God of Blackfield

Chapter 274: Is This Really a Gift For Me? (1)

Chapter 274: Is This Really a Gift For Me? (1)

As sunlight poured in through the window, Kang Chan pressed the call button.


- It's Vasili.

Why is this bastard calling me?

Growing suspicious, he lowered the phone and checked the caller ID.

- Have you heard that I went to Korea recently?

"Cut to the chase, Vasili."

Vasili's distinctive laugh came from the other side of the phone.

- Have you made arrangements with Lanok?

"I’m about to have dinner with him tonight. Why?” Kang Chan admitted, knowing he couldn't deceive Vasili. There was no need to hide it anyway.

- The UIS is targeting you and Lanok, Monsieur Kang. Since South Korea lacks the experience to keep itself safe from terrorism, I thought I should let you know. I don’t know why Lanok hasn't sought your help yet.

"Why would they have us in their sights? And why did Russia propose to share the development rights over its oil fields?"

- It would be best to let Lanok answer that, so ask all the questions you have over dinner. I just wanted to give you a hint. One more thing, Monsieur Kang.

Kang Chan silently waited for Vasili to continue.

- I know Korea lacks talented people and national capability, but running around Mongolia and Africa isn't wise. Such a strategy can inadvertently signal your enemies that if they wish to bring you down, they can strike in Mongolia, Africa, or even just about anywhere.

Is that how they see it? It’s amazing how people’s perspectives differ.

- Information warfare acknowledges revenge taken to ensure similar incidents don’t affect those close to us again, but intervening in every situation might cause confusion. It could make enemies feel safe to mess with anything they want.

Kang Chan had digested most of the information quite well, but he couldn't quite understand Vasili's last remark.

"Doesn’t revenge imply that you’ve lost someone dear to you? Are you telling me not to protect my people even if I have to?”

- That’s right. You’re quick on the uptake. If everyone you care about found themselves in danger at the same time, who would you save first?

Kang Chan had never thought about that before.

- A person you cherish? Or someone who plays a pivotal role? Who would it be, Monsieur Kang? It would be wise to consider this now that you've entered the world of information. It’s only a matter of time before you find yourself in such a situation.

Unable to come up with a reply, Kang Chan remained silent.

- Protecting everyone yourself might seem like the most effective method right now, but don't forget that the more you do it, the more frequently you put them in danger. The deeper the danger itself, too.


Kang Chan got lost in thought.

- Why not spare some time to consider the supporting characters?

Supporting character? What does he mean by that?

As Kang Chan pondered about it, the call abruptly ended.

‘It would be hard to find someone as confusing as him,’ he thought.

Just like with that damn bastard Andrei, it was hard to tell whether Vasili was a friend or foe.

The once-warm sunlight felt completely different now. Craving coffee and a cigarette, he sighed and got up. He then went back to his room.


Kang Chan found Seok Kang-Ho seemingly on the verge of cutting the table in half with scissors. He had a weird expression on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Agh! This is hard!"

After making coffee, Kang Chan walked over to the table. Seok Kang-Ho showed him a box and wrapping paper.

"Shouldn't I cut it to fit this?"


Kang Chan went to the closet and pulled out the Blackhead from the side pocket of his military pants. Its unique, dark-red gleam made it look valuable enough to fetch a decent amount of money.

Kang Chan and Seok Kang-Ho laid out the cut paper inside the box, then put the fist-sized Blackhead inside.

Everything had gone smoothly so far. However, cutting the wrapping paper and wrapping the box with it proved no easy task. The process took a full thirty minutes, yet it still felt as if it was lacking something.

Damn it! You know what? It's the thought that counts, not the wrapping!

"Done! This is the best we can do," remarked Kang Chan.

He then lit a cigarette and told Seok Kang-Ho about his conversation with Vasili.

"Is that why our room’s so heavily guarded?" Seok Kang-Ho wondered.

"I have a meeting with the ambassador later. I’ll ask him why the UIS is targeting us and why Russia and Saudi Arabia are offering such unrealistic deals," Kang Chan said.

"Alright. Guess I’ll be eating dinner on my own then," Seok Kang-Ho answered.


After their conversation, Kang Chan asked the agents outside to prepare him some clothes and a sedan for his trip to the embassy.

"Damn! Look at this!" Seok Kang-Ho exclaimed as he picked up the paper bag, seemingly astonished.

He then set it back down on the table. It was just an ordinary gift paper bag. Who would guess it contained a Blackhead?

The two were still laughing when an agent brought in formal, casual, and sports clothes.

Kang Chan put on comfortable cotton pants, a shirt, and a suit jacket.

"Aren't you cold?" asked Seok Kang-Ho.

"I'll be going straight into the embassy from the car and back, so I should be fine.”

"That's true."

Kang Chan picked up the paper bag and left the room.

The security for their room was so tight that he could feel sharp tension coming from the agents. When the elevator reached the ground floor, agents quickly surrounded him and escorted him to the car, making sure that no one could come within ten meters of him. The driver stepped on the gas as soon as Kang Chan got in and another agent hopped into the front passenger seat. Cars with agents in them drove in front of and behind them.

Kang Chan looked out the windshield, staring at the view between the square jaws and sturdy shoulders of the agents. Vasili underestimated South Korea. These agents were not only talented but would also put their lives on the line for their mission and country.

“Hold off on lunch tomorrow,” Kang Chan said.

The agent in the passenger seat turned to him.

"My father is bringing sushi. Eat with us.”

"During security details, we can only eat food we've gotten ourselves," the agent explained, smiling briefly before looking back at the road.

"There’s a regulation like that?"

"It's a rule that all protective services personnel follow, including the Presidential Security Service, as a countermeasure against the possibility of food contamination.”

"Isn't that a bit too strict?"

"It’s simply part of our duty as the deputy director's security detail."

The agent’s response was firm yet not irritating. Kang Chan could only smile.

The streets of Seoul were peaceful, evidenced by the warm sunlight that was unusual for winter, the various vehicles filling the roads, and the expressions of the people walking on the streets.

Kang Chan suddenly thought of Gérard, his men, Akrion, and the old man, all of whom they had left in Africa. Every now and then, he would catch himself wishing Gérard was with them. Despite all the events happening here, he still daydreamed about how nice it would be to sit in a quiet corner of the street, drinking coffee and smoking together with Gérard.

‘Wait, why hasn’t Smithen contacted me?’ Kang Chan wondered, realizing that he had forgotten about Smithen.

He was still deep in thought when the French embassy came into view. Their convoy soon entered the parking lot.

As South Korean agents surrounded the car Kang Chan was in, French agents also stepped out of the building and further tightened the security, dominating the parking lot with a swarm of people in black suits.

Having fought a desperate battle to protect his team in Africa just two days ago, Kang Chan found this treatment awkward and uncomfortable. However, the agents' dedicated expressions made it hard for him to say anything.

As they entered the embassy, Kang Chan found Raphael waiting for them.

"It’s been a while, Monsieur Kang,” he greeted. "The ambassador is waiting for you in his office."

Kang Chan, carrying a paper bag, followed Raphael to Lanok's office. The corridor was still adorned with antique-style walls and doors, complemented by a carpet laid along its length. The French embassy hadn't changed one bit.

"Monsieur Kang!" Lanok exclaimed.

"Mr. Ambassador!" Kang Chan replied.

Kang Chan was pleased to see him again. He didn’t expect he would be this glad to see him and his cold eyes and sharp nose, though.

They gave each other a warm hug, then a French greeting, complete with exaggerated cheek-kissing sounds. Kang Chan couldn’t be happier right now.

"Please have a seat," Lanok said, gesturing with his long arm toward the sofa.

Raphael prepared tea and cigarettes. His routine hadn’t changed at all either.

"How are you feeling?" asked Lanok.

"The doctor told me not to lift anything heavy. Oh, right, Mr. Ambassador!" Kang Chan exclaimed. He handed over the paper bag he was carrying to Lanok.

Subconsciously accepting it, Lanok looked at Kang Chan with curiosity.

"Consider it a gift to commemorate my trip to Africa.”

"May I open it?"

"Of course," Kang Chan answered, then sipped his tea.

Lanok tore through the gift wrap, his expression seemingly asking, 'What is this?'

Crink. Crink.

‘Westerners really do tear open packaging roughly,’ Kang Chan thought.

Lanok glanced at Kang Chan. Upon opening the box, he suddenly froze.

"Monsieur Kang...?" He looked so bewildered that Kang Chan began to worry if the Blackhead had been swapped with dynamite or C4. "This is...?"

This was the first time that Kang Chan had heard Lanok's voice tremble and seen him so flustered that his face turned red.

"Monsieur Kang...?"

"Mr. Ambassador, your reaction is making me nervous. Is it not to your liking?"

"Could it be... do you not know what it is that you’ve just given me?"

Lanok still hadn’t taken the rock out of the box.

“It’s a Blackhead, isn’t it?" Kang Chan questioned.

Lanok wheezed, his breath escaping him in a strange, windy sound. "Are you sure you still want me to have this despite knowing that?"


Lanok burst into laughter. Kang Chan could see his eyes glistening.

"For you to give me a Blackhead..."

Lanok carefully took it out of the box and looked down at it.

Not even hundreds of billions can make Lanok blink. He wouldn't fuss over the cost of a mere Blackhead.

"Is this really a gift for me?"

"It is, Mr. Ambassador," Kang Chan replied.

As if trying to suppress his emotions, Lanok swallowed dryly and then took a deep breath.

"Could you tell me how you obtained this?"

"Of course," Kang Chan said.

Kang Chan smoked a cigarette—and Lanok a cigar—as he told the events that had transpired in Africa. He did his best to summarize it. However, since it would be difficult for him to tell the latter half without starting from the beginning, it still took him forty minutes to cover everything important.

"The cave completely collapsed afterward," Kang Chan said, finally reaching the end of his story.

As Kang Chan took a sip of his tea, Lanok stood up and walked to a corner behind his desk. He pressed his palm against the wall.

Beep-beep. Click.

A door the size of a picture frame popped out from the wall. Lanok opened it and deposited the Blackhead into the safe. After closing it, he returned to his seat in front of Kang Chan with a composed expression.

"I'd like to discuss something over a meal. If you still feel inclined to give it to me afterward, Mr. Kang Chan, I'll accept it," he said.

Lanok was exhibiting behaviors Kang Chan had never imagined before, an indication that there were things about the Blackhead that Kang Chan was unaware of. Lanok walked over to his desk and pressed the intercom button.

- Yes, Mr. Ambassador?

“We will eat in my office,” Lanok declared.

- We will prepare accordingly, sir.

Shortly after, Raphael pushed a large table into the room. He covered it with a white tablecloth and set dishes, forks, and knives on it.

“Let’s move this to the table, shall we?”

Once seated, Lanok poured Kang Chan some wine, then himself. French meals were known for being lengthy.

“I am most pleased to see you again, Monsieur Kang,” Lanok said.

Kang Chan raised his glass in response, then took a sip. Not long after, Raphael brought in hors d’oeuvres consisting of salmon, caviar, and escargot dishes.

Using a small fork, Lanok took a bite. He then looked at Kang Chan as if he had steeled his resolve.

“The greatest utility of the Blackhead lies in the energy it contains,” he began.

Kang Chan couldn’t help but agree, having been forced to face deadly situations in England and Africa due to the Blackhead’s energy. Lanok knew about the events that had taken place in England better than anyone else.

Opting to just listen for now, Kang Chan focused on Lanok’s words, timing his eating to match the pace of the conversation.

“That was also the main reason our country developed the Large Hadron Collider,” Lanok said.

He took a sip of his wine before continuing.

"The Blackhead is a gem that condenses energy. In an attempt to utilize the energy, France developed the Large Hadron Collider. However, to extract it, we had to destabilize it first.”

"Is that why there were plans to create earthquakes?" Kang Chan asked, then put a piece of snail into his mouth.

Lanok shook his head. "Our intention was to project the energy outward, not start earthquakes. It only turned into a big issue when Britain misjudged it as a weapon.”

So that’s why.

Kang Chan nodded and took a sip of water.

Lanok continued, "I won’t delve into details, but the main problem is that artificial Blackheads are too unstable to be used as an energy source. Ethan’s subterranean shock device project quite perfectly demonstrated that.”

Catching Kang Chan's gaze, he immediately added, "However, your visit stabilized the energy release of the Blackhead in Britain.”

Kang Chan felt as if a new pit was opening up before him.

"But the energy from Britain's Blackhead lacks three wavelengths. Without the specific wavelength you possess, compensating for the other two is impossible. However, according to your story, the Blackhead you've given me might just be the stable energy source that Vasili and I have been risking our lives to find."

Lanok's grave demeanor prompted Kang Chan to set down his fork and take a sip of wine.

"Mr. Ambassador, I'm not quite sure how potent the energy inside the Blackhead is for you to have such a reaction,” remarked Kang Chan.

“According to research-backed predictions, for as long as we can keep providing denadite and cetinium, that Blackhead could supply South Korea with an endless amount of electricity for approximately five hundred years.”

Kang Chan couldn't help but smirk. This was certainly unbelievable enough to at least warrant surprise or curiosity.

"Assuming Blackheads appear in Africa every few decades and taking previously traded Blackheads into the calculation, the supply could somewhat be met. If that happens, the demand for oil will gradually diminish," Lanok noted.

This one I can somewhat understand.

"This plan puts a target on me, Vasili and Loriam. As for South Korea, it would be you, the President, and the NIS director," Lanok clarified.

Anyone hearing this for the first time would feel overwhelmed. Kang Chan was no exception.

"South Korea could utilize that energy for the next five hundred years. Knowing that, would you still offer it to me as a gift?" Lanok asked, his expression inscrutable.

Kang Chan and Lanok locked eyes.

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