God Simulator

Chapter 140: The rebuilding of the harbor is a success

Chapter 140: The rebuilding of the harbor is a success

The company finally welcomed layoffs.

Two old employees did not appear at their desks, and their tables were also cleaned up, becoming empty. The beginning of resignation is always unexpected, and the end is always untraceable.

There were no greetings or farewell parties like in TV dramas, no blessings or well-wishes.

Only the silent disappearance of people.

Lu Yao was actually mentally prepared for this.

Before, Boss Huang implemented remote work, which was actually a disguised way of laying off employees, forcing those who were just getting by with reduced salaries to resign.

When leaving the building, Sister Peng caught up with Lu Yao in her Mazda.

She rolled down the window and said, "Can I give you a ride?"

Lu Yao quickly shook his head.

"I have something to tell you."

Sister Peng put away her smile. "I started a small renovation company with a classmate. She manages the site and finds people, while I do the drawings and budgeting. It’s been two years and we’re doing pretty well."

"If you’re interested, you can come join us."

Only then did Lu Yao understand.

No wonder Boss Huang was worried about Sister Peng resigning. It turns out she had this side business.

"If you want to quit your job and haven’t found a good next step, you can come try with us. Maybe the income will give you a little surprise."

Lu Yao was a little puzzled.

He never said he wanted to quit.

"You’ve been absent-minded these days, often lost in thought... Did you break up with your girlfriend?"


"It seems not."

Sister Peng said, "Men are always worried, either about women or their careers. Your appearance means that work is not going well, right? Old Huang even asked me about it."

Lu Yao thought to himself that this was a misunderstanding.

It was all because of the simulator that he often couldn’t help but think about the things in the pixel world. The changing eras and the updates of the fragmented world made him constantly think about how to proceed.

"You really won’t quit?"

Lu Yao shook his head.

"Then I believe you. I’ll tell Old Huang that."

Sister Peng started the car. "He asked me to find out about your intentions, but I thought, if you really want to leave, why not come to us? Just leave."

Lu Yao couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

He didn’t expect his unintentional actions to leave such an impression on others.

The economic environment is not good. From the boss to the employees, everyone is nervous and sensitive. Workers are afraid that the boss will run away with the money, and the boss is also afraid that the employees will disappear the next day.

Lu Yao couldn’t help but think.

During the 30 years when his divine existence disappeared, many pixel people might also suspect that they were forgotten and abandoned by the divine existence.


Lu Yao sat in front of the computer, eating boiled dumplings while moving the mouse.

He was busy until late last night, and he created two wonders and named them without even looking at their attributes.

Now he started to click and view them one by one.


[Yao Clan People’s Monument]: An ancient monument built by the Garlic Tribe, a building that was born earlier than the city, recording the names and deeds of the pioneers.

In the city where the Yao Clan People’s Monument is located, the morale of all individuals +1, and the probability of negative events in the city decreases.


The probability of negative events in the city decreases?

This is also a new enhancement.

Lu Yao estimated that it should be similar to pirate attacks, large-scale diseases, or internal turmoil like in Salt City... causing direct negative impacts on the city level.

The monument has a certain help in stabilizing the city, which is a long-term benefit.

He turned his gaze to the next one.


[Puji Theological Academy]: The first theological academy and school established in Yao City, which transformed into a wonder after the era changed, imparting theology and other knowledge to everyone.

Those who complete their studies at the Puji Theological Academy gain +1 knowledge, and there is a certain probability of comprehending the ability of [Theology].


The role of the theological academy is more direct.

Students in the academy can improve their knowledge, and once they comprehend [Theology], it is equivalent to stepping into the realm of transcendence, and they can enhance their own level by observing miracles.

Examples of transformation through [Theology] include the legendary prophet Hamira and the elder of the Asceticism Society, Salt Long.

The only problem is that the description of "a certain probability" usually means buying a lottery ticket.

But Lu Yao didn’t mind.

As long as there are enough students in the theological academy and enough time, there will always be a few lucky ones. Now there is at least one channel for pixel people to become transcendent, giving them more opportunities.

The names he gave to these two wonders also represented personal wishes.

Yao Clan People’s Monument.

He hoped that the Garlic Tribe would remember that it was the collective effort of all people that created the tribe, and the heroes on the monument were just representatives of all the people.

Puji Theological Academy.

This name implies that the theological academy is to help the most common pixel people.

The establishment of these two wonders brought Lu Yao two Apostle Marks and further demonstrated the leading position of Yao City, which already had an advantage.

Lu Yao began to survey the population.

Population: 61,420

Yao City: 29,508

Salt City: 14,113

Sanilo: 15,090

Others: 2,709

The "others" refer to those who have not settled in the three cities but still believe in Lu Yao or transcendent beings.

At the beginning of this era, the populations of Salt City and Yao City were almost equal. Now the population of Yao City is rapidly increasing, while the population of Salt City continues to decline.

Lu Yao carefully observed the pixel people in Yao City.

There are now many immigrants in the city, wearing various clothes and decorations, including a considerable number of escaped slaves.

Many people have fled from Salt City to Yao City.

The long-term spread of faith has made Yao City more attractive to some islanders, mountain people, and wild people. With three wonders, Yao City has become even more dazzling and well-known.

As a result, the gap in size between the two cities has widened.

A large number of immigrants continue to pour in, but the order in Yao City has not been affected.

This ability to govern the city is thanks to the stability of the Temple Society.Lu Yao switched his perspective to the leader of this city, the Prophet Spoon.

At the entrance of the side hall outside the temple, the 53-year-old Prophet Spoon was addressing the temple congregation.

"In the near future, the Theological College needs to add a [Medical College]. Scholars need to learn pharmacology and patient treatment."

"Scholars of the Temple not only need to go to Salt City and the various islands of the sea, but also need to further exchange knowledge with the fish people of Sanilo. We still know very little about this world, we must remain humble and diligent."

"Starting from this year, every new scholar who joins the Temple must complete at least one pilgrimage. The miracle sites contain countless knowledge and inspirations, which are the natural treasure given to us by the gods."

A scholar proposed: "Prophet, the group of believers in the north have always hoped to gain the recognition of Yao City. They call themselves the [Northern Temple Army], and they use carrier pigeons to send letters, hoping that we can support them..."

"Yao City has always refrained from interfering in the internal affairs of Salt City."

Prophet Spoon was firm: "Reply to them, if they can completely eliminate the slave trade in Salt City, we will be very grateful. If they release the slaves, Yao City will continue to properly settle them."


Next, Lu Yao turned his attention to Salt City.

In the council hall of Salt City, the citizens’ council was still arguing.

Someone proposed: "We must form an army, gather the slaves together, form a complete and powerful army, so that we can resist the continuous harassment of the pirates. Then further go to sea and destroy the pirate’s lair."

"This idea is good. But how to calculate the gathered slaves? Slaves are property, I can sell the slaves at a low price to everyone present, to support city defense."

"Ridiculous, still thinking about the slave business!"

"Are you willing to donate your slaves for free?"


"Why not let one person control all the slaves and let them fight together."

"No, what if it gets out of control? How do you know that the person who gets all the slaves will not be more dangerous than the pirates?"

"In my opinion, it’s still not enough money, continue to negotiate with the pirates, how much they want, we give how much..."

"How can this be! There is no such way to do business!"

"Quiet, everyone."

A slave trader said: "In my opinion, why not ask for help from Yao City, let the Temple of Yao City come to drive away the pirates. If Mr. Salt Gel’s Transcendent warriors can’t participate in the war, we can only hope for the help of the Temple."


"The Temple wants to cancel the slave trade, this is definitely not possible!"

This proposal was opposed by everyone.

Lu Yao glanced outside the city.

The old port of Salt City was still a ruin, but the new dock on the west side was under construction, although it was still in its early stages. There were traces of destruction and burning around, indicating that it had been attacked from the sea before.

Lu Yao could see clearly from the bird’s-eye view.

Further out at sea, three paddle sailboats of the Northern Temple Army were full of people, rushing over with great momentum.

Another great battle was about to begin.

For Salt City today, the successful reconstruction of the port is a success.

Thanks: Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang for supporting 500 Qidian coins, Eight-star Hotel for supporting 100 Qidian coins.

(End of this chapter)

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