God of Music

Chapter 124. Upholding the Promise (2)

Chapter 124. Upholding the Promise (2)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan


“As a solo?”

Han JooYeon and Christie An looked at Jung MinAh with great surprise. Ever since their debut, none of the members of Eddios had ever done a solo album. They were all dreaming of doing such a thing, but the first one to do it turned out to be MinAh.

Jung MinAh also couldn’t imagine that KangYoon would talk about doing a solo album here.

“W, wait. A solo album so suddenly?”

“What, you don’t like it?”

“No, that’s not it….”

There’s no way she disliked it. However, when KangYoon asked her straight up, she hesitated. She couldn’t help but look at the other members. Though, the sound of going up alone on stage did sound quite charming.

In fact, the one to retort was someone else. It was Han JooYeon.

“MinAh may be good at doing performances, but she lacks in singing…. so I’m worried if she’ll be able to do it.”

However, KangYoon shook his head. He had obviously considered this beforehand.

“It’s fine. I’m not planning her to be a singer only. In fact, it’ll be better for MinAh to focus on performances more. There’s no good in distributing her power. At her level, she’s more than capable of mesmerizing those that watch her with her movements alone. As for the song, there’s the magic of rearrangement and editing. We can just go with a recording.”

The members of Eddios all became surprised. Unlike most other idol girl groups in Korea, they used soundtracks on stage while the girls sang, while the majority of others used voice recordings on stage as well. This was one of the reasons that led the people to believe that Eddios was very skilled. They were already capable of live singing on top of their dancing, but if they left out the singing and went full dancing? They couldn’t begin to imagine how intense their movements could go.”


Jung MinAh exclaimed. KangYoon had brought her a plan that was suited just for her. He didn’t just appeal to them with his previous connection. He now sounded more trustable.

“A MinAh without singing….”

“Should work, right?”

Han JooYeon and Christie An couldn’t help but accept. They were all aware of Jung MinAh’s dancing prowess. To exaggerate a little, they could say that she was peerless amongst their profession.

After matters about Jung MinAh, Christie An asked something else.

“Do you have plans for other members going solo as well?”

“I’ll be honest here. I don’t.”


Christie was very disappointed by KangYoon’s resolute answer. In fact, Han JooYeon was the same. She expected there to be one focused on singing since there was one focused on dancing.

However, that wasn’t the end of KangYoon’s words.

“Of course, there isn’t any for next year. However, if all goes well for Eddios’s comeback, you will need your respective unit stages too. If the people wish for it, and you are capable of it. I will gladly let you do one.”


“From what I’ve heard, you’ve begun to lose your stage performances. I think it will take a lot of time just to regain what you’ve lost. Standing as a group is vastly different from standing as an individual on stage. Right now, I can only see MinAh.”

Everyone became quiet when they heard such direct words. No one could deny him. KangYoon promised them the future but also pointed out their present problems. Everyone looked down in embarrassment. They very much regretted their actions for the past few months and felt bitter.

KangYoon seemed to have understood them and continued speaking.

“As for JooYeon and Ris, you should start your vocal training from scratch. Ailee and SamSoon should get fitter and show up on some entertainment shows or radios. As for HanYu, I want her to learn Popping.” (T/N: The dance)

No one had brought them a specific plan for the future until KangYoon did. Everyone felt as though they saw the light within the darkness. They nodded their heads.

However, a contract was a different story. Lee SamSoon asked carefully.

“I don’t know much about World Entertainment, but…. I’ll ask a few things. We aren’t getting as much support as we did with MG, right?”

“Honestly speaking, it’s impossible to catch up to MG’s finances right now. You’ll probably have to fly economy rather than first class like you’re doing now. After all, we are definitely small compared to MG.”

KangYoon was honest about it. How many companies in Korea were capable of supporting their musicians like MG? MG Entertainment was definitely better in terms of finances.

Ailee spoke next.

“To sum it all up, you’ll give us our deposit, promise us our comeback, as well as a solo album for all of us. That’s your condition?”


He had offered them everything that he thought Eddios needed. It was up to them to decide now.

As the one who was offered a solo album first, Jung MinAh wished to say yes first but stepped back. She was worried that an internal conflict may arise since she had the best conditions out of all of them.

The one to step up first was Seo HanYu.

“I’ll need to get into more detail, but I’m fine with those conditions.”


Han JooYeon looked at Seo HanYu in surprise. However, she was firm in her decision.

“What we were most worried about is the future. And here he is, solving all of the issues for us. First class seats? We can buy that with our own money. If the company becomes big later, of course, he’ll do those for us. SamSoon-unni, you told us that idols were capable of putting up buildings right?”

“Yeah, I went to the forums last time and saw that a group called Plaice put up a building.”

(T/N: i.e. very rich)

Lee SamSoon’s answer only caused Seo HanYu to stay firm in her decision.

“With Team Leader, it will be a simple walk in the park to put up 10 buildings if he’s the one to plan for us. I’m going to World.”

Seeing the youngest one of them being so bold, the unnis were flabbergasted. This was especially so because she was usually very cautious in doing anything. However, she seemed unflustered by the ones around her.

‘She wasn’t so daring before.’

‘HanYu had such a side to her?’

Han JooYeon and Christie An whispered to each other in surprise while Ailee Jung and Lee SamSoon talked to each other about whether to join or not.

KangYoon told Seo HanYu.

“Thanks for thinking about it so positively. I’ll come to pick you guys up the day your contract ends.”


“As for the details about deposits and stuff, I’ll send you those later. Tell me if you need anything more.”

KangYoon also didn’t know that Seo HanYu would be so enthusiastic about it. He was thankful to her though.

KangYoon then said something to her.

“I heard you were exercising.”

“Yeah. I jog around the park every day, and go to the gym sometimes.”

“Really? Okay. For now, you don’t have to think that you have to make your body better. At least, you don’t need to control your diet. However, I do want you to gain some stamina. Do eat at regular intervals, and exercise frequently. Also, practice singing and dancing every day, okay?”


Seo HanYu nodded her head. KangYoon told her that he would send her goals if she needed one, and Seo HanYu asked for some songs she could sing. KangYoon told her that he would gather some and send it to her via email.

Things were going very well when Ailee raised her hand to ask.

“Excuse me, team leader. What if the rest of us decide not to join? What will you do with just HanYu?”



Han JooYeon, Christie An, and Jung MinAh all tried to restrain her. However, KangYoon waved his hand saying that it was okay. Although this shouldn’t happen, it was just as likely to happen.

“I do want all of Eddios, but I’m willing to undertake the risk even if it doesn’t turn out that way. The decision is yours after all. If that happens, I’ll see what I can do with those of you that do decide to join me. If HanYu is the only one, she’ll be doing a solo album. I can’t disappoint someone who joined having faith in me, right?”

KangYoon’s answer was quite clear – I will return your faith with grace. He meant that he would use whatever means possible to put them up on stage. His words sounded very heavy and responsible.

KangYoon then finished off with this line.

“I told you that we’d be together until the end when we started. I keep what I promised.”

Those words rang in their hearts loudly. He still remembered what he said before they even made their debut.

“Even if the situation looks grim right now, I know very well that you girls all have potential. You can do it. Let’s start over again.”

Everyone became silent. They were very embarrassed that they became lazy thinking that it was all over. However, KangYoon had visited them bringing with him what they wanted the most. Everything felt like a dream.

Han JooYeon was the one to break the silence.

“I, I’ll do it.”

Lee SamSoon and Christie An follwed up.

“Me too.”

“And me.”

When even Ailee decided to join, Jung MinAh was the only one left now. She then was able to speak her heart at ease.

“I will also join.”

After her, KangYoon extended his hand. Everyone grabbed his hand.

“Please take care of me from now on.”


Their powerful voices rang across the cafe.

Like that, KangYoon had gotten verbal agreement from them before returning to Korea.


Unlike the past when she focused on vocal training only, Kim JiMin started to get training in many other areas as well.

English, Chinese and entertainment skills were mandatory. World Entertainment invested in her as much as other big companies did to their trainees, and she was showing results.

“Whew, such a princess she is.”

Lee HyunJi grumbled while taking care of the documents about Kim JiMin’s training. She didn’t know that KangYoon would invest in her training for things other than vocal training. They were a small company and this was investing too much into one singer. Was he not afraid that she would fail? Lee HyunJi knew that KangYoon had a good eye for talent, but this kind of boldness did thrill her to no end.


Jung HyeJin was opening the door to the studio to collect some receipts.

“Between – the drizzle -that–”

“Lower your vocal cords a little more.”

“Between –”

Kim JiMin and professor Choi ChanYang were in the middle of practice.

The two didn’t seem to notice that she was here and kept on practicing. Jung HyeJin made some noise to alert the two, but the two did not stop.

In the end, she had to wait until the song ended to speak.


“Oh, HyeJin-unni.”

Only then did Kim JiMin turned around to see her. Professor Choi ChanYang also slightly bowed. Jung HyeJin replied before turning back to the matter at hand.

“JiMin, I’m here to collect the receipts from last week.”

“Oh yeah. I completely forgot. Sorry about that. Let me go get it.”

These were things she should have handed in yesterday. Kim JiMin apologized beforehand and went to get those receipts. She took out her receipts from her bag and turned around when she saw that the atmosphere between the two was slightly strange.

‘What is it?’

Kim JiMin tilted her head. They looked very cheerful but became quiet when she approached them.

“Here they are.”

“Thanks. Well, then professor. I’ll be off.”

“Yes. See you later.”

Jung HyeJin left when Kim JiMin asked this question.

“Teacher, what did you talk about with HyeJin-unni?”

“Hm? Nothing much.”

“Hmmm, that’s strange.”

Kim JiMin tilted her head.

After that, she resumed her strict practice. She trained vocally, learned music theory and other things that were necessary to a singer.


KangYoon returned to Korea 3 days after he left. It was a very short schedule. He only met up with HeeYoon and Eddios before returning, and he turned up to the company the next day.

On the first day, KangYoon told Lee HyunJi about what happened in America.

“…So you decided to take in those girls after all.”

Lee HyunJi accepted as though she knew this was going to happen. However, she voiced her worries immediately.

“We’ll be facing much trouble in the future. They may decide to hit on us with trademark rights.

KangYoon calmly talked about her worries.

“The name Eddios includes the names of those girls. Let’s call it name rights. Even if they do decide to move companies, there is no problem with continuing to use the name. It means that the 6 girls have the right to use the name Eddios. MG Entertainment cannot claim authority over that name.”

“Didn’t you perhaps transfer the name rights over to MG or something?”

“Of course not. It’s impossible to do so in the first place. In the end, only those girls are allowed to use the name Eddios. A problem only arises if the girls decide to split up and they decide that the ones to join us cannot use the name. However, that shouldn’t be a problem since all of them expressed that they will be joining.”

Lee HyunJi nodded at his words. Legal matters were a headache everywhere.

Now for the most important matter, trademark rights. KangYoon also said that this wasn’t a problem.

“Even if MG Entertainment decides to register a trademark known as Eddios, it will not be a problem. This right, due to its nature, is impossible to be transferred to others. Usually, it’s rented not transferred. The period of time should be the same as the duration of the contract.”

“So using the group name isn’t a problem. Then finally, what about the publicity rights?”

There was a final problem. Publicity rights were very important since they could control the use of names related to Eddios in businesses. Without this right, it was likely that they would be stopped from doing any public activity using their respective aliases.

KangYoon resolutely spoke.

“Those rights are only acknowledged on natural persons. Companies are juridical persons. Entertainment companies are obviously not allowed to gain profit illegally. As an exception though, I heard that it was possible to claim joint rights across multiple people.”

“So there’s no problem with that. Did you meet a lawyer before coming? You’re very knowledgeable.”

(T/N: I’m not savvy on Korean law, or any law for that matter. Don’t ask.)

Lee HyunJi was honestly surprised. KangYoon had everything prepared including legal matters. Even if MG Entertainment does decide to pick a fight, they wouldn’t be disadvantageous.

However, there was one worrying problem though.

“What if MG decides to take us to court even while knowing that they will lose? We are too small to take on their lawsuit. The fee won’t be small.”

“They shouldn’t be that dumb. From what I’ve seen from them until now, MG has no plans on extending their contract with Eddios. If they did, the girls should have talked to me about it when I visited them.”

“That’s true, but I’m just worried that they’ll act stupid and bring us down while they go down.”

“They shouldn’t sue us when they had no intention on extending their contract. If things go wrong, they may be dubbed “the company that blocks its own musicians’ futures”. MG looks unstable recently, so they shouldn’t be taking things that far.”

“Okay then. What should I do?”

Lee HyunJi sounded very enthusiastic.

She knew that taking Eddios in wasn’t an easy thing to do. However, since it was decided that they will, she was willing to do her best about it.

KangYoon gave her some papers. Lee HyunJi glanced over it for a while but then widened her eyes.

“W, wait. Lunas office… into a practice room?”

KangYoon’s document was a request for a budget for remodeling the Lunas office into a practice room.

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