Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 515: The world is boundless, and only demons reign supreme! (Please subscribe, please

Chapter 515 The world is boundless, and only the devil is the only one! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Demon Realm.

The three cosmic overlords confront each other, and the atmosphere is extremely tense and depressing.

Before the war started, the entire Demon World was in turmoil.

Countless large cracks like spider webs spread across the sky and the ground.

Volcanic eruptions, roaring tsunamis, falling stars and other cataclysmic scenarios appear one after another.

It seems that the end is coming.

One can't help but wonder whether this demon world will completely collapse once the three major cosmic overlords officially go to war.

Many cosmic powerhouses have changed their faces drastically.

In their perception, the many laws and rules in the demon world, at this moment, are all suppressed by three huge and unparalleled torrents of laws that are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

this moment.

Whether it is the venerable or the prince, they all find that it is difficult for them to mobilize the power of the law.

The most important method for the venerable, the prince, is to mobilize the power of the law.

Once the power of the law cannot be mobilized, their strength will be severely reduced.

This terrified them.

I really felt the horror of the overlord of the universe.

"Is this the power of the overlord of the universe? Before he really makes a move, he suppresses all the other laws and rules where he is, making it difficult for the creatures under the overlord to mobilize the power of laws and rules..."

Chu Zhou looked at the pale-haired youth, the mysterious mask, and the giant tree from a distance, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

His current strength is not bad.

No matter which force is in the universe, it is considered a big shot.

But compared with the three cosmic overlords in front of us, they are still insignificant.

"Lord of Moment, you have not recovered from your serious injury, today is the time for you to bestow your head!"

In the space-time channel, there was an indifferent voice.

A crystal-clear huge tree root suddenly pierced through endless time and space, shot out from the time-space channel, and penetrated towards the Lord of Moments.

too fast.

Under normal circumstances, the limit speed that creatures can reach in the real universe is the speed of light.

Once the speed of light is exceeded, it will leave the real universe and enter the dark universe.

However, at this moment, the huge tree root broke the iron rules and pierced towards the Momentary Lord at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

Even the princes of the universe can hardly see the huge tree roots clearly, but barely see an afterimage.

The Lord of Moment, with flying gray hair, eyes as sharp as lightning, seems to have seen through the ages.

"In a hurry!"

With a wave of his hands, he played a taboo **** rule.

In an instant, the huge tree roots that penetrated were submerged in a pale light.

The huge tree roots are aging and decaying at an unimaginable speed.

As if, with the snap of your fingers, hundreds of millions of years have passed.

Moreover, this force of the rapid passage of time quickly spread along the huge tree roots to the Lord of Light on the other side of the space-time passage.

Chu Zhou and others saw the giant tree on the other side of the space-time channel that was bigger than the galaxy, aging and decaying rapidly, and the endless fallen leaves withered and yellowed, and then fell off and flew down.

"Time goes against the flow!"

The indifferent voice of the Lord of Light of the Universe sounded.

In a blink of an eye, time goes back.

As if the video was played backwards, countless flying leaves returned to the giant tree.

The withered and yellow leaves became green again.

The roots of aging and decaying trees become vibrant again.

In the demon world, two opposing forces of the law of time collided with each other.

Time acceleration and time reversal collide with each other.


In the dark, a loud noise shook the entire demon world.

Everyone saw in a daze that the long river of time in the Demon Realm had broken into two halves.

With a click, the entire Demon Realm split into two halves, and a large crack in space that was a thousand meters wide ran through the entire Demon Realm.

Through the huge crack in space, one can clearly see the cosmic sea outside.


The Lord of Moments let out a long roar, roaring three thousand worlds, his head full of gray hair fluttering, extremely powerful.

The 'time-space treasure box' suspended above his head instantly tore apart the universe, crossed an endless distance, appeared at the other end of the time-space channel, and blasted towards the main body of the Lord of Light.

"Lord of Moment, if you are still at your peak, I will be afraid of you three points."

"But now you, how can you be my opponent?"

On that giant tree, suddenly appeared an indifferent human face, he opened his mouth, and an old and clumsy long knife flew out of his mouth suddenly, and then slashed towards the 'time-space treasure box' like lightning .

That ancient long knife, like the 'Treasure Box of Time and Space', is filled with the power of time and space.

"Could it be the Lord of Light's exclusive weapon 'Time Knife'?"

Chu Zhou looked at the long knife filled with the power of vast space and time, and couldn't help but move in his heart.

'Time Knife' is the exclusive weapon of Lord Zhou Guang.

It is also a well-known overlord weapon in the universe.

Among the many overlord-level weapons in the universe, it is enough to rank in the top ten.

At the far end of time and space, the 'Time and Space Treasure Box' collided violently with the 'Time Knife'.

These two treasures of the laws of space and time, every time they collide, will cause great turmoil in time and space.

Pieces of vast starry sky were annihilated in the turmoil of time and space.

The scene looked extremely scary.

And when the 'Time-Space Treasure Box' and the 'Time Knife' were constantly colliding, another huge tree root that was crystal clear passed through the time-space channel and descended on the Demon Realm.

The huge tree roots are intertwined with each other, forming a huge palm.


The palm of the tree was like a vast continent, and it ruthlessly suppressed the Lord of Moment.

The power of the law of time and space surged like a vast ocean, sweeping out.

The palm of the tree has not yet come, and the entire demon world collapsed again.

The demon world, which was originally divided into two halves, collapsed into dozens of pieces in an instant.

The Lord of Moment, expressionless, raised his hand to condense a huge palm of energy, which collided with the suppressed tree palm.

The tree palm and the giant energy palm collapsed and annihilated at the same time.

However, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of the Lord of Moment's mouth.

The Lord of Moment frowned, his injury was pulled.

"The Lord of Instant is injured!"

Many cosmic powerhouses have seen the blood at the corner of the Momentary Lord's mouth.

Chu Zhou and Beibei also saw it.


Seeing the bleeding from the corner of the Lord of Moment's mouth, Beibei suddenly became anxious again, and there was a trace of worry in the innocent eyes.

"It seems that the Lord of Moment is indeed seriously injured, otherwise, he would not be injured so easily."

Chu Zhou thought so in his heart.

"Lord of Moment, it seems that your situation is not very good!"

On the sky, a sneer came from the huge mask.

A distorted and surging force suddenly struck down like lightning.

The endless void collapsed under this force.

The Lord of Moment glanced coldly at the mask in the sky, raised his palm, and the surrounding time and space were completely distorted, abruptly smashing the force that was coming over.


At this moment, a crystal clear tree root silently penetrated billions of time and space, killing him in front of him.

His face changed slightly, and with a thought, a space-time barrier formed in front of him.

With a loud bang, the roots of the tree hit the barrier of time and space.

The barrier of time and space shattered like glass, and the Lord of Moment snorted, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew across millions of miles.

The mask in the sky showed a sneer, and instantly burst out a power that changed the color of the world, and strange twisted and changing lightning suddenly emerged from its surroundings, blasting towards the Lord of Moments continuously.

The twisted and changing lightning bolts are extremely powerful, and each strike seems to be able to penetrate thousands of big worlds.

The entire demon world continued to shatter under the bombardment of strange lightning bolts.

After a while, only a few larger fragments remained in the entire Demon Realm.

The other fragments were all turned into powder.

"Lord of a Thousand Faces, you, a new overlord, dare to kill me? You don't know how to live or die!"

The Lord of Moment let out a long cry, and a torrent of time and space appeared under his feet. He stepped on the torrent of time and space and rushed towards the huge mask.

Wherever they passed, time and space froze and froze.

Strange lightning bolts stopped in mid-air.

Can't hurt him at all.

In an instant, he had rushed to the mask.


He slapped the huge mask indifferently, smashing the huge mask into pieces.

A hazy figure flew out from behind the mask.

"Sneaky people, who dare not even reveal their true colors, dare to attack me?"

The Master of Moment's gaze was cold, murderous, and his hands gathered the power of endless time and space laws, constantly blasting towards the hazy figure.

"Jie Jie... really deserves to be a character who once fought side by side with the Great Heavenly Demon God. Even if he has not recovered from his serious injuries, his combat power is still impressive."

The hazy figure, with a sinister smile, is like a ghost, constantly twisting and changing, dodging the attacks of the Lord of Moments.

At this time, huge crystal-clear tree roots, carrying mighty power of time and space, charged towards the Lord of Moment.

Each of these tree roots exudes an aura that makes the prince feel creepy.

Facing the attack of the tree roots, the Lord of Moment had to temporarily give up chasing the hazy figure, and turned around to fight with the tree roots.

The Lord of Moment and the Lord of Zhouguang fought fiercely, and the mighty power of time and space also collided violently.

The time and space of the entire Demon Realm are in chaos.

In the void, countless phantoms of time and space appeared.

It seems that there are countless Lords of Momentum and Lords of Zhouguang, looking for and fighting in constant time and space.

This kind of battle is too high-end, and many cosmic powerhouses basically can't understand it.

I don't even know which one of the Lord of Moment and the Lord of Zhouguang is real and which one is fake.

Suddenly, all the phantoms of time and space disappeared.

Everyone saw a shocking scene:

In the void, the Lord of Moment was suddenly penetrated by several crystal clear roots.

There were also strange and twisted lightning bolts that struck him.

Blood, like a waterfall, flowed down from the Lord of Moments.

"Is the Lord of Moment defeated?"

"The Lord of Moment seems to be seriously injured... In his situation, it is normal to lose against the two overlords, the Lord of Zhouguang and the Lord of Thousand Faces at the same time."

Many cosmic powerhouses secretly sighed for the Lord of Moment.

They felt that if the Lord of Moment hadn't been seriously injured, they would never have lost so easily.

"The teacher's plan is about to succeed. After getting rid of the master of the moment, the teacher is the only overlord of the law of time and space in the universe... In the future, the probability of being promoted to a cosmic saint is much higher than other cosmic overlords."

The corners of Daphne's mouth curled up slightly.

Many Mana clan venerables behind her also showed excitement.

They are all the executors of this plan. If the plan is successful, they will be rewarded by the Lord of the Universe.

On the other side, Anjigude and many Yuanzu venerables were also very excited.

Even if they are not the real promoters of this game today, they are still participants.

In today's round, if you can successfully kill a cosmic overlord.

Then, they will all be famous in the universe, and even be recorded in the annals of the universe.


Beibei saw the scene where the Lord of Moment was severely injured by the Lord of Zhouguang and the Lord of Thousand Faces, and suddenly became extremely anxious, wanting to rush over to help the Lord of Zhouguang.


Its body was suppressed by a vast and unpredictable force of time and space.

It is hard to move.

"The situation is not good!"

At this moment, Chu Zhou also felt a deep crisis.

The Lord of Cosmic Light is the giant of the Mana Clan, and the Lord of Thousand Faces is the giant of the Yuan Clan...and these two clans are hunting him down.

In case the Lord of Light and the Lord of Thousand Faces want to attack him after killing the Lord of Instant.

Then he is almost certain to die.

"It's really a tiger falling in Pingyang and being bullied by dogs! If I was in my heyday, how could I be seriously injured by you?"

The Lord of Moment, looking down at the tree roots that passed through his body, and the strange lightning that wrapped around his body, said calmly.

"Hahaha, Master of Moment, although we are a bit invincible in victory, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit... No matter what the reason is, you are going to die today."

That hazy figure sneered.

Immediately, a hazy and oppressive big hand slammed towards the Momentary Lord who was penetrated by the tree roots.


A black light that was so fast that even the princes of the universe hardly saw it, disappeared in a flash.


The hazy Lord of Thousand Faces suddenly screamed.

His big hand grabbing at the Lord of Moments, and half of his body, disappeared immediately.

A tide-like body gushes out from half of his body.

At this time, a burst of earth-shattering roar sounded in the void.

And everyone saw a shocking scene:

The shattered void, the Lord of Thousand Faces with only half of his body left, the broken tree root, the Lord of Moment with his body straight and straight and bleeding all over... There is also a black Tian Ge that is more than a million meters high.

A handful of Tian Ge, which came from nowhere, was suspended beside the Lord of Moments at this moment, exuding a terrifying aura like overwhelming mountains and seas.

The entire universe seemed to be shattered by that terrifying Sky Ge.

Chu Zhou and Beibei were stunned.

The huge black mountain under them disappeared at some point.

They were pushed hundreds of millions of miles away by an invisible force.

"Hiss! This... what's going on?"

"What happened just now? Where did that Tian Ge come from?"

"The Lord of Thousand Faces was destroyed half of his body in an instant... Could it be caused by that Heavenly Arm?"

Many cosmic powerhouses were shocked.

They all thought that the Lord of Moments would be killed by the joint efforts of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Thousand Faces.

Never expected that such an astonishing drastic change would suddenly occur.

This change was so fast that they couldn't even react.

"Who are you?"

A pair of silver-white eyes the size of a planet floated out from the space-time channel, suspended in the sky, staring solemnly at the black Tian Ge.

The Lord of Thousand Faces, who had only half of his body left, also stared at Tian Ge with murderous intent.

From Tian Ge, he felt a terrifying existence.

"The world is boundless, and only demons reign supreme!"

In Tian Ge, a cold and domineering voice suddenly came out.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see a supreme demon lord standing above the nine heavens, domineering and peerless, overlooking all living beings.

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