that can run is still just a snowman.

Excitedly, Jimmy said to the first group of official visitors, "The Dragon King Pasha is sleeping inside. Are you going to challenge it? If you win, there might be treasures! You’d better bring more people!"

The four little people said, "We are scholars and don’t know how to fight."

The snowman was very disappointed and left dejectedly.

The four little people looked at each other.

"Dragon King Pasha, it seems that’s the name of the owner of the dragon’s lair. But what’s the deal with that snowman?""It must have been cursed by the Dragon King... or harmed by it, hoping someone would avenge it. Didn’t ’Pawa’s Marvelous Adventure’ mention something about a curse?"

"It could also be a trap."

"If the Dragon King wakes up, we’ll be in trouble. We have to warn those who come after us, never to enter, as there’s a high possibility of traps inside."

The four little figures fiddled with the signpost again, then beat a hasty retreat.

Lu Yao clicked on the signpost they left behind.

It read:

"Traps within, do not enter if few in number."

—Appraisal Scholars: Tiese, Haiwan, Yanyou, Shangjian.

The Dragon’s Nest’s first opening to the public was less than ideal.


Lu Yao’s mouse hovered over the new northern continent. Located at the world’s northernmost edge, far from the resource-rich western continent and the warm eastern continent, it was covered in ice and snow, cold and dangerous.

Very few adventurers came here; most were paddle sailboats stopping temporarily along the coast, resting and resupplying before departing.

Therefore, on the entire continent, those active entities were particularly conspicuous.

For instance.

The "Blast Furnace Eccentrics" trio.

They were still lingering here.

Lu Yao turned his attention to these dwarves.

These three were actually mixing it up with the ice giants again. This time they had a genuine conflict with the giants, over something quite absurd: the ice giants forbade living near their territory, but the dwarves insisted on chopping wood and lighting fires.

It wasn’t that they were being rebellious or provocative, but rather the dwarves carried blacksmithing equipment and needed to work the iron regularly to feel comfortable in their skin.

This was both a sacred custom and a hobby for the dwarves; without fire, they couldn’t forge iron.

Thus, a fight broke out.

Outnumbered, the dwarves were quickly beaten and forced to flee.

"Damn ice giants, you’ll be remembered."

Outmatched, the "Blast Furnace Eccentrics" retreated to the shore. They laid out their equipment again and started to light fires and forge iron, waiting for passing paddle sailboats.

Lu Yao noticed that in the northernmost part of the continent, there was also turmoil among the ice giants.

This chaos stemmed from an invading group, their bodies completely shrouded in mist, with the label "Mist Spirits" above their heads.

These "Mist Spirits" were not high level, ranging from LV5 to LV15, with health bars between 50 and 150, and a progress bar above their heads indicating limited duration.

But the Mist Spirits had the advantage in numbers, and they could dissipate and recondense, gradually gaining the upper hand in the meat grinder battle against the ice giants.

An ice giant elder, wearing a crown of branches, commanded his people, constantly encouraging them: "We are followers of God Yao, we will never betray our faith! God Yao shines upon us!"

"Warriors, fight for dignity and belief! To persist is to win! The gods will see our bravery and loyalty!"

Other gods appeared?

Lu Yao looked around and finally noticed something unusual about a cloud.

Moving the mouse over it, two terms appeared.

"Unidentified God Statue."

"Apostle LV29" Papalucas.

The players refreshed again.

Lu Yao flexed his fingers, resting his hand on the mouse.

The gods have seen your valor.

The Apostle squad assembles, heading to a new battlefield.

Thanks to: The Crybaby Lunatic for supporting with 500 Qidian coins, Zeng Xushang for supporting with 100 Qidian coins, and book friend 20190124191419779 for supporting with 100 Qidian coins.

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