Global Fog Survival

Chapter 37: Something Seems Off

“You are lying.” The man spoke with such certainty, as if he saw right through Colin’s act.

[You are puzzled by his words and can’t understand how he saw through your disguise. After some thought, you notice a clue.]

[You realize this man’s sense of smell is quite keen; his breathing was much more frequent than the others’. It seems he detected your setup through scent.]

Damn, does he have a dog’s nose? Colin thought to himself. Although it was surprising to be seen through, he remained unfazed.

Seeing the man about to speak again, Colin smiled and said: “Your next line is: The sulfur and gunpowder smell gave you away. You’re the one who made the explosives.”

The tall man in rusty armor, holding a rusty sword, was about to speak when Colin’s words came out. He was stunned, instinctively wanting to speak, but Colin beat him to it again: “Your next line is: How did you know?”

“How did you know…” The man felt a mix of embarrassment and anger as he spoke, his face turning red.

At that moment, a cold ice spike suddenly shot towards Collin, but it was shattered by Sanna using the “Sun Bible” in her hand.

“What are you doing?” The man in half-knight armor glared at the “mage” who wasn’t exactly an ally.

“This guy discovered the saltpeter mine, so what are we talking about? Look at the size of his team; do you think he will share with you? Do not be stupid! The moment he gets a chance, he will pick us off one by one!” The man in the tattered mage robe, holding a broken staff, appeared mentally unstable as he scolded.

“Besides, in the gray fog, it’s kill or be killed. There’s no way he’ll share profits with you.”

“Now’s our chance. Let’s unite and take him down. That way, we can form a unified group!” The “mage” then looked at Sanna with undisguised greed and lust in his eyes: “And this girl, she’s a top prize. Don’t you want to have fun? I guarantee, once we take him down and gain control of her, everyone gets a turn!”

“The mage is right! I’ve had my eye on her! Take down that man, and everyone gets a share!” shouted another who was already standing with the “mage.”

Their group consisted of five people who were already united before encountering Colin. The mage was their leader.

Hearing their ally’s words, the rest of the group started clamoring.

“Haha, I can’t wait to strip her and hear her scream in bed!”

“I can’t hold back, brothers, let’s go!”

The armored man frowned, regretting joining these people. He noticed their sanity seemed off, probably due to some past trauma, making their emotions extremely volatile.

However, the mage was right. Colin needed to be controlled, or he would be unstoppable.

As for killing him, the man thought it unnecessary.

Meanwhile, the “mage” hesitated, wondering why the man who found the saltpeter mine hadn’t acted yet. Their words, though not loud, could be heard within a short distance.

Facing such vulgar language, the man showed no reaction. Even a normal person would get angry and charge at them, right?

Something seemed off…

Suddenly, he saw the armored man sniff the air, his face changing. The mage also sniffed, his eyes widening.

“I’m waiting for the explosion. What are you waiting for?” A cold voice came from ahead.

“Get back! Hit the ground now!” The mage paused and attempted to warn the others, but his words were drowned out by the deafening explosions.

Boom, boom, boom—three loud explosions erupted near their feet.

The powerful shockwaves scattered them, with dirt flying up and raining down. Those close to the explosions fell, their heads ringing, struggling to get up.

Their sense of balance was disrupted, making it impossible to recover for at least ten seconds.

“Protect me! Protect me!” the unlucky survivors screamed in fear, one even losing a leg in the blast.

But no one heeded their cries.

Before the encounter, Colin had placed small amounts of explosives on the ground and then moved to a distance. He stood in a nearby area, drawing their attention away from the buried explosives.

In fact, the keen-nosed man had smelled the gunpowder on the ground, not the people a few meters away.

With the gray fog’s natural cover, they only realized the explosives were about to detonate too late.

Their already disjointed group was now scattered, some even considering escape.

“Despicable, cowardly, attacking from the shadows!” someone cursed in anger.

They didn’t know Colin’s plan was to scatter them and pick them off one by one. Unexpectedly, they stepped right on the explosive barrels…

Though it was different from his plan, the result seemed better.

“Holy Light Protection!” Sanna suddenly chanted, and in an instant, a divine glow enveloped everyone within a certain range.

This dawn-like radiance would last for about three minutes, reducing at least half of the damage Colin’s team would take. However, casting this spell on so many people showed signs of fatigue on her face; her already limited mana was nearly depleted.

“That woman is a healer! I’ll take care of her; you go after the survivor! Capture the leader first!” The “mage” declared, attacking Shana with his ice spike, planning to freeze her in three hits.

Unexpectedly, the healer… After shielding her teammates, glared at him coldly and then charged at him!

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