Electromagnetic Waves...

I only realized that Lucy's deity could control electromagnetic waves, and thus control lightning, after I saw Zack use his Divine Power in that attack and felt a spark of an idea rising in my mind.

Sure, I know that there are several other types of waves that Lucy's divinity can control that would be extremely useful to me, such as X-ray waves, radio waves, but developing control over these waves would be extremely difficult, so my plan was to leave the development of these other types of waves for the future.

But after seeing Zack use the rays in front of me, I subconsciously began to analyze his power and tried to replicate it with Lucy's divinity.

It was a little complicated at first, to the point where I had to stand still for a few seconds while I tried to replicate the sensation with my memory and let him fly a few feet away.

But the best thing for an Elemental Divinity was not only physical, but it also gave me a very big boost in processing power, and my own Divinity was very good at helping me be creative and come up with ideas on how to deal with this doubt.

So, in a matter of seconds, I was able to analyze Zack's deity and replicate it with Lucy's deity.

Of course, the price I had to pay for learning this so quickly was a tremendous amount of Divine Power.

In addition to the 3 million Divine Power points I used to create the zone of silence to cancel Zack's attacks, I spent another 1 million Divine Power points just to understand, practice, and replicate the electromagnetic waves so quickly.

And even at that cost, my power to control them was still very low.

Adding up the Divine Power I'd spent learning and practicing in the fight against Zack, I'd spent at least 2 million Divine Power points using Lucy's divinity, in addition to the ones I'd spent creating the Silent Zone, bringing the total Divine Power I'd spent so far to 5 million.

Not to mention, I also used some of my divinity as revenge.

I didn't just want to damage his consciousness that was in the mortal world, where he could call it back to the divine world and just ignore what had happened.

I wanted to do permanent damage.

And to cause permanent damage to practically immortal beings like gods without actually killing them, the best way I could think of was to cause permanent damage to his mind.

To do this, I summoned rays to constantly hit Zack's head, causing his consciousness to begin to fade. Taking advantage of his mental fragility, I used my own divinity to create illusions and try to make them penetrate his head, using my advantage as a higher-ranked god.

Despite my rank advantage, I still had to spend 1 million Divine Power points to get these illusions into his mind, which, combined with the electric attacks of Divine Power on his head, caused the 7 holes in his head to start bleeding.

I didn't care and kept attacking until his body of divine consciousness began to crumble and disappear.

This meant that I was killing his consciousness and sending it back to the divine world.

When his body finally disappeared completely, I quickly deactivated the Zone of Silence and stopped using Divine Energy on it.

Looking at my status screen, I felt a little pain.


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet

| Level: Elemental God rank 1

| Number of believers: 1,736,385

This book is hosted on another platform. Read the official version and support the author's work.

| Average usage per user: 4 hours


| Available deities: Creativity, Waves.


| Divine Skills: Blessed Prayer.


| Divine Power: 7,990,363 / 25,600,000 -> 2,258,876 (+268,513 -6,000,000)


If it hadn't been for the prayers of the believers of the four kingdoms, which had given me 268,000 Divine Power points, I would have had less than 2 million Divine Power points!

Fortunately, now that Zack's conscience had been destroyed, it would take him a few days to recover, he would lose a lot of Divine Power, and he might even drop a rank because of the injuries to his divine conscience.

Even though our Divine Consciousness is not physically a part of us, if a part of our Consciousness is destroyed, the results could be catastrophic.

But when I flew a little higher and looked at the terrain of Aetheris, I knew that this kingdom was even bigger than Arcantor, with a population of probably around 600,000 people!

Zack was so lucky that even his kingdom was probably the largest kingdom in the world!

So I quickly opened the Internet window and sent messages to my emissaries, telling them that they could enter Aetheris and spread the word of the Internet God to these mortals.

Of course, I wasn't going to just rely on them for that, since I'd seen how effective transmitting Jaina's image to the mortals of Eldoria had been in quickly bringing more believers to me, so I replicated the same thing here, but using the appearance of Athenos, which was basically my own appearance from the divine world, but with less glowing eyes.

"You handled him so easily..." Lucy said in surprise after floating next to me.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy either... your divinity is perfect for dealing with him." I smiled as I nodded at her.

"And I had no idea it was so powerful..." She sighed, seemingly a bit disappointed.

"Don't be sad, isn't it nice to discover new features of your own divinity?" I asked.

"Yes! It's very good, but..." She said as she lowered her head. "It's a bit disappointing that I've had this divinity for years and in just a few days you've already developed it to levels I didn't even know were possible... first it was sound waves, now you're using my divinity to make lightning... it seems you're more of a wave god than I am..."

When I heard this, I understood where this was coming from.

She suffers from low self-esteem...

Even when good things happen, her low self-esteem probably always brings her down, making her see the bad side of things and blame herself for many reasons.

Shaking my head, I put my hand on her shoulder and said. "Lucy, your divinity is incredible, and you used it in an incredible way to save the people of Novera who could have died because of the drought in those lands. Even if you didn't use the methods I used, it's only because you didn't know, I'm the god of creativity, of course I'm going to be more creative than anyone else when I do something."

Listening to my explanation of my divinity and thinking about it, Lucy was surprised that it was true.

"It's true... it would be silly to compete with you on creativity in the use of things..." She said as she let out a small, embarrassed laugh.

Removing my hand from her shoulder, I smiled and nodded.

Even if I didn't need my divinity to do what I told her, it was a lie that didn't need to be pointed out.

As long as it made her feel good, everything would be fine.

After dealing with Lucy's feelings, we flew to the capital of Aetheris and I summoned a giant screen with my face on it.

When the giant screen appeared over the capital of Aetheris, the people below were shocked and frightened, but I quickly projected my voice like a microphone to the entire city.

Unlike in Eldoria, where I had to use a lot of divine power, in Aetheris, where I already had access to Lucy's divinity, the cost of projecting audio like this without using any attack power was very low.

[To the brave mortals of the Kingdom of Aetheris,

I come to you with great news. The God of Thunder has been defeated. His tyranny, which once controlled the destiny of your lives and forced you to pray to him daily against your will, will no longer hold you back.

Each of you is free to choose your own path, to pray and to believe in that which truly gives you hope.

I, Athenos, sent by the God of the Internet, offer you a new era of freedom and knowledge. In the domain of the God of the Internet, everyone has access to what they need to thrive.

Can you imagine learning new skills, communicating with distant villages, and even summoning powerful creatures for your protection, all with a single prayer? It is possible with the Internet.

From now on, you are invited to connect to this infinite source of knowledge and power. You no longer need to fear thunder and storms, for together we can build a safer and more promising future. Believe in the power of information and join this new era where power is in the hands of those who know how to use it!

The prayer to the God of the Internet is...]

With that explained, it took a few seconds for the bravest people in Aetheris to muster the courage to pray to me, but within a few minutes, a few hundred prayers started coming in from people in that city, which soon turned into a few thousand prayers, and that didn't stop rising after people actually tried the Internet and showed it to their friends.

Seeing this unfold, both Lucy and I looked down at the city below with smiles on our faces and prepared to return to our kingdoms.

But before we could fly back, a terrible sense of crisis rose in my chest.

Shocked, I began to look around anxiously, trying to understand what was going on.

It took Lucy a while to react, but she was soon as alert as I was to this possible danger.

Being an elemental god, my senses were much sharper than Lucy's, so I quickly felt the irregularity that was appearing in the sky...

It was as if the space there was being torn apart and something was coming out of it!

"What are those things?" I asked, confused.

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