God Simulator

Chapter 158: Ladybug effect

Chapter 158: Ladybug effect

Lu Yao watched the final days of Shang Ji.

This little man who established the slave system in Salt City ended up dying in the cotton field.

Shang Ji and Shang Li were like two faces of Salt City, one of them had the power of speech, and the other could only escape far away.

In governing the city, Shang Ji was no match for Shang Li. His actions caused Salt City to quickly lose its cohesion, almost undoing the efforts of the fishermen and Shang Li over the years.

Shang Ji was a despicable and pitiful little man, but his "Ladybug Chronicles" did pique Lu Yao’s interest.

He had checked the "history" of Shang Ji’s life.


At the age of 63, he witnessed a peculiar ladybug.

At the age of 69, he completed the "Ladybug Chronicles."


After Shang Ji’s death, the "Ladybug Chronicles" spread in Yao City.

Lu Yao looked down at the city and found scholars discussing this book.

"In the ’Ladybug Chronicles,’ it is said that the ladybugs on the island emit a strange fragrance, even the cannibal crabs and firebirds are addicted to it. Is it true?"

"Absolutely. Last year when I went on a pilgrimage, I asked several sailors, and they have all seen that kind of ladybug. The fragrance is very strong, and smelling it makes people feel refreshed. If the ladybug appears, the cannibal crabs will gather around it to smell the fragrance, and as long as people don’t touch the ladybug, they won’t be attacked."

"What an amazing bug, conquering the cannibal crabs with its fragrance!"

"The ’Ladybug Chronicles’ records that ladybugs appear on many small islands in the south, but they seem unable to cross the sea, so they have not been seen on the west or east continents."

"It’s a pity that the scholar who wrote the ’Ladybug Chronicles,’ Mr. Sanyangpi, couldn’t escape his slave status and come to Yao City. He would have become a great scholar."

"Leaving behind such a work, Mr. Sanyangpi has already made a name for himself in history. Now everyone also calls that kind of musk ladybug ’Sanyang Ladybug.’"

"That’s true."


In Yao City, discussions about the "Ladybug Chronicles" mostly revolved around academic topics.

For example, is the musk ladybug an ordinary insect or a transcendent being?

Why is the musk ladybug so fragrant? Its fragrance is irresistible even to the cannibal crabs. Does it represent a special power? Can ladybugs be raised directly like wild rabbits?

And so on.

But in the western Salt City, the "Ladybug Chronicles" sparked a new wave.

The city library was crowded with people who came to read the book.

"Read the ’Ladybug Chronicles,’ read it quickly!"

"Hurry up, read it quickly."

The scholars at the door were a bit helpless: "I’ve read the ’Ladybug Chronicles’ ten times today... If you need it, buy a book and read it at home. My throat is getting hoarse."

"Do I need you to tell me if I can read?"

"That’s right!"

"Read, read, you’re going to read anyway, just read this book."

Of course, it’s not because the people of Salt City love to hear stories.

It’s because they want to catch ladybugs.

They need to understand the habits of the musk ladybug through this book in order to determine how to catch them and where to catch them.

On the streets of Salt City, the little people were equipped with nets and carrying boxes, looking like insect hunters. They gathered together and set off to the port to sail to the southern islands where the ladybugs were.

In the Salt City shops, musk ladybugs became a hot commodity.

"Musk ladybug-scented balls! Only 3 available today!"

"An aromatic jar for healing and sleep, the crystallization of pure musk ladybug blood..."

The best-selling item inside was something called "Sniffwood."

This involved hollowing out wood, pouring in musk ladybug scent, adding some petals and herbs, sealing it up to keep the fragrance lasting, and making it convenient to carry, suitable for both men and women.

The most expensive was the live musk ladybug.

When in Salt City, Lu Yao only saw two musk ladybugs.

One was with the prophet Dorennunu, who put the ladybug that people brought into a birdcage to raise, and placed it in the temple to increase the fragrance.

The other was in the hands of a man named Yandai.

He was both a member of the Salt Clan and a merchant. After obtaining a live musk ladybug, Yandai placed it in his own shop for people to visit and also helped sell ladybug products.

Products related to musk ladybugs, Sniffwood, aromatic jars, scented balls, ladybug sculptures... were continuously produced in Salt City and sold all the way to Yao City, Sanilo, the north and south continents, and many overseas islands.

Relying on rapid exports, large quantities of food, wood, minerals, and horses and cattle were transported back to Salt City, turning into new houses and wider streets in the city.

Under the impetus of the musk ladybug, Salt City ushered in a new wave of rapid development!

A large number of migrants poured in. Among them, a considerable number were merchants, adventurers, and people seeking job opportunities, with high mobility. But with the increase in population, the city’s activity level clearly rose.

Lu Yao’s divine perspective saw it clearly.

Behind this, it was the push of Mayor Shang Li and Dorennunu.

Dorennunu was the first to raise live musk ladybugs, making this insect a sacred symbol - of course, this was approved by the white god in the temple.

With the leadership and demonstration of the prophet, it became a benchmark for status and taste.

Shang Li vigorously promoted it through the city council and united many merchants to expand new markets with ladybugs as commodities.

As the ladybugs became popular, a large number of goods were exported, the population continued to increase, and Salt City received far more taxes than before, allowing for rapid urban development.

The iconic port lighthouse from the past finally stood once again in the northwest of Salt City. Unfortunately, this time there was no hint of the spectacle’s embryonic form.

Lu Yao found it a bit strange.

The butterfly effect started with a ladybug, but it caused quite a storm in the pixel world.In Salt City, the most bustling spots for citizen conversations were two taverns, one within the city and the other at the port.

Outside the city tavern, a piece of dialogue caught Lu Yao’s attention.

"There’s a treasure chest in the southern Elf Lake. While they’re off catching scoop bugs, we should go for the chest. That’s the real opportunity!"

"Getting that chest won’t be easy, the elves’ giants there are ferocious."

"Ah? Has no one ever gotten the chest before?"

"I’ve heard some have. That’s why we come to the tavern to gather information."

Three little figures scurried into the tavern.

Lu Yao clicked on the tavern, entering an overhead interior view.

The tavern’s decor was simple, with a counter at the entrance where wooden barrels filled with wine were placed. The bartender served customers with wooden cups and took payment on the spot.

A row of wooden tables and chairs lined the walls, and most of the drinking patrons were engaged in non-stop conversation, with text bubbles continuously popping up above their heads.

Lu Yao’s view followed the three newcomers.

They were surrounded by drinkers, and one of the little figures in the center was bragging to the crowd while drinking.

"We once encountered two elf giants, each as tall as a small mountain. When they swung their arms, hurricanes would whip up around them... It was a narrow escape for us, fighting desperately to snatch the treasure chest from their grasp."

The braggart continued, "But in the end, we were chased down by those monsters. To escape safely, we had to abandon the chest, filled with glittering gems... After all, we were too few in number and suffered for it."

"Since I’ve drunk the wine you all offered, I’ll share a secret with you..."

"The treasure chest of Elf Lake can’t be taken by brute force; you can’t overpower the elf giants."

"I, Sea Urchin, may lack other qualities, but I’m bold and loyal. Along with my partner, the old chap Shang Mi, we pondered by the lake for a month and finally found a way!"


"Those giants like gifts, but they’re picky. Ordinary gifts won’t do. It has to be something special, like... the honey of the Crazy Bees. There’s not much of it, but a single sting can kill a man."

The surrounding drinkers passed him cups of wine, asking, "Never heard of this honey, where can it be found?"

A smiley face appeared above Sea Urchin’s head, "Go find Shang Mi; he’s still by Elf Lake, searching for Crazy Honey. I thought it was too hard, but he wants to find another way. If you go there, you’ll see him."

Lu Yao remembered.

This Sea Urchin and his partner Shang Mi were the two adventurers who had been dazed by the Great Elf’s big mouth.

He wondered how things were at Elf Lake now.

Lu Yao switched his view to the southern new continent.

Not far from Elf Lake, a small wooden hut had been built at some point.

A little figure stood in front of the hut.

"Sorry, the supply is limited. Today’s Crazy Honey is all gone. Please come early tomorrow."

The name above the little figure’s head read 【Shang Mi】.

The little figures outside hoping to buy honey showed disappointed expressions above their heads.

Those who got the honey were happily running towards Elf Lake, carefully placing the honey in front of the lake.

Soon, little elves came over, cleaned out the jars of honey, and circled around them in thanks, with heart symbols popping above their heads.

Then, these people all pointed towards the chest in the lake.

At that moment, the little elves shook their heads, indicating it was not allowed.

Shang Mi explained to them, "Patience, my friends. To earn the friendship and approval of the elves requires persistence and patience. They are like women; these gifts are indispensable."

"Just keep offering the honey, and they will open their hearts to you, and even give you the treasure chest!"

Lu Yao watched with amusement.

Those two brothers really figured out how to play Elf Lake.

Thanks to: the Crying Lunatic for the support of 500 Qidian coins, Yangyang De Yi for 200 Qidian coins, and stp for 100 Qidian coins.

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