God Simulator

Chapter 143: If we don’t forge iron for a day, the Hearthstone Clan will feel uncomfortable all over

Chapter 143: If we don’t forge iron for a day, the Hearthstone Clan will feel uncomfortable all over

The heat wave rose and surged over the spectacle.

The black volcano seemed like a living creature rising from underground. The volcano cone expanded further, and the raised ridges spread in all directions, engulfing the surrounding forests.

Under the high temperature, the trees turned black and the green leaves disappeared, leaving behind thin black strips.

As a result, the nearby terrain further changed.

A series of reminders popped up in the simulator.

【Mussbelleim’s Fire Box has opened the Sea of Fire.】

【The Soul of the Fire Dragon has awakened.】

【The Fire Dragon continues to absorb fire elements.】

【Aegir’s Fire has been enhanced in the Sea of Fire.】

Lu Yao double-clicked on the spectacle.


【Aegir’s Fire LV2】: The Sea God imprisoned the Fire Dragon and turned it into a spectacle that can spew powerful fire boulders. The supply speed of the fire boulders is related to fire and earth elements.

HP: 14000/14000 (6/6)

Damage: 2900

Defense: 0

Speed: 21

All nearby fire element units will gain additional growth speed.


The changes in the data panel were very intuitive.

After Aegir’s Fire upgraded to LV2, its HP increased by 2000, the meteor ammunition capacity increased by 1, the damage increased by 500, and the speed increased by 1.

With the opening of the fire box, as Lu Yao had envisioned, the volcano spectacle was further activated, resulting in a good chemical reaction between the two.

Whether it was due to the upgrade of the spectacle level or the expansion of the Sea of Fire, the depleted ammunition of Aegir’s Fire was instantly replenished.

This made Lu Yao feel good.

The new era’s environment still required some exploration and adaptation. With more inventory and reserves in hand, he would be more adept at handling various situations.

Originally, he was worried that the fire box might cause the Sea of Fire to overflow. However, from the pixelated scene on the screen, although the size of the volcano had increased, the flames did not spread massively from the volcano’s mouth.

This was thanks to the Soul of the Fire Dragon.

The fire box continuously produced fire, while the Fire Dragon continued to absorb it, completing a small internal cycle.

After confirming that the situation around the volcano was completely stable, Lu Yao moved on to the next project.

He selected the 【Dwarf Fortress】 from the inventory.

The fortress on the mouse turned green. Once it was moved to the sea or the sky, the fortress turned red, indicating that it couldn’t be placed there.

Lu Yao understood.

A classical fortress could only be built on the ground.

However, where to build it still needed careful consideration.

He first thought of the mountains between Yao City and Salt City. If he placed the Dwarf Fortress there, it would be located between the two cities, forming a linkage between them.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yao changed his mind and decided to build the Dwarf Fortress next to Sanilo.

The ghost city of Sanilo had two natural advantages.

First, it was located at the southern end of the continent, with a stable surrounding environment and vast territory. It had an abundance of mountains, seas, trees, and stones, and there was little competition. Its positioning was originally a large retirement home for the believers.

Second, the main residents here were ghosts, merfolk, and a small number of sandworms who were willing to work in the city. It could now be considered a pilot area for Transcendent City.

Speaking of which, the identity of the sandworms in Sanilo was a bit subtle.

At first, Lu Yao thought that the local ghosts had tamed the sandworms, but later he discovered that it wasn’t the case.

Since the desert was transformed into a forest by Lu Yao, the sandworms faced increased living pressure. Coupled with the presence of other monsters in the wilderness, competition became fierce. Some sandworms chose to leave their hometown, while others stayed underground in the nearby sandy beaches.

As time passed, the remaining sandworms and the ghost citizens attempted to interact and exchange... Slowly, they started working in the city.

In a way, this was also a branch on the path of evolution.

The sandworms were a good example.

In any case, in the ghost city of Sanilo, the newly arrived dwarves had a more relaxed living environment, allowing them to gradually adapt to this new world.

Lu Yao fixed the 【Dwarf Fortress】 on a small mountain slope, which was very close to Sanilo. To settle the Hearthstone Clan, Lu Yao temporarily brought in the Blood Knights to stabilize the confidence of the dwarves.

As the fortress descended, a cloud of dust rose around the spectacle created by the dwarves.

The simulator displayed.

【The Hearthstone Clan has entered this world.】

Lu Yao saw that the Apostle’s Mark in the top left corner of the game interface also showed +1, becoming 3.

Soon, little people drilled out of the Dwarf Fortress, a total of 42 individuals.

These little people all had bald heads and thick beards, and each of them wore iron armor or copper armor. They seemed to be the standard equipment of the Hearthstone Clan.

The way to distinguish between male and female dwarves was simple: male dwarves had beards, while female dwarves did not.

Lu Yao clicked on one of the dwarves.


【Hearthstone Clan LV15】 Tall and strong

HP: 235/235

MP: 52/52

Damage: 10

Defense: 13

Speed: 7

【Strong Lv5】

HP is higher than normal, able to maintain a strong fighting spirit for a long period of time.


Naturally possesses excellent forging skills.


A creature with a long lifespan, but also grows very slowly.

【Hearthstone Clan】

A special branch among the dwarves, they can eat slag and crushed stones.


Seeing the Blood Knights, the dwarves excitedly surrounded them.

"Lord Blood Knight, hello! My name is Weiermeng!"

"Lord Knight, do you eat slag? This is the best slag, carefully selected by me. Each piece is very plump!"

"It’s so strange here, there’s so many trees and grass. Is there no fire here?"

"I smell the scent of ore, there are many ores here that can be mined."

"New ores, fresh slag! I can already smell the deliciousness!"

"Those who stayed behind are really stupid, hahaha... There’s even more slag outside!"

The Blood Knight briefly responded to the dwarves’ questions.

One dwarf, gathering up his courage, asked, "Lord Knight, can we mine the ores in this world? We won’t mine too much, we just need to smelt some iron. If we don’t forge iron, the Hearthstone Clan will feel uncomfortable all over."

Lu Yao noticed that the dwarf who felt uncomfortable all over without forging iron for a day was the tall and strong one.

"Yes, you can."

Another dwarf said, "Lord Knight, slag, I carefully selected this slag for you... Look, it’s plump, with many pores, very fluffy, and it has a crispy texture!""I won’t eat."

A disappointed expression appeared on the dwarf’s face.

Lu Yao took a closer look and found out that this was actually a dwarf girl named Sunset Cloud.

Although she was a dwarf girl, apart from her beard, she was no different from the male dwarfs around her, all clad in iron armor, sturdy in build.

"Sir Knight, will there be cloud giants here?"


"Sir Knight, can we go around and see? I mean, places a bit further from the fortress."



The newly arrived dwarfs had many questions.

The Blood Knight answered them one by one, mostly with blunt and simple words.

Either it’s okay, or it’s not.

No reasons, no explanations needed.

But the dwarfs liked this tough knight’s approach, and their faces lit up with joy.

The Blood Knight mounted his white horse and rushed to Sanilo, telling Mayor Chapman about the dwarfs. Chapman was very pleased and rode a sandworm to visit and welcome the new neighbors, the Furnace Clan.

Chapman had the sandworm carry a large number of gifts, including food mainly consisting of fish, meat, wheat, potatoes, soybeans, and grapes, as well as hemp, cotton, and wine.

The dwarfs were stunned by these gifts.

The dwarfs who ate meat for the first time all had exclamation marks above their heads.

"This taste is comparable to the finest slag... There is such delicious food in the world."

"Terrifying, I only took one bite, and I feel like I can’t live without it."

"Scary meat, charming meat..."

What made them happiest was the wine.

Regardless of gender, the dwarfs became incredibly excited once they started drinking.

"Wine! Is this wine?"

"The Furnace Clan has legends about wine, but they are too distant. It’s said to be a treasure offered to the gods... Can we really drink it? Will the gods allow us?"

"Come on, drink!"

The dwarfs, once drunk, lost all restraint and quickly became familiar with Mayor Chapman.

They all expressed that if there was a need for smelting and forging, they should come to the dwarf fortress. The Furnace Clan would definitely forge the best ironware for them.

"Really? That’s great! If we can use the superb skills of the Furnace Clan, all the citizens of Sanilo will be very happy."

"No big deal, don’t be polite, you are friends of the Furnace Clan! Hahaha!"

With a round of gift-giving, Chapman won over this group of dwarfs who had been isolated in a small world and were inexperienced. The relationship between the two sides quickly warmed up.

However, at this time, Lu Yao received a message from Isabella.

"Sir, the Dark Sun is flying towards the world’s boundary. It seems to want to escape from this world."

Lu Yao was a bit unhappy.

What does it think this place is?

Come and go as it pleases? Did it ask me?

Now it wants to escape?

Too late!

Thanks to: *Taotao* for the 1666 book coin reward, Kurolo Meow for the 500 Qidian coin support, Occasionally there will be a little literary youth for the 500 Qidian coin support.

(End of the chapter)

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