Global Fog Survival

Chapter 128: Great Miracle

“Is this the ‘Great Miracle’? Do you remember the message Mr. Colin sent back? ‘Resurrection’ is the ability of the seventh miracle, ‘The Undying.’ I suspect that ‘resurrection’ is influencing these ordinary mutants as part of the ‘Great Miracle.'”

“Indeed, some minor information indicates that the ‘Great Miracle’ can influence ordinary aberrations, allowing them to carry its properties…”

“An unknown ‘Great Miracle’? No, let’s not limit it to just one…”

Li Hang followed the train of thought and said, “Given the current situation of ‘The Coming of Night,’ this influence is likely global, and it’s very possible that everyone is facing the same problems we are…”

“If that’s the case, what should we do? How can we cut off the ‘Great Miracle’s’ influence on ordinary mutants?”

Many ideas were proposed and then narrowed down, with temporary plans being put in place.

“Hold on, how much ammunition do we have left?” Li Hang asked, turning his head. After receiving a number, he pondered, “Tell them to slow their fire rate; let small groups of mutants come closer…

“Clear out the black powder stock; I have a feeling it will become less effective as we move forward…

“Also, ensure that Mr. Colin and his group receive their powder supplies…”

Since the integration process, their primary gunpowder has been completely updated, boasting far greater stability and explosive power than black powder, with the only drawback being slightly slower production. At this stage, it was almost without flaws.

At this point, Number Two, who had been relatively quiet, added, “Have the third-level servants keep a close watch on the presence of lord-level mutants…”

There had been no sight of lord-level mutants yet, but they knew it was only a matter of time. From the most ordinary, even unranked mutants to the “standard” and “elite” ones, they could guess that as the night continued, the mutants’ influence would deepen.

At some point, even the lord-level aberrations that hadn’t moved in ages would start to act.

“Yes!” The order was quickly passed down and put into action.

After it was executed:


Amidst the hair-raising sound of footsteps, hundreds of mutants broke through the artillery barrage and approached the area.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As soon as they neared, dozens of cannons, which had been waiting, fired mercilessly, blasting them away…

In the darkened world, the roar of a thousand cannons lit up the sky, and the constant explosions created an atmosphere filled with the sense of an impending apocalypse.

But those in the midst of it did not think so.

Li Hang quickly assessed the situation in his mind.

Under these conditions, the number of mutants didn’t matter; even a lord-level mutant could be fought off. They had stored vast amounts of explosives over the past few days, leaving little to worry about in the short term.

Li Hang took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He knew that a lord-level mutant would inevitably appear tonight!

However, just then, a disturbing aura suddenly emanated from a certain direction.

In a continuous metallic scraping sound, more than a dozen figures clad in armor, wielding long swords, and wearing thorn-crowned helmets charged forward!

They were the mutants from Silvermoon Bay—“The People of Suffering—The Knights of Suffering!”

“Weren’t they already killed? How are they still alive?” Li Hang stared in disbelief at the scene before him. He distinctly remembered these creatures being slain days ago.

Monsters that were killed days ago could resurrect?

There was no time to think further as they charged forward like a pack of wolves!

“Increase the firepower! Destroy them instantly if possible!”


Several idle tanks aimed their cannons, and in a dense barrage of explosions, the “Knights of Suffering” were steadily reduced in number. However, with each fallen knight, the remaining ones grew stronger.

When only one knight was left on the battlefield…

An overwhelming, terrifying aura erupted!

“Lord-level mutant!” Li Hang gritted his teeth, realizing that these “Knights of Suffering” possessed such a dangerous ability.

He slapped himself hard to regain his composure.

“This is the real deal—the Undying affected by the seventh miracle, able to instantly regenerate from any damage. Coupled with their inherent characteristics, damn it, we underestimated them!”

The remaining “lord-level mutant” gathered itself and charged toward them with explosive speed, tearing through the air with a deafening roar!

It wouldn’t be long before it reached their position, wreaking havoc with unstoppable force!

But just as it charged, three chariots suddenly rushed forward…

Each chariot carried several tons of explosives…

Without hesitation, they rammed into the “lord-level mutant.” In the fierce collision, the leading chariot was nearly split in two. Everyone inside died instantly from exposure to the creature’s presence.

Yet at that moment, another chariot moved up, bracing the first from behind…

A deadlock ensued!

With the arrival of the third chariot, the mutant was pushed inch by inch into the horde of chariots.

In the next instant, a terrifying shockwave swept across the ground, and with a deafening explosion, a mushroom cloud rose.

Within the churning crimson-black fog, everything was utterly obliterated…

It was successfully contained outside the “safe line”!

However, at that moment…

Everyone felt an intense mental disturbance; their minds were thrown into disarray…

A staggering figure emerged from the blast zone.

It survived?!

The crowd was in turmoil, grappling with overwhelming emotions that varied depending on their physical state, growing increasingly extreme!

Strong mental interference!

The passive mental impact unique to lord-level mutants!

Any rational life form entering its influence would instantly be overwhelmed by an avalanche of thoughts and emotions turning singular and extreme. Whether anger or fear, they would ultimately lose reason!

And this was just one of its basic, passive abilities!

But to everyone’s surprise, the mental interference dissipated almost as quickly as it emerged…

They were stunned to see the knight take only a few steps before collapsing as if dead.

No time to celebrate; a sinking feeling overcame them all.

From the knight’s body, dozens of hands suddenly stretched out…

Like worms breaking through the skin of a corpse…

Thirteen “Knights of Suffering” crawled out of the body.

Exactly thirteen…

The “lord-level mutant” disintegrated into ashes after all of them emerged…

“Find a way to control these monsters!” Li Hang realized that killing them would only cause them to regroup into a new “lord-level mutant.”

Kill, regroup, kill, split…

At that moment, he understood why just a few “Knights of Suffering” could kill a powerful “Frost Witch”!

These “Knights of Suffering” were simply unkillable!

And when thinking of the “Witch’s Head”…

His breath grew heavy.

It had yet to appear…

Due to their lack of information on lord-level aberrations, they had paid the price of three tanks and three Lampbearer squads.

“No wonder every time we purge Silvermoon Bay, the aura of a lord-level mutant suddenly appears…” Li Hang finally understood the reason behind it.

They couldn’t observe the area closely, as any bombardment would immediately trigger the aura of lord-level mutants.

When attempting close observation, the simultaneous presence of two lord-level powers and attacks from unknown means would cause casualties.

They only knew of two lord-level aberrations in Silvermoon Bay—one was the “Witch’s Head,” and the other was unknown.

It turned out to be these “Knights of Suffering”!

“I’ll take on this task.” Number Two stepped forward.

Li Hang opened his mouth but said nothing in the end; Number Two was indeed the most capable one here.

He patted Number Two’s shoulder, “Be careful. If you die, I won’t be able to explain.”

“Don’t worry, I’m still waiting for the Lord to cook…” He grinned.

That was the synthetic porridge… Li Hang nodded, and after a few minutes of simple planning, everyone watched Number Two and his Lampbearer squads enter the most perilous battlefield.

“Cover him, bomb the excess mutants in the rear!”

The plan was effectively executed.

With minimal casualties, they managed to suppress the “hat-wearing” elite mutants.


The night was still long.

And just as they had imagined, mutant swarms were ravaging every corner of the world. They were vast in number and now possessed immortality.

This meant that tonight’s mutants would only multiply the more they were killed.

Many noticed irregularities in the mutants’ numbers but couldn’t find a fundamental solution. All survivors were fighting desperately, using every resource to fend off wave after wave of attacks.

But as they cleared one hurdle after another, new mutants would resurrect, and new monsters would emerge…

Frustration, oppression, and fear smothered everyone.

A crushing sense of despair weighed them down like a tangible force, suffocating them.

System functionalities had failed.

The trade market was practically dead, utterly useless. No one would sell anything now…

No more supplies…

No more help…

At this moment…

Human civilization had been reduced to isolated islands.

On each island, only despair remained…

One by one, lights were extinguished in terror.

With a thunderous crash…

A third-tier territory was breached…

By the seventh hour of this isolated, relentless war, the lord-level mutant finally appeared on the battlefield.

The third-tier territory was dissolving, irradiated by an unknown force, and melting away.

Like wax under heat.

“Somebody help me, anyone…” The last survivor pleaded in despair…

The last survivor desperately pleaded for help… praying that someone, anyone, would come to his aid. Half of his body had already melted into the ground, merging with the waxy pool formed from the melted remains of tables, chairs, servants, and other survivors…

Yet, even in this state, he clung fiercely to life… His slowly dissolving eyes brimmed with an intense longing to live…

But on this night… there were no miracles.

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