God of Blackfield

Chapter 338: Because It's Urgent (1)

While watching Abibu get carried away on a stretcher through the glass, Kang Chan pulled out his phone. Although the sudden terrorist attack had caused a delay, he still intended to stop Lanok from having to go into the basement of Loriam. He also wanted to ensure Anne's safety. After a few rings, a familiar female voice answered the phone.

- Hello?


- Yes, Deputy Director-General.

"Why are you speaking so formally? I already told you that I’ve quit."

- It hasn't been processed yet.

"Let's not be so formal with each other. I told you that last time as well."

Anne suddenly quieted down. If she were busy or in another meeting, she would not have answered the call in the first place. Kang Chan tensed up.

"What's going on? Did something happen to the ambassador?"

- Channy, I'm sorry, but could you come to the embassy now?

"Sure. I'm on my way."

After hanging up, Kang Chan immediately looked for Choi Jong-Il. He then changed into the shirt that he had left in the car and drove to the embassy with Lee Doo-Hee.

What could it be? Has Romain done something reckless?

He felt uneasy during the entire trip.

The embassy was still guarded by the 606's Special Operations Unit. Upon seeing Kang Chan, they bowed as a gesture of respect and familiarity.

"Monsieur Kang, this way please,” Raphael, who had been waiting, greeted.

Kang Chan could tell at a glance that something was amiss. In complete silence, he walked into the building and went to the office on the second floor. When he opened the door and entered, he immediately saw Anne rising from the table.

Right after, a man stood up from Lanok’s desk.

"It's been a long time, Assistant Director," Pierre, the head of the intelligence bureau in Niafle, greeted.

What? Why...?

"Pierre, why are you sitting there?"

"I am the new French ambassador to South Korea," Pierre replied.

Kang Chan motionlessly stared at him.

Knock, knock, knock.

If Raphael hadn't brought in some tea, he might have stood there for much longer.

"Why don't we sit down and talk?"

Kang Chan first gave Anne a look, then turned to Louis standing by the door to determine if Anne was under threat.

"Assistant Director."

Kang Chan turned his gaze back to Pierre.

"Just call me by my name," said Kang Chan.

"Understood, Monsieur Kang."

At the very least, Pierre was clearly being cautious around him. After Raphael left the room, Kang Chan finally moved to the table and sat down.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"The director put me in this position."

"How’s the ambassador?"

"He is in Loriam."

Kang Chan reached for a cigarette and then slowly raised his gaze.

"Say that again, Pierre."

"He is in the basements of Loriam."

Hearing the same thing twice and seeing Anne cover her mouth with her hand confirmed that the ambassador was now trapped in the sinister underground prison of Loriam, the same place where they had locked Sharlan.

"Did Romain order this?"

"The DGSE has complete management rights over Loriam."

"Pierre, I'm warning you. Don't play word games with me about the ambassador's situation. Did Romain order this?"

"Yes, Monsieur Kang."

Kang Chan sighed softly.

He had thought that he would have at least three days of leeway. Hence, after listening to Abibu’s confession, he rushed over to discuss what to do with Romain.

He had heard about this from Vasili. However, he hadn't expected things to escalate so quickly and without any warning. Now that they were in this situation, he was seething.

"Pierre, I’m taking Anne, Louis, and Raphael with me."

"That will be difficult."

Kang Chan smirked.

Meeting his demanding gaze, Pierre explained, "Please don't misunderstand. If Anne, Louis, and Raphael leave the embassy, the ambassador will truly be in danger. Moreover, since the director wants to negotiate with you through me, their absence would only make him tighten his guard."

Anne nodded from across the table.

"Why did the ambassador accept being locked up in Loriam earlier than scheduled?" Kang Chan asked.

"The main reason was to prevent the DGSE from publicly exposing you, Monsieur Kang," Pierre quickly responded."The threat video that the UIS had broadcast during the terrorist attack on the International Building was supposed to be around five minutes long."

"That video from yesterday?"

"Yes. It included footage of your activities in Afghanistan, your stay in a UN base in Africa, your battle with the Quds, and pictures of your operations in Libya."

Abibu! That bastard!

There was yet another unspoken crime.

"Intelligence bureaus should never commit such actions among themselves. Nevertheless, the UIS had intended to go to such lengths to target you, but the ambassador stopped them."


Kang Chan was tired of only being able to retaliate. He had also been ranting about building a stronger South Korea and improving its intelligence bureau.

How long does this have to go on?

"How long do we have to endure watching people we care about sacrifice themselves?" he muttered to himself.

Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook had gone abroad, and Lanok was trapped in Loriam.

They had also lost Choi Seong-Geon, Hwang Ki-Hyun, and Song Chang-Wook.

He had been running around so much that despite Kim Gwan-Sik's joking suggestion, he hadn't even called Kim Mi-Young. What had he been doing all this time?

"Channy," Anne called.

Kang Chan calmly looked at her.

"My father… asked you not to hate France and to protect and take care of his successor."

Damn it. What is the ambassador thinking?

Vasili was saying that he had chosen Loriam in order to capture the Star of David, and Pierre was saying that it was to protect Kang Chan.

Kang Chan turned back to Pierre. "Are you confident that you can protect Anne?"

"I will do my best, Monsieur Kang."

Kang Chan turned to Louis.

"Louis, have there been any changes in the embassy staff?"

"No, Monsieur Kang."

"Please take care of Anne."

"I will," Louis responded with a nod.


Moon Jae-Hyun, who had been walking along the Blue House pathway, stopped.

"How should we handle Abibu?" he asked.

"The situation requires further consideration. We’ve got solid evidence that ties him to the terrorist attack on the International Building, so there's no problem there. However, the cases involving former directors Hwang Ki-Hyun and Song Chang-Wook are based solely on statements, so we need objective evidence."

Moon Jae-Hyun grimaced.

It wasn’t just any statement. Go Gun-Woo had rushed over in shock because Kang Chan had beaten up Abibu so severely that the medical team almost failed to save him.

"Given the public sentiment, we can’t just decide on Abibu’s verdict based on the International Building incident alone. Let’s give this issue some more thought."

“Yes, sir," Go Gun-Woo responded with a heavy face.

"How about other matters?"

"We’ve received a report stating that we have obtained the OTP device for a missile launcher. While this is a significant achievement, the pieces we’ve gathered do not connect into a single picture."


The two continued walking toward the Blue House, which looked like broad shoulders that stretched to both ends of the landscape.

"We’re putting too much burden on the assistant director, yet we can’t even give him full authority over the National Intelligence Service…”

"Considering his career, age, factional support, and the views of the opposition and the public, it's impossible to entrust the National Intelligence Service to him.”

"His aggressive nature could also be a problem,” Go Gun-Woo remarked.

The two chuckled.

"There’s no other option for now. We’ll have to rely on your protection, Director,” Moon Jae-Hyun said.

"I understand. Are you looking for a successor, though?" Go Gun-Woo asked.

Moon Jae-Hyun gave Go Gun-Woo a questioning gaze.

Go Gun-Woo inadvertently shook his head. "Mr. President, while watching the assistant director handle Abibu, I realized I am not fit to be the head of the National Intelligence Service.”

He continued, "I have never felt the meaning of risking one's life as clearly as I do now. You must have seen the CCTV footage, too. My heart raced when the agents threw themselves into the lobby of the International Building."

As if recalling that scene, Go Gun-woo’s expression understandably tensed up. After all, he had lived his entire life as a bureaucrat before finding himself amid such an operation.

"With your permission, Mr. President, I would like to consider myself a stand-in director for the assistant director. Until we can give this position to him. I’ll follow his intentions whenever possible."

"What about his aggressive nature?"

"I suppose managing that is part of my job. I also have administrative issues and factional matters to coordinate."

Moon Jae-Hyun nodded. "We have already bought the land in Goseong, and road construction has started. If we can just endure for another year, we’d be able to somewhat complete the picture we so desire to see."

"Do you believe the next administration will push this agenda as firmly as you do, Mr. President?"

"I don't know." Moon Jae-Hyun looked at the Blue House. "However, I trust our people. Against all the hardships and adversities they will face, they have the capability and resilience that have built South Korea into what it is today."

With a determined expression, he added, "Our people can turn South Korea into a leading global power. They deserve to live in such a country."

Realizing that he had no choice but to continue filling the role of the NIS director, Go Gun-Woo exhaled softly as he looked at Blue House.


The Jeungpyeong special forces team’s bus stopped in front of their barracks. Afterward, starting with Cha Dong-Gyun, the soldiers began to disembark. The door of the barracks opened at the same time.

"Attention!" ordered Cha Dong-Gyun.

As commanded, the soldiers immediately stood at attention.

Park Chul-Su scowled at Cha Dong-Gyun. "What are you doing? Hurry up and help me out!"

Although the aide was holding him up by his left arm, Park Chul-Su was still moving so slowly that he seemed stuck in the door of the barracks. Cha Dong-Gyun quickly saluted and then ran to assist. As soon as he held Park Chul-Su’s right arm, his expression darkened.

"Did getting promoted to Captain get to your head? How could you scowl when a general has asked for your help?" Park Chul-Su questioned.

"With all due respect, sir, why are you moving around in your current condition?"

"How could you ask me that when you’ve gone out to an operation with a hole in your stomach?”

Still pale and heavily bandaged around the chest, Park Chul-Su was clearly in no condition to be outside.

The other soldiers quickly ran over, lifted Park Chul-Su, and helped him down the barracks. At the same time, the aide brought over a wheelchair. Once the soldiers had sat him on it, the aide draped a blanket over him.

"Cha Dong-Gyun," called Park Chul-Su. “No, you’re Captain Cha Dong-Gyun now."

He managed a weak smile. "Being a general is great."

"Congratulations on your promotion, sir."

"Yeah. Thanks to that, I can now sneak out like this and even buy gifts for you bastards.” Despite the pain, Park Chul-Su grinned mischievously. "I bought Korean beef. Consider it my treat to celebrate my promotion, so eat as much as you want."

"Did you really sneak out?"

"Why? Want to try it?"

Cha Dong-Gyun glanced at the side. Park Chul-Su wouldn’t lie to them, but this kind of joke was certainly different from his usual demeanor.

"I might not be back for another two months," Park Chul-Su said, his tone now more serious. "Although I'll still support administrative aspects and occasionally buy you all some beef, I'm planning to start taking it easy."

With the soldiers done unloading the equipment, the bus slowly began to drive away.

With a stern and resolute expression, he continued, "So, from now on, you lead this unit.”

Cha Dong-Gyun didn’t know what to say.

"Give my aide a list of all the personnel and equipment you need. I'll secure everything using any means necessary. In return, create a force that can survive Africa and even yesterday’s terrorist attack. I want this team to become so strong that just the mention of its name makes terrorists tremble."

Park Chul-Su slowly turned his gaze toward the makeshift city. "Now that I have the stars, I finally understand why General Choi Seong-Geon couldn't leave this barracks."

Cha Dong-Gyun stared at Park Chul-Su in confusion. Maybe he would never understand what he meant. After all, according to him, one would need the stars to comprehend it.


After leaving the embassy, Kang Chan headed back to his office. On the way, he called Assistant Manager Kim.

- Hello?

"It’s me. My parents’ phones are off."

- Assistant Director.

Assistant Manager Kim spoke gently.

"How’s the situation over there?"

- They actually came up with the plan for this trip a few days ago. However, they only decided to push through with it and began making reservations when they learned about the terrorist attacks that took the lives of two of our directors. We were already at the airport when they learned about the incident over at the International Building.

"It took them that long to learn about the attack on the International Building?"

- They had turned off their phones, TVs, and internet, so they’re completely unaware of any recent affairs.

Kang Chan cocked his head.

- After the news from France began circulating, they started getting flooded with calls...


Kang Chan now understood why the two decided to travel abroad. Having to completely cut off contact and stay at home likely made them feel more like they were being confined than being protected. It was not strange at all for them to want to escape and rest somewhere no one recognized them for a day or two.

"Are they with you right now?"

- I upgraded them to first class. Should I switch you over?

"If you can."

- Please hold.

After a moment of background noises and Assistant Manager Kim explaining things to a flight attendant, Kang Chan heard another voice.

- Hello?

It was Kang Dae-Kyung.

"Father, this does not seem fair."

Choi Jong-Il, who was in the driver’s seat, glanced around and then quickly looked out the window.

- Your mom and I are finally having a proper honeymoon.

In the background, Kang Chan heard Yoo Hye-Sook ask, “Is that Channy?”

Kang Chan had spoken in a somewhat whiny tone, but he still felt a twinge of remorse.

"I’m sorry, Father."

- What are you talking about? We’re out on a trip, so stop worrying about us already. As it turns out, going abroad with your mom feels better than I thought.

“Okay,” Kang Chan responded.

- I’ll hand you over to your mother. One moment.

Kang Chan was just thinking of Yoo Hye-Sook when her cheerful voice burst through.

- Channy!


- Where are you? Have you eaten? Are you hurt anywhere?

His smile was tinged with sadness and apology.

"I’m doing fine. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep in touch properly."

- It’s okay. I know you’re busy. Your father has told you not to worry about anything else while you're working, hasn’t he?

Kang Chan cocked his head, surprised by the brightness in Yoo Hye-Sook's voice.

"Is there anything you need?"

- Just don’t skip your meals.

"I won’t."

- Channy.


- This is a trip your dad and I have always wanted to take since we got married, so don’t feel bad or uneasy that we’re doing this now, okay?

She definitely practiced speaking like this!

Kang Chan finally realized why Yoo Hye-Sook sounded so cheerful. Although she wasn’t fond of the trip, she had probably practiced responding this way just in case he called. The way she answered and talked to him made her seem as if she was reading a book.

"Should I be expecting a sibling soon?"

- You! Don’t be disgusting!

Choi Jong-Il glanced at him, but it didn’t matter to Kang Chan. He could simply laugh with Yoo Hye-Sook. They talked for about thirty minutes, hanging up only when Kang Chan was almost at his destination.

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