God of Blackfield

Chapter 267: What Comes First (2)

Chapter 267: What Comes First (2)

- Monsieur Kang.

Hearing Lanok’s voice brought joy to Kang Chan as if this was the first time he had heard it in years.

"Mr. Ambassador, have you heard the UN’s excuses?" Kang Chan inquired. He presented the question as though he intended all eavesdroppers to hear.

Kang Chan heard laughter almost instantly after. Sure enough, the ever so observant and intelligent Lanok had immediately picked up what he was trying to say.

- If anyone’s listening to us, their hearts would have surely dropped in surprise.

“The UN's excuses are nonsensical, but we still plan to withdraw from this area for now," Kang Chan said.

-You may proceed as you see fit, Mr. Kang Chan.

"Understood. It's truly a pleasure to hear your voice, Mr. Ambassador."

Lanok warmly accepted Kang Chan's compliment.

- It would be even better to meet in person.

"I will visit you as soon as I get back."

- I'll prepare some fine wine and a meal for the occasion, then.

"I look forward to it."

- I believe you will conclude this as elegantly as the wine.

Lanok's words made Kang Chan's eyes flash, reflecting a peculiar feeling.

It was different! Though subtle, Lanok’s accent, tone, and timbre had changed.

Does he know about the Blackhead? Or am I just being too sensitive?

- I didn't expect you to be nervous just because I said you would wrap things up nicely.

"That's not it. I was just worried that you would be expecting a gift from me," Kang Chan answered.

Lanok burst into loud laughter.

- Hahaha!

Unable to determine if it was genuine or if there was a meaning behind it, Kang Chan couldn’t bring himself to laugh along.

- You are leaving a mystery for the ones still listening in with us. As always, the greatest gift for me is your safe return, Mr. Kang Chan.

"Understood, Mr. Ambassador. I'll contact you as soon as I’m back."

After hanging up, Kang Chan lost himself in thought.

Lanok repeatedly hinted at the presence of others listening in. Considering how concerned he was, wouldn't talking to Anne about the issue with Akrion and the elder also pose a problem?

Andrei, Tyle, and the UN staff had likely already reported the whole red glow event. Moreover, those who were targeting Kang Chan and his people would have likely already surmised it as well.

Even if the elder responded to Andrei's questions with awkward answers tomorrow, Roberre would be able to manage to steer the conversation elsewhere. However, that wouldn’t make it any easier for Kang Chan to go to the mountain with just the elder.

Kang Chan also wondered how they would take it if he insisted on taking the sole survivors. Would they simply stand by and watch when they had enough power to orchestrate an ambush? There was no guarantee that the Korean and French teams wouldn't find themselves facing six hundred hostiles.

That damn rock!

Although his true intention was to avoid greediness, Kang Chan realized that he underestimated the stakes. His oversight could potentially even endanger the lives of his team in their mission to protect the elder and Akrion. After all, in a way, it could be seen as Kang Chan monopolizing the Blackhead.

Why didn’t he act more cautiously instead of idling away the afternoon and ultimately drawing Andrei's attention? Lost in thought, he was suddenly struck by a sudden vagary thought. Since everyone in their base was using satellite phones, it wasn't just his comms that were vulnerable to wiretapping.

Why should he bear the burden alone? Andrei, Tyler, and the UN staff's conversations were likely also being monitored. If he was right, then the orchestrator behind the ambush would undoubtedly already be aware of the elder and the child's existence.

With a solidified resolve, Kang Chan dialed a number without hesitation.

The call rang twice before it was picked up.

- This is Anne.

"Don't you ever take a break?"

Like Lanok had done earlier, Anne responded with laughter to Kang Chan's comment.

- If you're tired of my voice, I can connect you with a colleague.

"How am I supposed to handle the ambassador if you do that?" Kang Chan said, eliciting an even heartier laugh.

- I didn't realize you could be afraid of anyone, Monsieur Kang.

“I'll have you know, the ambassador can be pretty intimidating at times even for me," he responded, though Anne offered no reply.

Kang Chan continued, "The ambassador's gaze, especially in the face of an enemy, can be quite daunting."

- I find both of you equally formidable.

"That's a misunderstanding. I'm nowhere near the ambassador's level," Kang Chan clarified, chuckling briefly.

- What are your instructions, Deputy Director-General?

Anne's tone changed, now ready for business.

"Anne, I plan to have an elderly Somali and a child with albinism transferred through the French Foreign Legion. I believe you know the precarious fate of albinos in Africa. I ask you to take steps to ensure their well-being in France,” Kang Chan replied.

- I'll coordinate with the Ministry of Justice's Immigration Bureau to find a solution.

"Thank you, Anne."

- Any other directives?

"Please send my regards to Louis."

- Consider it done.

Their conversation concluded with Anne's witty response.

Kang Chan knew that whatever challenges awaited, they could be addressed with the new day. Fretting now wouldn't change the outcome. He had to take every chance to rest that he could get.

Following his own rules, Kang Chan settled into bed.


A shocking report emerged overnight. Using the situation in Afghanistan as a pretext, the United Islamic State released a video on the internet declaring a holy war against South Korea. It was a clear declaration about the merciless retribution that was coming for Korea and its people.

The next morning, news broke that eleven members of a special forces team deployed in Africa were killed, while another six, including their leader, were critically injured. The public was rendered speechless upon learning that this team of fewer than a hundred had engaged six hundred insurgents in combat.

The identities of those killed were not disclosed, but it was revealed that this special forces team consisted of members who had previously served in Afghanistan, linking this incident to the retaliatory holy war reported the day before. However.


Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook talked about the morning news on their way to work.

"At times like these, I'm actually relieved our son is in Mongolia," Yoo Hye-Sook remarked.

"Right?" Kang Dae-Kyung responded.

"Does anything about this worry you?” asked Yoo Hye-Sook.

"Worry? All I’m worried about is you regularly getting indigestion and having a hard time sleeping. Let's get you checked up later in the afternoon."

"We don’t have to go that far. I just miss our son. I know all this uneasiness will disappear with just one phone call from him.”

Entering the building's underground parking lot, Kang Dae-Kyung headed straight for the elevator, flanked by agents moving with them and those awaiting their arrival.

"Don't worry about me, honey. Cheer up and have a good day!" Yoo Hye-Sook said.

"You too!" answered Kang Dae-Kyung.

He got off on the second floor, and the agents inside the elevator followed him. He walked down the corridor to the CEO's office at the innermost part of the floor.

Both his Executive and Managing Directors had expressed that they wanted to have private offices. They also expressed that the size didn't matter. Since their new building was much larger than the old one, offering them plenty of space, Kang Dae-Kyung decided to give in and accommodate their requests.

"Assistant Manager Kim,” Kang Dae-Kyung called upon entering the room.

"Yes, sir,” Assistant Manager Kim answered. As always, he was maintaining close security.

"Do you have a moment?"

“Of course, sir. What do you need?”

"Have a seat."

"Thank you, sir."

Kang Dae-Kyung sat opposite the assistant manager. "I'd like you to be honest with me.”

"I will. Is there a problem?"

They had become quite friendly, often exchanging light jokes.

Noting Assistant Manager Kim’s curious expression, Kang Dae-Kyung forced himself to open, "Is my son, Channy, in Africa?"

The question was unexpected and baffling, yet Kang Dae-Kyung felt that the assistant manager's reaction was enough of an answer.

"Is he part of the eleven or six mentioned in today's report?" Kang Dae-Kyung asked.

Seeing Kang Dae-Kyung's alarmed expression, Assistant Manager Kim took a deep breath before asking, "How do you know about this?"

Kang Dae-Kyung’s face darkened. "It’s strange, but I can tell when Channy is in trouble. For the past two days, my wife has been having indigestion and waking up in the middle of the night, so I was focusing on the news from Mongolia wondering if something was happening there."

He tilted his head, waiting for the assistant manager's response. Though he felt that he already knew the answer, he wanted confirmation.

"Assistant Manager Kim?”

"He is in Africa."

Kang Dae-Kyung covered his face with his left hand.

Assistant Manager Kim continued, "There's no need to worry. As far as we know, he's safe."

After a moment of silence, Kang Dae-Kyung apologized, “I'm sorry... I'm feeling conflicted over those who sacrificed themselves for our country. Wondering whether my son was among them and feeling relieved that he wasn't... seem wrong. Perhaps Channy is alive today because of their sacrifice.”

"Sir," Assistant Manager Kim said, wanting to help Kang Dae-Kyung gather himself, "thanks to the Assistant Director, our special forces team had the highest survival rate. As you might have already heard, the US only had nine survivors, wounded included."

Speechless, Kang Dae-Kyung simply nodded.

Softly yet firmly, Assistant Manager Kim continued, "Two of my colleagues volunteered for that operation. Everyone wanted to lead the way for our country, believing in the motto we always shout—that it would be an honor to protect our nation with our blood."

Having finally calmed his heart, Kang Dae-Kyung listened intently.

"Your son protected twenty-one of those soldiers."

Kang Dae-Kyung choked up. The survival of twenty-one soldiers was significant, yet the deaths of eleven remained foremost in his mind and heart.

Why must people like Assistant Manager Kim keep dying in unseen places? It was heart-wrenching and tragic that fathers, husbands, and sons suffered such noble and grievous deaths in Afghanistan and Africa.

"I'll bring you some tea, sir," Assistant Manager Kim said.

Kang Dae-Kyung was still at a loss for words. He felt a mix of gratitude and apology. The realization that his opportunity to sell cars and earn profits was founded on the sacrifices of those laying down their lives for the country weighed heavily on him.


Oh Gwang-Taek stepped outside. He looked almost indistinguishable from the local Mongolians. Not only had he grown a beard but his face had been weathered by the exposure to the harsh sun and winds as well.

Click! Clack!

With adept movements, he checked the magazine and bolt of his rifle before climbing into a jeep waiting for him.

"Let's go!"

Vroom! Vrooo-m!

The engines of two jeeps roared to life. They exited the base in a convoy.

"Director Oh, I've completely mastered this rifle!"

Oh Gwang-Taek grinned as he surveyed his surroundings. He had never imagined that some people could wield knives and firearms with unparalleled skill, but what he found most surprising was that those same people instantly respected and lowered their heads to the mere mention of Kang Chul-Gyu's name. Despite being around him, Oh Gwang-Taek had been so ignorant of how significant of a figure the man was.

Vroom! Rattle. Rattle.

By the following day, their thirty-three new members had divided the territory into four sectors.

"What are you doing?" Oh Gwang-Taek inquired out of curiosity.

"We need to fully secure this area before the older Kang, our sunbae, arrives," said one of them.

‘What does that even mean?’ Oh Gwang-Taek thought.

Puzzled, he glanced at the others.

"You don’t know Kang sunabe that well yet, but you’ll understand once you see him in action. It's in our best interest to claim this entire location before he arrives. We’ve divided this area into four sectors, establishing these points as our base," explained the agent.

They spoke in a casual tone, seemingly just discussing the location of a newly opened bar.

The agent continued, "Tomorrow, we'll start patrolling and controlling all traffic passing through here. The scope will likely expand when Kang sunbae returns, but this should be enough for now."

Oh Gwang-Taek looked at Kim Tae-Jin with a bewildered expression.

"How far do you intend to take control?" Oh Gwang-Taek carefully asked, making sure to be respectful toward Kim Tae-Jin’s sunbae.

"We plan to stop anyone from passing through here without our permission. We've already received authorization from the Mongolian border guards, but the final decision naturally rests in your hands, Director Oh.”

When attention turned his way, Oh Gwang-Taek blanked out.

"This base was built on our juniors' blood. We plan to enforce strict control and make it impossible for anyone to pass through this area without your signature."

It was said that extreme astonishment could bring laughter. That was precisely what happened to Oh Gwang-Taek at that moment.

"We also plan to attack these locations before Kang sunbae arrives," Kim Tae-Jin said.

"Wait, what?" Oh Gwang-Taek asked.

"According to the satellite images, there seems to be two temporary Russian mafia bases. We plan on initiating a preemptive strike on them. We’ll seek your approval once we have ironed out all the details, Director Oh."

Where in South Korea had these monsters been hiding before emerging in Mongolia? Oh Gwang-Taek felt embarrassed by his unruly behavior in the past, swinging around a cleaver and leading a gang.

'So this was why Kang Chan faced the thugs fearlessly!'

Fear? Would someone who could discuss taking the fight to the Russian mafia with such gleaming eyes be afraid of a cleaver?

Suddenly growing curious, Oh Gwang-Taek asked, "Will this satisfy Director Kang when he arrives?"

The agent who had spoken up earlier shrugged. "Maybe? With Kang sunbae's arrival, our current scope could expand all the way here."

He pointed out locations of the map that included both Russia and China.


"We're not facing military forces, so it’s definitely possible. Anyway, we plan to eradicate all bandits and mafias within this place first."

"Hmm! We'll need to coordinate with the foreign corporations over here beforehand," Kim Tae-Jin stated, pointing at a spot on the map.

The agent nodded. "We expect to take over all security operations in this vicinity soon. It's entirely possible now that Kang sunabe is coming. Of course..."

The agent looked straight at Oh Gwang-Taek. "This is contingent on your approval, Director."

'Fuck!' Oh Gwang-Taek inwardly cursed.

Vroom! Rattle. Rattle.

Afterward, they swiftly proceeded with the plans.

These people are fucking scary as shit!

Oh Gwang-Taek had participated in both raids on the temporary mafia bases. By the second battle, he had realized something. Their feelings when charging forward were no different from his own when he would rush ahead to shield his juniors from being stabbed!

Before each battle, the leader always asked, "Who had a restless dream today?"

The leader would then give them a minute, waiting for those who were scared or in bad condition to step back.

Every time, the people that Oh Gwang-Taek had brought with him were excluded from the selection. They didn’t raise their hands, but hesitation did flicker across their faces during those moments.

They were likely embarrassed, their faces burning with shame. After all, they always vehemently denied it!

Now? Without second thoughts, they would volunteer to join the patrols heading toward the Chinese side or the Russian border.


The car suddenly stopped in front of a hill. Oh Gwang-Taek immediately leaped out and ran toward the nearest boulder ahead of them.


He then lifted his rifle and took aim. Turning his head, he saw a member of their team signaling three times with his index and middle fingers, indicating that an unknown vehicle was approaching.

Damn it! Kang Chan! I'm really thankful!


Oh Gwang-Taek disengaged the safety on his rifle. Life might be a mess, but at the very least, he felt like he was becoming somewhat of a respectable father. He returned his focus to checking out the approaching group. The Mongolian border guards had delegated him this task!

Waiting behind cover, he suddenly found himself desperately wanting to see Kang Chan.

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