God of Illusions

Chapter 900: What Do You Want?

Chapter 900: What Do You Want?

Even after three days after the Third and Fourth Princes’ visit, Bai Xiaofei still had seen no sight of the Sixth and Eighth. He had no idea that the First Prince had already talked with them until he was informed.

Like the Third and Fourth Prince, the Sixth and Eighth also supported Bai Xiaofei’s idea, not to mention when it was the First Prince who personally told them about it.

When Bai Xiaofei asked why it took the First Prince so long to inform him, the guy glossed over it, saying that the Sixth and Eighth had been too busy to see him.

Bai Xiaofei didn’t struggle over this matter. He only needed to know that the princes meant no harm to him.

He had suspicions about something else. According to the puppetsmith who made human puppets, Shadow Death was hired by someone who wanted to intervene with the throne competition. However, among the five princes, he couldn’t imagine anyone who seemed like they would do such a thing.

Is someone not what they appear? Or is this person among the two remaining princes, the Sixth and Eight?

Bai Xiaofei felt a headache coming on. Shadow Death had always been his biggest problem. If the human puppet matter remained unhandled, he could not imagine the turbulence it was capable of stirring up in the future.

“Still troubled by the human puppet thing?” a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

Jolted out of his thoughts, Bai Xiaofei exclaimed, “How did you get in here?!” as he stared at the loli-form Tan Xin in disbelief.

“Did I not say that you aren’t allowed to leave me behind? Who knew that you entered the palace and never came out?! I had to ask the old man to take me in, telling the guards that I’m your future wife,” said Tan Xin righteously.

However, Bai Xiaofei just knew that she had definitely used shady means to get in. Not to mention his future bride, even he needed a token to pass the current Imperial Guard!

“Did you attack them?” Bai Xiaofei gulped as he worried for the guards. With Tan Xin’s ability, even a squad wouldn’t be able to stop her.

“Don’t worry, how can I attack your people? The old man brought me in with the emperor’s pass.” Tan Xin rolled her eyes angrily.

“That’s good. How is the situation outside? Did anyone visit the Yun family these past two days?”

Bai Xiaofei only had a few concerns at the moment and Tan Xin had guessed that he would ask this.

“The Fourth Prince did once, but interestingly, he didn’t come to seek the support of the Yun clan. Can you guess what he did?” Tan Xin laughed with ill-intent as she stared strangely at Bai Xiaofei.

“He asked about me, didn’t he?” Bai Xiaofei could guess, but he was still surprised by it. He found it hard to believe that information on him was more important than the support of the Yun family to the Fourth Prince.

“Wow, you actually can guess this. Confess, what kind of spell did you cast on them? They have been asking about you everywhere, and the Sixth Prince even mobilized the Ethereal Merchant Group,” Tan Xin then described what had happened.

The more she said, the scarier it felt. Bai Xiaofei had broken into a cold sweat. He only thought that they just wanted to investigate him, but for them to go to such lengths, there was definitely a bigger purpose…

“Maybe… probably… they want to keep me in Ethereal.” After half a day of hesitation, Bai Xiaofei hit the nail on the head. However, the two of them had no way to verify his speculation.

“Tch, how is that possible? Ethereal has nothing to keep you. As if they can make you marry and have children here…” Tan Xin commented coldly.

However, the two froze as soon as she finished speaking.

“They must be finding beauties to introduce to you! I warn you! If you dare…”

“Stop! No need to continue, what you imagine won’t happen. I won’t be swayed even if a beauty sits in my lap!” Bai Xiaofei vowed.

Tan Xin coldly snorted. “Oh, so you’ll let them sit in your lap! It seems you still have ideas!”

A woman’s thoughts were something a man could never keep up with, especially in this respect…

“A slip of the tongue, it’s just a slip of the tongue! I mean, even if they send me a beautiful woman, I won’t even give her a glance! Wait, no, I won’t even accept her!” Bai Xiaofei hurriedly corrected himself, successfully blocking Tan Xin’s complaints.

“That’s still just words. When the time comes, if you really…” Tan Xin made a ‘squeezing’ gesture.

Her action ran a chill down to Bai Xiaofei’s ‘little brother.’

“Overseer!” At that critical moment, Tian Hai ran into the room in a panic holding an invitation card.

“You can act like this in front of me, but never look so flustered in front of others. You are now the commander of the Imperial Guard and its representative,” said Bai Xiaofei as he took the card, and then he understood why Tian Hai panicked.

Anyone would lose their calm when they received an invitation signed by all the five candidates for the throne.

Ah, after so many days, I’ll finally get to see the remaining two princes…

His lips slightly curled up as Bai Xiaofei greatly anticipated the upcoming meeting. The pending human puppet problem might be able to make some progress as well.

Bai Xiaofei then looked at Tan Xin. “Do you have a suitable outfit for the party? There will be a big meal tonight, wanna attend?”

The First Prince’s invitation was to a family banquet where the guests would bring a female partner. Since Tan Xin had read the card, Bai Xiaofei invited her lest she get upset.

“Of course! Don’t even think of leaving me behind this time!” Tan Xin coldly snorted and snatched the card from Bai Xiaofei’s hand. The location written on it made her frown. “How can it be that place?! It’s okay for them to go there?!!”

It was not in the palace, but the Moon Beck Pavilion!

“What’s the problem? The Moon Beck Pavilion is not that kind of inelegant place. Those who stay there are famous figures and nobles. Moreover, do you think such a particular place can take root in the imperial city without the support of the royal family?” Bai Xiaofei said to her before looking at Tian Hai. “Tonight, the Imperial Guard will go with me. No one will be allowed to go near the Moon Beck Pavilion. Do you understand what I mean?”

Tian Hai instantly straightened up and his whole bearing changed. “I will see it done!”

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