Chapter 110 Ancient Family Auction

Within the separate reality and dimension, inside the glass-made castle; Raleigh sat in what appeared to be a library with a black book in his hands; stacked around him was an infinite collection of bookshelves with each shelf as high as fifty feet in height and stacked with countless amounts of books. Raleigh sat on a gold wooden chair in the center of the bookshelves, one foot on the other. Moments later, Raleigh closed the black book with one hand and rose from the chair.

"His Absolute Oneness is truly the embodiment of the word 'ABSOLUTENESS.' Even after scrolling through the akashic chronicles of existence and understanding how unscalable and transcendent my existence is, which is beyond the concept itself, I can't seem to comprehend the slightest known fact of his Primordial Godship, which is his existence. It only proves how forever incomprehensible his Omniversal Presence will be."

Raleigh monologued as he steadily approached the double shining glass doors leading out of the library. From Raleigh's monologue, one can safely assume that the library located in Patrick's residence is a literal accumulation of the akashic records itself. What an overpowered bastard. Wearing a white three-piece suit with classic red shoes and a handkerchief, Raleigh walked into the spacious living room, which had a heavenly atmosphere.

Looking from the transparent glass, Raleigh could see the two ancient mythical beasts still fighting outside the chaotic snow blizzard, with neither of the two beasts showing any signs of exhaustion or energy depletion.

"You have served your purpose; now, excuse yourselves."

From within the castle, Raleigh stood by the window on the third floor, hands behind him as he expressionlessly spoke to the two fighting beasts; despite him talking calm and soft, the two beasts heard Raleigh's voice like a thunderclap, causing them to stop their battle and bow towards the building immediately. The mythical python and bear-like creature then stood as they spoke in unison while disintegrating into white essence after.

"We exist to serve our creator, the First Eternity; may your existence be glorified."

Raleigh watched from the window as the two mythical creatures vanished into white particles and blended into the white scenery. Being a god himself, Raleigh didn't have the slightest change in expression when his creations vanished.

"His Godship and his Omni-Queens have awakened from their slumber. I believe a breakfast will suffice."

Outside the real world, the skies above the Fengian Sage city were starting to turn bright as the sun rose from the east; if calculated, it would be late in the morning. The city had a calm environment as the citizens passively lived their daily lives. Suddenly, the sky made a loud rumbling as a single gigantic sword landed from the sky and pierced deep into the grounds of the Fengian Sage city; but despite the unsudden descent of the enormous golden sword, there weren't any casualties; on the contrary; multiple flashing figures began appearing at the scene.

"The Ancient Jian Family are about to begin the auction."

Among the arrived flashing figures, an elderly woman in a pretty long white dress spoke as she hovered in the air; there were multiple other female figures clad in white uniforms, except less luxurious than the elderly lady.

Not long after, multiple other groups began flashing from different locations as they appeared over the gigantic golden sword. Some of these people were cultivators in uniformed groups, and some appeared rogue. Among the many arrived groups was Lian Zu's group, which wasn't hovering far from the elderly woman's group.

Suddenly, groups of men wearing thick, luxurious green armors appeared over the already thousands of cultivators surrounding the golden sword; leading the group of ten green-armored soldiers was the Fengian Sage city lord. The city lord now wore a fitted long green cultivation robe with a golden emblem engraved on his left chest, and below the symbol was the word, 'Sub.'

"I understand your reactions to seeing the golden sword from the Ancient Jian family. As a sub proxy of the Ancient Jian family, it is my pleasure to announce that this cycle's auction venue has been rearranged and destined to happen in the Sacred realm of the Ancient Jian family; as for the specifics, that is unrelated to you.

Plunged into the earth is the 'Realm Sword Gate' of the Ancient Jian family; many of you may already know it; through this, you will be escorted to the sacred realm of the Ancient Jian family."

As the city lord gave his speech, one of the men from Lian Zu's group spoke.

"Brother Lian, what should we do now? Could it be that the ancient Jian family had suspected us and are changing the auction's location?"

"... Not necessarily, but even if they were, it wouldn't be that easy discovering us, even if we enter their sacred realm."

Lian Zu replied confidently, but one could see a faint discomfort on his smile.

'This is completely beyond my estimates. I calculated every possible interference in obtaining that item; I even accounted for the possible intervention of a Dao child participating in the auction, but that only was if it occurred in the Fengian Sage city, as I could use my cultivation arts from my previous lives to escape from Star Celestials easily, and possibly an Early-stage Saint.

But by entering the sacred realm of the Ancient Jian family, I would be exposing myself to more disadvantages. Even if I manage to gain that item, escaping wouldn't even be an option. Forget it; I can think about that later; let's see how events progress first."

The man, Lian Zu, thought as he watched the golden sword with a calculating expression.

Not long after the city lord spoke, the big golden sword began vibrating as the earth also intensely vibrated. Then, a mechanical sound echoed as the golden sword split into two halves, with a bright blue light glimmering from between the split halves after. Like that, the sword gate stood open.

Seeing this, the city lord of the Fengian Sage city slowly approached the activated sword gate as he cupped his hands towards it as if saluting someone. And as expected, a group of six men with arrogant and authoritative demeanors walked out of the activated sword gate; hovering behind them were three golden swords each. All were over six feet tall and had matching black uniforms with gold braces on each of their wrists.

Leading the other five men was a middle-aged man with a physically fit body and an attractive face. He casually walked from the opened sword gate with hands behind him as he spectated the surroundings and saw the thousands of cultivators awaiting their arrival. Casually strolling to the center of the transportation platform, the man spoke with a calm yet condescending deep tone.

"You should already know the change of venue for the auction; for that, you will be escorted by us. But the sacred realm of our Ancient Jian family oath not be humiliated with the presence of weak peasants, and for that and in accord with the orders from our higher-ups, weaklings at the Celestial Emperor fifth-stage and below are disqualified from participating in the auction."


For half a minute, silence permeated the surroundings as then.

"Wait, what!? Why is the Ancient Jian family suddenly restricting us from entering? And besides, hasn't the auction been held in the Fengian Sage city for decades? Why the sudden change of venue!?"

"Yeah~! We understand that you are changing the auction's location, but don't you think you will be overexerting your power by depriving us of obtaining our destined treasures!?"

The crowd wasn't pleased with the statement uttered by the Ancient Jian family soldier; like the rest of the crowd, even the city lord had an uncomfortable expression. But just when everyone was busy complaining, a familiar voice sounded, this person's voice resounding over the entire scene.

"The elimination of the weak has, is, and will forever be the biological instincts of reality. No matter how delusional you might have been, it's time to face the realistic realization, 'YOU ARE WEAK!"

Over the thousands of crowded cultivators, Gong Tieshan's voice echoed the surroundings as he slowly drifted towards the center of the transportation platform, where the escort soldier was standing. Standing at the center of the platform distances away from the activated golden sword gate, the leading soldier slightly raised his head as he stared at the approaching Gong Tieshan.

'Being a prodigy from the Ancient Gong family; has completely mastered the Laws of Domination and Restraint, and being a direct descendant of the Ancient Gong Emperor himself, arrogant, self-entitled, Gong Tieshan. Seeing how the arrogant Gong Tieshan has shown himself in public, the higher-ups changing the auction location wasn't for no ordinary reason.'

"Greetings, young Master Gong Tieshan.Would you like to go ahead?"

Looking up with a raised head, the leading soldier spoke to Gong Tieshan as he casually directed to the gate. The crowd went silent; no one dared utter a word since they all knew how powerful, influential, and dangerous Gong Tieshan was.

Gong Tieshan casually drifted with his group of five as they landed on the transportation platform. Without answering the soldier's question, Gong Tieshan walked past him and his entourage as he and his group entered the illuminant sword gate, disappearing from the scene. Gong Tieshan's action left the soldier still stretching his arms towards the gate, but without making the slightest bit of an angry or embarrassed expression, the soldier closed his arm as he returned to his normal pose, hands behind his back.

"As ordered, only cultivators at the Celestial Emperor sixth-stage and above can enter."

"This doesn't make sense; some of us have spent countless amounts of our wealth and have prepared for years to afford our desired treasures, but now you tell us we are unqualified? Might you tell us why?"

"Yeah! And if you wanted us to pay to enter, we would!."

Hearing a man's question from within the crowd, many focused their attention on the soldiers, expecting a reasonable excuse for the sudden change from the Ancient Jian family. The soldier stepped forward and stared at the thousands of people in the vicinity; he then spoke.

"It must be bliss being insignificant and unknowing like weaklings like you. I shall be charitable and broaden your limited horizons. The sacred realm of our Ancient Jian family isn't a playground where anyone can casually visit; the idea of even being in the same environment as you is revolting.

Second, those present at the auction will be powerful, extremely wealthy, and influential individuals from different unknown and dangerous backgrounds. Even if a treasure spikes your interest, the chances of you going home with that treasure are zero unless you are stronger or wealthier than your bidding competitor.

You might think that since it's the Sacred realm of our Ancient family, shouldn't we maintain order and protect our buyers? The answer is no; if our buyers need protection, that undeniably eliminates them from even participating in our auction."

When the soldier finished speaking, many of the surrounding cultivators were contemplating. Some thought as they somehow agreed with the soldier. Although some were irritated that they were being insulted and restricted from participating in the auction, they still couldn't deny the reality-slap-in-the-face truth; they were weak and underqualified.

An unpopular-known reality in the entire universe is that no matter how powerful you appear, there will always be a wall limit. Unless you surpass those limits, there will always be something you are unqualified for. This same analogy is what these thousands of self-entitled cultivators faced; compared to people below them, they are strong, but when they are below the strong, they are now being treated unfairly. Hypocrites.

But while most cultivators accepted the truth, one person spoke, this person being an introduced character.

"If you are saying that you won't be protecting your buyers, doesn't that mean even if someone manages to purchase an item from your auction house, anyone stronger than them can snatch their property? And since we will be entering the Sacred realm of the Ancient Jian family, where you guys are practically gods, doesn't that mean your Ancient Jian family could easily retake our items despite paying for them?"

Like an expected reaction, everyone turned as they looked towards where the male voice came from. Some nearby cultivators even had a heartbeat skip as they felt shocked and dreaded repeating what was spoken in their heads. Those words directly insulted the masters of the Ancient Jian family; as translated in common terms, the Ancient Jian family changed the auction venue to rob their customers and only allowed higher-ranking cultivators because they had better expensive items to rob.

Everybody stared at the person who spoke, Lian Zu, the self-proclaimed protagonist. But despite all these eyes fixated on him and his group, Lian Zu had not even the slightest expression of panic or fear; to him, his words were just common things he usually says. And despite his insulting question to the escorts from the Ancient Jian family, he still maintained his gaze at them, expecting an answer.

Concentrating on the insulted individuals in question, the six black-robed soldiers all had dark and expressionless faces. The leading guard, being the one spoken to, raised his hands as if stopping his comrades from acting; he then spoke while stepping forwards.

"If you think our Ancient Jian family is so impoverished that we would lower our dignity to acknowledge trash items from wastes like you, then please care to show me what exactly you might possess that might even spike the attention of our dogs, let alone our servants.

Sword Law, Sword domination."

Within the glass-made lodge in the separate reality, Patrick, his three wives, and Fairy Marine sat at a long diamond table as they had breakfast. Patrick wore a long white bathrobe while holding a  gold mug in his right hand; he also wore a gold necklace and his wristwatch, which was now gold. Raleigh stood next to Patrick's throne. Athena, Anna, and Thalia sat in their respective seats as they enjoyed their meal.

In front of Patrick, Grace displayed the fight scene on his system interface. Seeing the commotion happening, Patrick smiled as he spoke to Grace.

'Grace, prepare an attire for me; we are going to that auction.'

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