God Simulator

Chapter 127: Old God’s Curse LV99

Chapter 127: Old God’s Curse LV99

The cross belt is not very large.

Starting from the entrance of the optical exchange box, walking along the winding streets all the way up to the sky, the length is only 1 kilometer, and the width is about 20 meters.

Isabella and Song Shiyi walked slowly, searching for the traces of the missing citizens along the way, and had to endure the nagging of the wish spirits around them.

Outside this area is like a substantial mist wall, which cannot be passed through. The closer to the mist wall, the stronger the repulsive force can be felt. It seems to be only a half-step away, but it cannot be crossed no matter what.

Using Isabella’s eyes, Lu Yao observed the chaotic space of this cross belt again.

There is a bright round moon above their heads.

The moon is flickering with many black shadows, they are like worms, crawling around in the shining cheese of the moon, which can cause discomfort if watched for too long.

The ground is also changing.

Under Isabella’s feet, there was originally a intact stone steps. But slowly, it cracked and turned into a pile of rubble, constantly spitting out stones from the cracks, as if something was hidden underground.

Lu Yao didn’t want to stay in this strange place for too long.

Just as he was about to suggest leaving, he suddenly saw a woman on the side of the street.

Lu Yao was sure that there was no one here before.

She looked to be in her thirties, with long hair, and wearing a white fleece coat.

The woman seemed a little disoriented, she propped herself up with her arms, trying to stand up. But her waist and legs were weak and she couldn’t stand up at all, always falling down.

Finally, the woman vomited on the ground.

"Don’t go over there."

Song Shiyi said with a serious expression, "She is completely empty inside, there is no hope."

Isabella looked at the woman who was vomiting.

She vomited more and more severely, and the vomit turned into a black sticky liquid. Then, a pitch-black wish spirit drilled out of her back.

The wish spirit hovered around her lightly. The woman’s body began to turn into numerous small and uniform-sized fragments, like shattered puzzles.

They drilled into the wish spirit one by one, becoming a part of its black body.

The woman disappeared completely.

"She has completed symbiosis with the wish spirit and merged into one." Song Shiyi sighed.

"This is the final form of being lost."

Lu Yao roughly understood.

The wish spirits feed on intruders from the outside world, but their way of hunting is special. They need to paralyze and hypnotize people with their words first, and then gradually turn them into a part of themselves.

After finishing their meal, the wish spirits flew away and disappeared in an instant.

Song Shiyi and Isabella searched around for a while again, confirming that there were no more survivors here, and they immediately left.

Back in the normal world outside the optical exchange box, Song Shiyi opened her travel bag and took out a box of caution tape. She wrapped it around the optical exchange box, and the blue and white caution tape had the words "POLICE" written on it.

"Thank you for your assistance, Miss Mary."

Isabella asked her, "You could have done this alone, why did you ask me?"

"According to the operating procedure, there must be at least two people. The other colleagues all have their own important tasks and can’t spare the time, so I thought of asking you for help."

Song Shiyi hesitated for a moment, "There is another reason, I couldn’t find any other volunteers."


But it’s honest.

Lu Yao thought this reason was very true.

It’s only a two-hour job, with an hourly wage of 1500! Win!

Making money is not embarrassing.

In fact, Lu Yao had another idea when he volunteered this time, which was to establish a good relationship with Song Shiyi.

Song Shiyi is a prosecutor of the committee and a reliable source of information. She follows the rules and is a good partner. Although her memory will be erased, she will definitely record the mission and report back. The name Mary is also mentioned.

Treating someone to a meal is the simplest way to show goodwill.

So, under Lu Yao’s instructions, Isabella said, "I’ll treat you to milk tea."

"Ah? Okay."

Song Shiyi readily agreed.

The two young girls walked back in the night, not feeling cold at all.

On the way, they chatted casually. The content of their conversation was about what happened in the cross belt, so they had common topics and could connect with each other.

Lu Yao voluntarily provided some information.

"The ability of the wish spirits is called the Corridor of Wishes? This is the first time I’ve heard of it."

Seeing Song Shiyi’s surprised look, it didn’t seem like she was pretending.

"The committee doesn’t know?"

"As far as my authority is concerned, there is no such information in the committee’s database."

Song Shiyi’s eyes widened slightly, "Miss Mary is amazing!"

"I heard it from a friend."

"Miss Mary’s friend is amazing!"


Lu Yao no longer gave instructions and let Isabella communicate with Song Shiyi on her own.

There is a significant difference between men and women, and Isabella can handle the conversation, but pretending to be a human is too much for him.

He took on the role of a remote military strategist and assistant.

Song Shiyi took the initiative and said, "Miss Mary, what do you like to eat?"

"Anything is fine. But if I have to say what I like, it would be instant noodles and fried eggs."

"I see, I like intestines! All kinds of intestines! Braised intestines, stir-fried intestines, they are all extremely delicious. Do you like intestines?"

"I haven’t tried them," Isabella said.

"If there’s a chance, I’ll treat you. There is a shop that serves amazing intestines." Song Shiyi actively recommended the delicacy, her eyes shining with excitement.

Lu Yao’s face turned black as he listened.

As an idol of a girl group, how could she be so obsessed with intestines. Whether it’s the appearance or the taste, it has nothing to do with the cute and pink idol girl!

The two young girls chatted and laughed all the way as they walked for more than half an hour. They had just saved someone in the world of the cross belt, and now they were no different from normal young people.

After walking for more than half an hour, they found a 24-hour milk tea shop.

The waiter asked, "What flavor would you like, ladies? Large cup or small cup?"

Song Shiyi said, "Matcha, small cup."

Isabella said, "Same for me.""Alright, two matcha cups, 20 yuan. Will that be electronic payment or cash?"

Isabella was taken aback.

Lu Yao’s toes curled up instantly.

Damn it!

He had forgotten something crucial: Isabella had no money.

He had forgotten to give her some cash to carry around.

He had promised to treat her, and now it was a bit awkward.

Song Shiyi seemed to understand immediately. She smiled and said, "You didn’t bring your phone, did you? I’ll take care of it."

The situation was easily defused by her.

Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Shiyi was really good at handling things, especially when it came to paying the bill.

Others might not know, but Lu Yao was clear.

Despite Isabella’s usual emotional stability and self-restraint, she was actually very thoughtful and had many of her own ideas.

Of course, the most extreme in this regard was definitely the tyrant Sarina, with her proud self-esteem and stubborn refusal to lose to anyone...

At this moment, Lu Yao suddenly thought.

He wondered what level of player Song Shiyi was.

Let me see.

Lu Yao instructed Isabella to activate the "Curse of True Sight" again.

Now, Isabella’s life value was sufficient for the expenditure, which was more cost-effective than spending faith.

As the reversed A spell was imprinted in her pupils, the layers of black runes surrounding Song Shiyi shattered, revealing her detailed information.


[Moon God]

Life Value: ??

Mana Value: ??

Damage: ?

Defense: ?

Speed: ?

[Symbiotic Body]

Exists in a symbiotic form with multiple bodies, gaining additional benefits.

[Old God’s Curse LV99]

Cursed by the Old God, subjected to all-round sealing.


Qualification of a deity.


[Godhood]: ?

[Divinity]: ?

[Divine Body]: ?


Looking at this panel made Lu Yao’s scalp tingle, and it took him a while to recover.

Song Shiyi’s background seemed a bit too big.

The "Curse of True Sight" was operating at the level of the Main God’s "Eye of True Sight", but it was unable to see Song Shiyi’s detailed data.

The most likely reason was.

[Moon God] Song Shiyi, Main God rank.

Thanks to the universe’s super handsome Little Li for supporting with 100 Qidian coins.

(End of Chapter)

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