At this time, two lines of new hints appeared on the task list in front of Dick.

"Hint: since you have killed the evil judge, the personal level-C task is activated. The name of the task is Bright Trial."

"Hint: this task is a limitless task. You have to go to Bright Peak to find the Bright Temple and kill the justice judge there. This task would have a 1% chance of triggering a hidden task."

So that was how matters stood! Fortunately, he had killed the evil judge. In this way, he knew how to get the bright soul signet that he needed to activate the level-S talent.

Dick seemed to have seen the samsara talent, which was a rare level-S talent among hundreds of millions of people!

Dick checked the map and found the location of the Bright Temple, which was on Bright Peak not far from the Orc clan tribe.

He originally needed to go to the Orc clan to get the two items he needed to complete the third stage of the task. If he had enough time, he could obtain the samsara talent first, and then completed the third stage of the task. In this way, he was more likely to complete the task.

Satisfied, Dick closed the task interface and opened the life occupation interface.

After Bramble City was upgraded to the level-six castle, there was a life occupation bar in everyone's personal interface. All the occupations in this bar were the level-three life occupations, and they could learn as long as they paid the corresponding contribution points.

Moreover, these occupations also had unique skills, but if one wanted to learn these skills, they must have the talent corresponding to the skills. If one's talent didn't match his or her skills, he or she wouldn't be able to learn the skills even if he or she had spent contribution points.

Dick wanted to master the apothecary this time. It would cost 2000 contribution points to learn this profession, and one must have the talent of the wood attribute.

Without hesitation, Dick pressed the master button.

"Hint: congratulations on obtaining the level-three life occupation, apothecary."

The expected sound of the hint cheered Dick up. Among all the level-three life occupations, apothecary enjoyed the highest status.

Because other occupations could at most provide strengthening for the equipment and items of the whole force, while the elixirs refined by the apothecary could change a person's basic attributes thoroughly and strengthen his hard power.

After all, the equipment and items were only external objects. They could get better when hunting the magical beasts. However, only the apothecary could directly increase the attribute value.

However, it would cost a lot to cultivate an apothecary, which was equivalent to using thousands of tons of herbs. Only in this way could a powerful apothecary with a stable success rate be cultivated.

In addition, a good medicine furnace was also the key to success. Without high-quality medicine refining tools, even if the medicine refining technique was powerful, the success rate would not be too high. Some high-grade elixirs even had very strict requirements for the quality of the medicine furnace.

Fortunately, Dick had a medicine furnace that could greatly improve the success rate of the medicine refinement, and he had a huge reserve of herbs, which was enough for him to hone his skills and improve his proficiency.

"Level-three Apothecary: Dick. The level of the medicine refinement technique was elementary. Proficiency: 0/100."

"Hint: the success rate of using the elementary medicine refinement technique is 10%. Every time a level-one elixir is refined, the proficiency is +1. When the proficiency reaches 100, it will be promoted to the intermediate medicine refinement technique."

"The success rate of the intermediate medicine refinement technique is 20%. The success rate of the advanced medicine refinement technique is 50%. The success rate of top-notch medicine refinement technique is 80%. The success rate of the divine-level medicine refinement technique is 100%!"

Dick read the information about the life occupation carefully. Although he had known that the apothecary's career progress must be very troublesome, he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

Without strong background, it was impossible to be a successful apothecary.

The success rate of the elementary medicine refinement technique was only 10%, which was basically equal to a loss without gain. If he mastered the intermediate medicine refinement technique, he would at most make neither loss nor profit. But if he mastered the advanced medicine refinement technique, he would be able to guarantee the success rate of the medicine refining and achieve a steady profit without loss.

Therefore, the early stage of this occupation was cash-burning and bottomless. Only Dick who had the innumerable contribution points dared to choose to master this life occupation without scruple.

Then, Dick bought two level-one medicine furnaces and several level-one elixir refining methods on the occupation channel. He cleared a place in his wooden house and was about to start refining elixirs.

He used the Argus's coffin to refine medicine. With the enhancement of this level-five medicine furnace, his success rate was 30%, even higher than that of the intermediate apothecary.

And the other two level-one medicine furnaces, Dick handed over to his doppelganger to operate.

Ten minutes passed in a twinkling of an eye. A muffled sound came from the Argus's coffin. A cloud of black smoke came out and a rotten smell came from the medicine furnace.

Dick opened the medicine furnace with some regrets. There were only three charred waste elixirs left.

"You failed to refine the level-one blood vitality elixir and got three waste elixirs. Your proficiency is +1."

Dick picked up the three waste elixirs and activated the refinement skill. A moment later, he got three inferior blood vitality pills after purifying the impurities.

No wonder the evil judge treated those waste elixirs with a little fragrance as treasures. It turned out that refining medicine was so difficult. But should these inferior elixirs be counted as a success or failure?

Dick continued to refine while thinking.

Another ten minutes later, there was another muffled sound from Dick's medicine furnace. As expected, his refining failed again.

At this time, there were two muffled sounds from the medicine furnace in front of his doppelganger. He failed to refine all of them and only got six waste elixirs.

"Your doppelganger failed to refine the level-one blood vitality elixir and got six waste elixirs. Your proficiency +2."

Dick was overjoyed. He was right. He could also increase his proficiency when his doppelganger refined medicine so that his proficiency could double.

Even if his doppelganger could only get a furnace of residue, he would not lose anything. Anyway, he would donate these waste elixirs to the castle contribution system to obtain contribution points.

For Dick now, it was not a problem to lose one or two contribution points.

In this way, Dick immersed himself in medicine refining. His rapid progress was enough to make any apothecary jealous and crazy.

A few hours later, Wolf Emperor, which was in the forest, suddenly raised its head vigilantly. Above its head, two humans were flying quickly towards the direction of Night Moon Village.

Human beings! It turned out that they were soul-level humans! I'd tell my master that there were other humans coming!

Wolf Emperor withdrew its breath and activated the visual sharing.

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