God Simulator

Chapter 134: I invite everyone to eat hot pot

Chapter 134: I invite everyone to eat hot pot

"Today, I invite everyone to eat hot pot," Lu Yao said to the two apostles.

Recently, everything has been going smoothly.

Isabella captured the wish spirit Baroye and discovered the secrets of the "Spirit Realm" and then found the "Blast Furnace World".

She also earned 3000 yuan for Lu Yao.

This money is clean and can be used with peace of mind.

Neville, on the other hand, ventured into the unknown "Blast Furnace World" alone, fought for seven years inside, and brought back the "Fire Casket" and the "Dwarf Fortress". In the intense battles over the years, the Blood Knight’s combat power has reached a new peak.

These are all good news.

When several good things come together, they must be celebrated.

So Lu Yao specially went to the market and bought hot pot base, beef, tripe, meatballs, shrimp dumplings, tofu, and other ingredients.

The rest was left to Xiao Huo.

Forty minutes later, a steaming hot pot filled with various delicacies was ready.

Lu Yao moved the table from the living room and placed it between the cabinet and the bed.

Then Lu Yao, Isabella, and Neville sat down.

"You’ve all been working hard recently," Lu Yao said, lifting his chopsticks. "Eat more."

"Yes, sir," Isabella said.

She took off her sunglasses and held the fork, ready to capture the food in the hot pot - she was not very good at using chopsticks.

As a result, one of her green eyeballs rolled out of her eye socket and fell in front of Lu Yao, while the other one rolled onto the floor.

Lu Yao was already used to it. He picked up the eyeball in front of him, sighed, wiped it with a tissue, and returned it to her.

"I’m very sorry, sir. My eyes are still not stable," Isabella said, reinstalling the eyeball into her eye socket. To secure it, she used transparent glue to fix the eyeball in a cross shape, ensuring that it would not fall out again.

Lu Yao then looked at the Blood Knight sitting silently on the chair and raised his chopsticks, gesturing, "You should eat too."

Neville calmly said, "Yes, sir."

He picked up a fork next to him, skewered a sausage, and then leaned towards his helmet. He lifted the visor, revealing darkness inside. The sausage was thrown into the helmet, making a clanging sound.

Lu Yao was not sure if the Blood Knight could digest food thrown into his armor.

It didn’t matter, as it was all about the feeling of eating.

Lu Yao swallowed a piece of beef and asked Isabella, "Does the overlap zone weaken you?"

At that time, he was completely focused on the situation inside the overlap zone and did not notice its impact on the apostles.

"No, sir," Isabella said, using her fork to roll up a strand of instant noodles and eating slowly.

As she had told Song Shiyi, she really liked this modern fast food.

Lu Yao nodded.

In this case, the overlap zone formed by the overlapping of the two worlds has some commonalities, making it a compatible area.

Only when an outsider truly enters the world will the rules take effect and react to them.

That seems to be the case for now.

Based on the weakened rules, it is even more evident how difficult it was for the Blood Knight to venture into the Blast Furnace World alone.

Lu Yao wanted to further inquire about the various situations in the Blast Furnace World from Neville.

It was a micro-fractured world that he had never encountered before, which made him somewhat curious.

However, the Blood Knight kept talking about the enemies he encountered, various elemental creatures with abilities, imperial giant elephants, cloud giants, and the Dwarf Fortress...

In his eyes, the world revolved around battles.

He automatically ignored everything else and showed no interest at all.

Lu Yao felt a little helpless.

The Blood Knight was extremely focused and sharp in battles, but in other aspects, it was hard to say.

Lu Yao looked at his phone.

There was a countdown he set, perfectly synchronized with the simulator.

[Countdown to Update: 00:29:53]

There was still half an hour left until the new era version of the pixel world would open.

After being full from the meal, Lu Yao went downstairs for a walk, then went back upstairs according to the time on his watch.

The house had been cleaned up, and even the smell of hot pot had been dispersed.

Isabella was laying the bedsheet and tidying up the bedding.

Neville used his power to crush various cardboard boxes, plastic boxes, and delivery boxes into brick shapes, neatly stacking them in the trash bag at the door.

Everyone was very conscientious.

Lu Yao sat in front of the computer and eagerly opened the simulator.

The appearance of the gods!


A line of subtitles appeared on the screen.

[Epoch update complete.]

[The power of the rules has been further repaired and improved in this world.]

[The Dark Sun has cast its shadow on this world, changing the lives of countless beings and returning the world to chaos and disorder.]

[The Dragon of the Dark Sun has descended, it is the invader born from the Dark Sun, and its mission is to conquer the entire world.]

[Giant monsters roar in the ice and snow, the frigid land is their inviolable territory.]

[The elves whisper with the trees, in the symbiotic forest, they constantly summon companions and hold ancient rituals.]

[Humans living in different places gather together to face the Dark Sun, and human settlements increase.]

[Under the Dark Sun’s rays, the number of monsters has greatly increased.]

[The new era officially begins, time flow rate adjusted. This will be your opportunity to ascend to the realm of gods.]


The last sentence, the end of the picture, right?Lu Yao stroked his chin.

The Simulator had been persistently pushing players to enter the Temple of the Gods, offering faith consumption discounts, half-price sales, and now directly suggesting ascension to godhood.

Lu Yao pretended not to see, refocusing his attention on the pixel world itself.

This world version was a major update.

Dark Sun, dragons, giants, elves... there were many elements.

The loudspeaker once again played the melodious 8-bit electronic music, and the computer screen finally regained its color. The familiar pixel world was once again displayed before Lu Yao.

He first looked at Yao City.

This was the center of faith culture, and Sarina was stationed here.

Whether the world was in chaos or not, the tyrant had the final say.

After opening the temple, Lu Yao found that Sarina had not changed. She stood in front of the statue, maintaining the posture she had when Lu Yao was ejected.

Had time stopped during the world update?

Lu Yao typed above her head.

— How’s the situation?

An exclamation mark flashed above Sarina’s head.

She immediately knelt on one knee: "Welcome back, God Yao."

Then, she answered: "In the past thirty years, the flame of faith has not been affected at all, there are just some minor conflicts among mortals."

"Yao City is running smoothly, Sanilo is in good condition, the main problem lies in Salt City."

Lu Yao calculated.

This version update took 72 hours, exactly 30 years, one day in the real world was equivalent to ten years in the pixel world.

He glanced at the top right corner.

Population: 56,508

Faith: 42,826


During the thirty years of the world update, the population had nearly doubled to 50,000, and faith had also risen with the tide, becoming more abundant.

All these positive factors made Lu Yao feel a bit unreal.

Sarina reported: "After the Dark Sun descended, both humans and animals could turn into monsters under its rays."

"The number of these transformed monsters is increasing, causing some impact on the cities. The Temple Council of Yao City, Commander Salger of Salt City, and Commander Alexis of Sanilo are regularly clearing the surrounding areas."

"The increase in the number of wild monsters has led to more casualties among hunters and explorers."

"But the root of all problems is the second sun, the Dark Sun."

Sarina said that Phileas had the deepest understanding of the impact of the Dark Sun.

"Since your temporary departure, Phileas has been worried about the Dark Sun and mortals. He has been traveling around, observing and recording the Dark Sun for many years."

"I have also placed mirrors in many places in this world, and have made some understanding of the two new continents, but not as detailed as Phileas."

Sarina concluded: "He is a diligent Apostle, if you summon him, you will definitely get more detailed and accurate information."

Lu Yao was somewhat surprised.

Phileas, who was relatively marginalized among the Apostles, had actually become the main explorer of the new era.

Lu Yao clicked on the skull icon.

The screen switched to a beach in the southwest direction of the western continent.

Phileas was controlling the Bone King to block a dense crowd of Cannibal Crabs. Behind his large skeletal body, a group of small people were fleeing for their lives.

Lu Yao immediately sent the Blood Knight into the pixel world.

The Blood Knight, riding a white horse, quickly came to the rescue from Sanilo.

Upon seeing the Blood Knight, Phileas exclaimed: "Mr. Neville!"


The skeleton immediately detached from the bone creature, knelt on one knee, and saluted in the direction of the screen.

Behind him, the monstrous horde of monsters was broken through by the lone knight, leaving a field of crab shells and legs.

The crowd of crabs quickly realized that there was something wrong with this knight, immediately adjusted their attack direction, and rushed towards the sea...

(End of Chapter)

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