God of Blackfield

Chapter 290: Did You Think It Would End Like This? (2)

Chapter 290: Did You Think It Would End Like This? (2)

Kang Chan spent a night in the room that Sherman provided. He then enjoyed a light lunch the next day before making his way to the Athens Central Medical Center. Despite feeling uncomfortable about wearing the same clothes he had worn yesterday, he hesitated to ask the American agents for any favors or errands.

'How long will I spend wandering around today?' he wondered, smirking as he gazed out the window.

Reflecting on the power he had gained, he once again realized that there were limits to what one could achieve alone. This notion had always been on his mind. After all, despite all his preparations, he kept being overwhelmed by his responsibilities. Maybe that was also the reason behind the regrettable outcomes he encountered yesterday.

Now, he found himself in Athens. People from different lives passed by the cafes, restaurants, and bright shops that were hoping to entice tourists. He had never yearned for such a life. Rather, he was already thankful enough to have Kang Dae-Kyung, Yoo Hye-Sook, and the other amazing individuals in his life. He had never had such connections before.

Blackhead? Next-gen energy? Maybe these are merely byproducts of the things I’m grateful for.

Either way, Seok Kang-Ho, the agents, and the soldiers saw him as their linchpin and supported him accordingly. Aware of this, Kang Chan realized that he hadn't fully embraced that role yet. Rather, he had preoccupied himself with minor adversaries and shuttling between intelligence bureau offices.

The car soon stopped in front of the hospital, annoyingly interrupting Kang Chan and his thoughts right before he could reach enlightenment.

Exiting the car, a French agent greeted him with a slight bow.

"This way, Deputy Director-General," the agent said.

Kang Chan watched the sedan he had ridden drive away from the hospital. It seemed the DGSE was taking over from here.

Those kids, always so busy! Couldn't they have at least said hello before leaving?

He followed the French agent inside and took the elevator to the fifth floor. When the elevator doors opened, he was greeted by two agents standing with their hands clasped in front of them.

"The entire fifth floor has been reserved for the DGSE," one of them said.

Kang Chan around the hall and then entered the first door on the left. It was a small room that contained a bed with complex machinery, a table and a chair

Hu-wook. Hu-wook.

An agent laid on the bed, unconscious and connected to a life-support machine. With each labored breath he took, the pouch attached to the device rhythmically inflated and deflated. The dark scabs covering his face, hands, and neck bore testament to the severe struggles he and his colleagues had to endure in their last mission. This warrior had, without a doubt, dedicated himself to liberation, retribution, and his nation.

‘Well done. And I'm sorry.’

Kang Chan observed the agent's battered features in silence before heading to the next room.


The door creaked open, revealing Seok Kang-Ho in a condition mirroring that of the agent in the previous room.

Bubble bubble. Hu-wook. Hu-wook.

Kang Chan approached the bed and examined Seok Kang-Ho's swollen figure. His eyes remained shut, and his face, hands, and ears were so bloated that Kang Chan couldn’t see a single line or crease.

Seok Kang-Ho must have been filled with a sense of injustice and anger. Daye, as Kang Chan knew him, would have been seething, insisting on remaining in the fray until he had drawn his last breath. After all, to him, displaying such vulnerability was a fate worse than death itself.

The thought made Kang Chan clench his teeth.

“Daye,” Kang Chan uttered. After a brief pause, he softly added, “Just rest for a bit.”

Leaving the room, Kang Chan proceeded to the adjacent one.


Cha Dong-Kyun, lying on the bed, struggled to turn his head. As soon as he saw Kang Chan, his face filled up with surprise, which was quickly replaced with annoyance as he attempted to sit up.

“Just stay put. This isn’t the first time, is it?” Kang Chan chided gently as he walked over to him.

He pressed Cha Dong-Gyun’s shoulder, then sat down on the chair beside the bed.

“But I feel sorry...” Cha Dong-Gyun bit down on his lip as he fixed his gaze on Kang Chan. His cheeks were hollow, his jaw sharp, and his eyes intense.

“I have no intention of giving in. If I step down just because they got a hit on us, they’ll only grow bolder,” Kang Chan declared, locking eyes with Cha Dong-Gyun. “It’s okay to rest if things get too hard, but not for you and Daye.”

“Chul-Ho would be disappointed.”

“He would have said the same thing, just the names would have been different.”

Cha Dong-Gyun laughed, making him wince in pain.

“There’s no other way right now except for the special forces team in Jeungpyeong,” Kang Chan pointed out.

“Understood,” Cha Dong-Gyun agreed, his eyes conveying the deep sorrow of a leader who had lost a comrade. Due to Kang Chan’s absence, the heavy toll of death was now his to bear.

“Being in command isn’t easy, is it?” Kang Chan mused.

Cha Dong-Gyun was about to reply but decided to remain silent instead.

"It's only natural for you to feel the loss of a colleague more deeply," Kang Chan advised, "but don’t see it as the betrayal of those who have gone before.”

Cha Dong-Gyun looked at Kang Chan as if he was conflicted. His curiosity about Kang Chan’s true nature seemed especially piqued during moments like these. Unfortunately, it was left unanswered.

After leaving Cha Dong-Gyun's room, Kang Chan visited also Kwak Cheol-Ho, Um Ji-Hwan, and the interpreter before making his way back to Seok Kang-Ho.

Seok Kang-Ho urgently needed a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, requesting one in a hospital under the vigilant eyes of the Americans proved challenging.

Kang Chan still couldn’t fully grasp the intricacies of the organization, but he at least knew that every person had their own unique approach and style. After gazing at Seok Kang-Ho's swollen face, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Tirururuk. Tirururuk. Tirururuk.

The dial tone let out several old-fashioned beeps before it was answered.

- Hello?

The voice that Kang Chan heard was not the one that he was expecting.

- Kim Tae-Jin speaking. Hello? Hello? The phone's acting up again! Hello?

"It's Kang Chan."

A brief pause ensued.

- Kang Chan?


- Kang Chan! Hey! You’re alive! You son of a—how can you be so heartless?!

Oh Gwang-Taek was louder than ever. The Mongolian wilderness only seemed to further amplify his voice.

"Where's the director?" Kang Chan inquired.

- He's out on patrol. Why? What's going on?

"What do you mean?"

At that moment, Kang Chan glanced at Seok Kang-Ho.

- You sound different! Hey, Kang Chan! What's happening?

"Mr. Seok is injured," Kang Chan revealed.

- What? Is it serious?

"It doesn't look like he's going to die, at least.”

A deep sigh of relief came from the other end.

- Is there anything I can do?

"Oh Gwang-Taek."

- Tell me. Anything you need.

Oh Gwang-Taek patiently waited.

"Don’t you resent me for only coming to you when I need something and for putting you in this situation?"

- What the fuck are you talking about? You're talking to the Oh Gwang-Taek, you bastard! I don’t mind helping out a good person! The only ones I can’t stand are bad people!

His passionate response was followed by a burst of laughter.

- You're planning to avenge Mr. Seok, aren't you?


- Damn it! I'll discuss it with the people here and then head straight to you.

"And how will things be managed there?"

- Why don’t you visit for once, you idiot?! Without our permission, nobody gets anywhere near this place. We've got everything under tight control.

Oh Gwang-Taek’s bragging was so outlandish that it would make Vasili shake his head in disbelief.

"Is the old man around?"

- Huh?

Oh Gwang-Taek sounded as if he turned his head as he spoke.

- You mean Director Kang?


- Hold on.

From the other end, Kang Chan could hear Oh Gwang-Taek announce, “Kang Chan is on the line!”

- Hello?

Kang Chul-Gyu sounded different—like he was a lot better and stronger now.

- I happened to be nearby and overheard.

His tone was calm but had a distinct charisma to it.

“I’m up against an enemy too strong for me to fight alone,” Kang Chan stated.

The old man chuckled. It sounded almost like a sigh.

- I'll consult with President Oh and decide on our next steps. Do you need more people?

"Following a request from Russia, we have to halve the base's radius and reorganize the personnel. How many fighters will we have left?"

- Well... about two squads.

"We're looking at a situation where more than half of the Jeungpyeong special forces team was wiped out."

Laughter, echoing resignation yet again, filled the line.

- The men with me have been eagerly waiting for such an opportunity. Since they got here, they have shed all their societal excess, ready to play their part.

"Understood. I'll discuss this with Manager Kim. I’ll have transportation arranged for everyone.”

A moment of awkward silence followed the end of their conversation. Just before Kang Chan was about to end the call, he heard an incredibly awkward “Thank you.”

Kang Chan hung up, marking one task complete. He then called Kim Hyung-Jung.

Those fucking UIS bastards!

After what they did to Daye and how they left the special forces team in such a state, did they really think he would just let it go?


Moon Jae-Hyun, always the picture of stoicism, now showed signs of weariness. They had gathered in the reception room of an art gallery tucked away behind the Namsan Hotel. On the sofas arranged around Moon Jae-Hyun were Go Gun-Woo, Hwang Ki-Hyun, and Jeon Dae-Geuk. Kim Hyung-Jung, the junior among them, took up the last seat.

"Former Prosecutor General Song Chang-Wook has agreed to serve as the inaugural commissioner of the newly founded Energy Resource Administration," Go Gun-Woo reported.

Moon Jae-Hyun simply nodded.

"Discussions with them were manageable since they know Assistant Director Kang Chan. Unfortunately, finding the right head for the Eurasian Rail is proving difficult."

"Is it because of the North Korean issue that you mentioned before?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ha! Is there not a single candidate out there who addresses even those minor shortcomings?"

"Their issues range from fraudulent residence changes and speculation to the sexual assault of female employees..."

Moon Jae-Hyun massaged his face in frustration. "If the Eurasian Rail connects to North Korea, do we necessarily need an expert on them? Perhaps we should consider other candidates."

"Understood," Go Gun-Woo responded.

Moon Jae-Hyun looked away.

"Is there really no way to dissuade the assistant director?"

"No, sir."

The categorical reply made Moon Jae-Hyun sit up with renewed attention.

"From what I’ve seen, once the assistant director sets his mind on rectifying something, he remains relentless until he accomplishes it. Considering he’s already initiated his plan, there's no turning back now." Go Gun-Woo continued.

"Hmm! We can't just sit by and watch him lead such dangerous missions." Moon Jae-Hyun said sternly.

"I’m sorry," Hwang Ki-Hyun interjected.

Moon Jae-Hyun lit up a cigarette, his demeanor softening a little.

"Has he set an objective yet?"

"It doesn't seem like it. Despite having the help of France, Russia, the UK, and China’s intelligence bureaus, the assistant director appears undecided about his target."

"This is just amazing!"

Moon Jae-Hyun laughed incredulously.

He was aware that Kang Chan was not one to act without a definitive goal. Given his request for a team from Mongolia, agents from the National Intelligence Service including Choi Jong-Il, and the special forces team from Jeungpyeong, he had made his intentions more than clear enough for everyone. Nevertheless, he remained reserved about specific details, seeking only potential collaboration.

The time to respond had come.

"What would be the consequences of stopping this operation?" Moon Jae-Hyun asked.

"It would mean breaking the commitment we made to the assistant director."

"The vow to retaliate against any aggression? Why did they ever appoint him as the head of the counter-terrorism division?"

Moon Jae-Hyun pensively mulled over his cigarette.

"The assistant director can mobilize agents from the French DGSE and the Foreign Legion’s special forces. Even the leaders of the four major intelligence bureaus I met yesterday seemed powerless when it came to diverting the assistant director from his course."

"His request for our agents and special forces implies that he plans to retaliate on behalf of the Republic of Korea, no?"

"That’s right."

"Ha! Never before have I simultaneously felt gratitude, regret, concern, and embarrassment."

Moon Jae-Hyun toyed with the lighter.

"Mr. President," Hwang Ki-Hyun called. "I know Mr. Kang is a talent we must safeguard at all costs, but we cannot dampen his spirit."

"What do you suggest we do, then?"

"The assistant director is on his way to becoming a figure of global significance. For the time being, quietly observing and trusting him might be our best option."

"The assistant director isn't some teenage boy dealing with adolescence," Moon Jae-Hyun quipped, half in jest. Chuckling, he set the cigarette and lighter back on the table. "At this rate, will anyone be left by the time he truly becomes a global figure?"

After a brief pause, he asked, "How's his personnel recruitment coming along?"

"Aside from those arriving from Mongolia, everyone else is ready,” Kim Hyung-Jung replied.

"And the transportation arrangements?"

"They’re on standby at the base in Seongnam.”

"A talent who never backs down, appearing out of thin air.... There's simply no stopping him. Anyway, when did he depart for Libya?"

"He took off yesterday aboard an F-16 provided by the US military.”

Moon Jae-Hyun couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I've always seen you and your predecessor as formidable, Director Hwang, but compared to the assistant director, I’m starting to feel like we’re all somewhat lacking.”

"It might be somewhat embarrassing to say this, but he has certainly become an important figure in the international scene,” Hwang Ki-Hyun admitted. “He’s even battling adversaries the National Intelligence Service is yet to fully understand."

"All in the name of the Republic of Korea?"

"Even if that wasn't his intention before, that much is undeniable now."

Moon Jae-Hyun nodded. "Let's proceed according to the assistant director's directives.”

"Understood," Hwang Ki-Hyun immediately replied.

"I wonder if I’d get to see powerful nations bow their heads to the Republic of Korea or, at the very least, to the assistant director before my time comes,” Moon Jae-Hyun pondered aloud, leaving Hwang Ki-Hyun unable to answer.


Seok Kang-Ho tried his best to open his swollen eyes.


Despite the swelling, he seemed to recognize Kang Chan.

"Are you awake?"

"Some water, please..."

Kang Chan moistened gauze in water and carefully patted Seok Kang-Ho's lips with it. After sipping water from it three times, he stopped asking for more.

"You're in a hospital in Athens, Greece. Heading back to Korea right now isn't practical, so it's best you just rest here for now."


What a resilient bastard!

The evening ambiance was hinted at by the aroma of greasy food and the sounds of the hospital room door being operated.

"Got a cigarette?" Seok Kang-Ho feebly inquired, to which Kang Chan responded with a smile and a denial.

He truly had none. Having abruptly left the embassy, he couldn’t just say, “I forgot my cigarettes!” and come back for them.

"Won't you have some dinner?"

Kang Chan gave Seok Kang-Ho a sideways glance. Could the effects of the transfusion really last this long? He couldn’t come up with any other reason someone so swollen would even think of eating, though.

Buzzzzz. Buzzzzz.

Kang Chan answered promptly. "Hello?"

- This is Kim Hyung-Jung. We'll depart from the Seongnam Airport as soon as the team from Mongolia arrives. We should arrive at the Athens Airport in about twenty-four hours.]

"Thank you."

- Mr. Kang Chan.

Kim Hyung-Jung sounded calm.


- Can you share the target with us now?

This call was supposed to be secure, having minimal risk of interception.

Should I tell him?

Kim Hyung-Jung silently awaited Kang Chan's decision.

"Let's discuss this when you arrive, Manager.”

- Understood.

Despite the somewhat unsatisfactory response, Kim Hyung-Jung offered no further comment. Kang Chan hung up and glanced at Seok Kang-Ho.

How could he ever say that he planned to destroy Al-Aziziyah with Seok Kang-Ho listening?

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