God Simulator

Chapter 154: Eat shit, you!

Chapter 154: Eat shit, you!

【Fly God Statue】

【Godhood】: Present.

【Divinity】: Low as an ant (1701).

【Divine Body】: Novice Divine (542).


Lu Yao tried the statue of the Fly God.

The description after "Divinity" represents the gap between the observer and oneself. Whether it’s the current Fly God or the previous White God, both are as lowly as ants.

The number after "Divinity" represents the reserve of faith, which is 1701 points.

In the column of "Divine Body", except for Sarina, who is a demigod in the abyss, the statues of the gods that appear in this fragmented world are all novice divines.

The number after the divine body level represents the population.

This Fly God can be said to have little faith and great courage.

Lu Yao focused his attention on the statue.

The statue of the Fly God is very different from humans, like two wings spread open and connected together, like a Y shape. Upon closer inspection, it looks like a large Venus flytrap.

Obviously, it is also an alien god.

The miracles of human players are basically the same, such as rain, lightning, hurricanes, and other natural abilities. Players from other worlds have different miracles, the most typical of which is the "strain" of the Tao God.

Lu Yao was a little excited.

This is an opportunity to communicate with players from other civilizations.

Before, it was always a fight to the death as soon as they met. This time, he wanted to be a little more civilized, at least to say hello before taking action.

He rubbed his hands and let Isabella fly to the side of the enemy Apostle Truby.

Isabella now has over 8000 health points. Even if all the opponent’s faith is smashed on Isabella’s head, it can only cause 1700 points of damage, which is not a threat.

The Apostle is the messenger between the gods, and it comes in handy at this time.

As Isabella approached, the Apostle Truby stiffened all over, as if it had been manually manipulated by the god behind it.

A dialogue box popped up above Truby’s head: "Sneak attack, despicable."

Lu Yao smiled.

The other party is an alien netizen, and he must maintain the civility of an Earth netizen, with quality being the top priority.

Lu Yao typed on Isabella’s head.

But how should he start the conversation?

What’s your name? Where are you from? That’s too textbook.

Hello? That should work.

Before Lu Yao could type, a dialogue box appeared above Truby’s head: "Dare or not?"

"Dare or not?"

"Dare or not?"

"Dare or not?"

"Dare or not?"


This scene made Lu Yao’s blood pressure rise.

Don’t get angry, don’t get angry.

If others get angry, I won’t. There’s no need to get upset... he silently recited the "Don’t Get Angry Mantra" in his heart, which is also a good habit of a seasoned player.

Lu Yao began to suspect whether there was an Earth player behind this statue.

But Truby’s head would occasionally display some garbled characters, and the typing rhythm was strange, with only two or three words at a time, giving a clear sense of machine translation.

Although the translation by the simulator is very stiff, the localization is done very well.

Lu Yao tried to communicate with the other party using peaceful words.

The response from the Fly God’s side was either "Dare or not?" or "In a hurry, in a hurry."

Lu Yao finally couldn’t take it anymore.

Go to hell!

Your quality is so poor, go eat sh*t!

Why bother with a subordinate like you?

Lu Yao directly blasted the statue of the Fly God with lightning.

An item burst out of the statue, which Lu Yao casually collected.

As the statue shattered into powder and fell from the sky, a prompt popped up in the simulator.

"The faith of the Fly God has completely disappeared nearby, and its believers will begin to seek new gods."

The Apostle Truby on the ground fell backwards, with "Death" displayed above its head.

This is the fate of an ordinary Apostle.

Not every Apostle has the background and opportunity of Isabella.

Watching the statue representing the god turn to ashes, the prophet Fabiani stood dumbfounded in place, with a jumble of symbols floating above his head.

After a while, a light bulb suddenly appeared above his head, and his mind began to wander.

"Can gods also fall?"

"If gods can fall, the fire of faith will also be extinguished. Then what in this world is eternal? The sun?"

"No, the sun rises and sets, it can also be hidden by clouds, and it can’t be seen on rainy days. The sun also hides and evades."

"The sea?"

"The ocean ebbs and flows, constantly churning... The ocean is also being pushed and changed by something else, and it is following something else."

"Is there really something eternal in this world?"

Fabiani looked up, gazing into the sky as if seeking an answer.

A light bulb was flashing above his head.

"If there really is such eternity and truth, can someone as insignificant as me really touch and understand it?"

"How can one get close to the truth?"


"Let’s travel across the entire continent first. The world I see is still too small."

The "Prophet" above Fabiani’s head disappeared, and a new title "Outsider" took its place.

Lu Yao was actually quite interested.

Fabiani’s panel did not change, but it now had a description of "Outsider."


【Outsider】Unusual among its kind, difficult to define concretely, ostracized by the masses, there is a certain chance of comprehending special abilities.


Fabiani began to question his own cognition as his faith crumbled.

Lu Yao understood this feeling to some extent.

It was like when he was still a university student, living a stable life on the school ship, watching the sea, feeling the breeze, basking in the sun, and the day would just pass by. But suddenly one day, the ship tells you it’s time to disembark.

He looked outside and saw nothing but sea; the ship hadn’t reached the shore at all.

The ship didn’t care, it just threw him overboard.

Whether one could reach the shore, find another ship, or how long one could last in the water, it all depended on individual ability.

Lu Yao had come through this process.

Fabiani was going through the same.

He needed to learn to leave the gods behind and observe the world with his own eyes.

Bearing the title of "Outsider," Fabiani walked westward along the beach. If he kept going, he would eventually reach Salt City.

Lu Yao brought his attention back.

After the fall of Fly God, hundreds of Cannibal Crabs and other creatures had already scattered and fled.

Lu Yao was initially interested in the Cannibal Crab, a Transcendent species that could provide faith, but their cannibalistic nature also made him feel it was troublesome.

It would be better to spend time increasing the population of the Yao Clan than to try to reform this group of nomadic sea dwellers.

As the number of believers exceeded 60,000, the natural population growth also accelerated.

If Yao City and Salt City continued to recuperate and develop steadily, the population snowball would slowly start rolling, leading to a period of rapid growth later on.

On the other hand, the reproduction rate of the fish people was not slow at all.

However, due to differences in racial habits and the fact that they laid too many eggs at once, adult fish people did not have the habit of caring for the young. They relied on sheer numbers for survival, letting nature take its course, life and death predestined.

The vast majority of fish eggs would perish, and many of the hatched young fish people would be eaten by marine predators, with only a very few smart and lucky ones surviving.

Young fish people lacked intelligence early on and were just weak little creatures.

It was only as they gradually grew up and learned bit by bit from the environment and the adult fish people that they would slowly develop intelligence and ignite the fire of faith. Only then would they be considered a qualified fish person.

Compared to the Cannibal Crabs, the fish people were much less of a worry and had a weaker aggression.

Lu Yao did not exterminate the Cannibal Crabs completely; he left these creatures for his followers, who also needed some external pressure. These Transcendent creatures evolved by the world’s rules were natural competitors.

As for the irresistible Dark Day and dragons, he had already dealt with them.


Isabella had just completed her deathbed prayer and obtained information about Fly God.

"Apostle Truby refused to speak, but the dead Cannibal Crabs and human believers were quite cooperative."

"This heretical deity named Fly God came from the sky and only descended in this epoch."

"His miracle of ’Flight’ allowed the divine statues to fly in the air, attracting many islanders as followers."

"Fly God also had another miracle, creating ’Bubbles’ on the seabed that could last a long time. Through this, His followers could move and live underwater for short periods, and many Cannibal Crabs also followed Fly God."

"This time, His most important tactic was to summon the ’Sea Swallower.’ This terrifying creature eats everything, and the plan was for it to consume all the Transcendent beings in the city."

"However, when Fly God flew over the city, for some reason, the Sea Swallower did not follow."

Suddenly, Lu Yao saw that not far from the eastern outlet of Sanilo, a small island was teetering on the brink of collapse.

The Deep Sea Lord was in the midst of ’battle.’

It was unclear what enemy it had encountered, but its health bar had dropped by more than half.

Lu Yao immediately summoned the Blood Knights and Isabella to join the battle!

Thanks to: fnksadfg for supporting with 100 starting coins, Percyvali for supporting with 100 starting coins.

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