Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 507: Unexpected change! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 507 Unexpected changes! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

After Chu Zhou and Zuo Yue entered the battlefield, they immediately aroused the vigilance of other creatures who were competing for the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Especially a creature with a mouth like a big horn, and a creature with two scarlet eyes surrounded by black mist.

Even locked onto Chu Zhou immediately.

Obviously regarded Chu Zhou as a competitor.

Chu Zhou ignored everyone's reaction, his divine sense immediately swept towards the high-speed moving 'Sacred Spring of Law', trying to lock the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

"What? The divine sense can't lock the 'Sacred Spring of Law'."

Chu Zhou found that his divine sense was annihilated by the surging power of law emanating from the "Holy Spring of Law" before he got close to the "Holy Spring of Law".

This made it impossible for him to use his divine sense to lock on the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

With a thought, his consciousness merged with the space rules of this area, and he wanted to take away the 'Holy Spring of Law' directly through the space rules.

However, his plan failed again.

The surging power of law permeating from the 'Sacred Spring of Law' directly counteracted or even destroyed the power of space rules he mobilized.

this moment.

He finally understood why there are so many powerful demon creatures here, as well as powerhouses from all races in the universe. After so long, no one has successfully taken away the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

It's all because conventional means of locking, imprisoning, capturing, swallowing, etc., have no effect on the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Perhaps, only by physically touching the 'Holy Spring of Law' can it be taken away.

"It seems that only by catching up with the 'Holy Spring of Law' and touching it, can it be taken away."

Chu Zhou thought this way in his heart, and as soon as he thought about it, his body disappeared instantly, and he teleported to the vicinity of the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

However, the movement speed of the 'Sacred Spring of Law' is also extremely astonishing, almost close to the speed of light.

That's why Chu Zhou appeared next to it, and it immediately turned into a nine-color afterimage and fled into the distance.

At the same time, a wave-like power of law erupted from it and charged towards Chu Zhou.

This wave-like power of law roared through the heavens and the earth, causing the void to shatter continuously, making it extremely powerful.

Chu Zhou, who wanted to directly reach out to capture the 'Sacred Spring of Law', his expression changed slightly, and he had to resist.

He slapped violently, and a large amount of power of the Five Elements Law surged out from his palm, condensing into a huge five-color palm print.

With a bang, the five-color palm prints collided with the sweeping waves of law, and both of them were annihilated.

Chu Zhou had just defeated the giant wave of the law, and there were a series of earth-shattering, void-shattering attacks, bombarding him like an overwhelming sky.

His eyes narrowed slightly, ready to teleport away.

But when he wanted to mobilize the space rules, he found that the space rules in this area were suppressed by powerful laws.

Not only the power of space rules, it is difficult to call.

The space is still as solid as an iron plate, making it difficult to teleport through space.

Chu Zhou was not surprised by this.

The rules of space are indeed miraculous.

However, rules are rules after all.

Laws are above rules, and rules can suppress rules.

When the spatial rules in the void are suppressed by the laws, the spatial rules are difficult to invoke and travel through.

This point, Chu Zhou has long been clear.

He never thought that after mastering the rules of space, he would be invincible in the world.

This is impossible.

In the world, whether it is laws or rules, there are actually restraints or restrictions.

There is no rule of invincibility, and there is no rule of invincibility.

Only invincible people!

After finding out that the rules of the space could not be mobilized, Chu Zhou looked very calm. The five-element godhead in his conscious space vibrated violently, and the surging and vast power of the five-element laws erupted from him, forming a five-color tsunami that roared across the world.

At the same time, the five-color light shields surrounded his body, constantly rotating.

Besides, his body suddenly turned into a hazy phantom of the waning moon, and his flying speed increased tenfold.

"Liuling Light Shield" and "Liuyue Body Technique", these two unique skills have not been used much since Chu Zhou succeeded in cultivation.

But it doesn't mean that these two unique skills are weak.

These two unique arts, which can be regarded as the second of the four core inheritances of the Beicang lineage, are actually extremely powerful prince-level unique arts.

It's just that Chu Zhou rarely needs to use it all the time.

Now that the space rules cannot be invoked, Chu Zhou used these two unique skills.

In a short time, his whole body was like a flowing moon, leaving blurred afterimages in the void.

Most of the attacks were directly dodged by him.

There were still some attacks, which were crushed by the huge waves of five colors that erupted from him.

The few remaining attacks were also blocked by the light shield surrounding him.

"It's King Beicang's "Liuling Light Shield" and "Liuyue Shenfa"."

Many creatures who attacked Chu Zhou couldn't help but stare slightly when they saw Chu Zhou who had transformed into a hazy waning moon and the light shields surrounding him.

Beicang King was so powerful in the universe, and among the unique skills he mastered, the most famous one is undoubtedly "Killing Words Sword Art".

But the "Liuling Light Shield" and "Liuyue Shenfa" he mastered are also widely known.

Countless creatures are aware of the power of "Liu Ling Light Shield" and "Liu Yue Shen Fa".

Now seeing Chu Zhou using these two unique skills, many people seem to have seen the rise of the new King of Beicang.


Suddenly, in the void, there was an extremely sharp and ear-piercing sound wave.

I saw circles of substantive black sound waves suddenly enveloped in the direction of Chu Zhou.

At this moment, with a radius of millions of miles, no matter whether it is alien creatures from various races in the universe or native creatures in the devil world, they are all filled with magic sounds.

Countless creatures fell to the ground with splitting headaches.

In the battlefield, many creatures affected by circles of black sound waves were either severely injured or exploded directly.

Many mountains and forests on the earth were also turned into powder in an instant.

On the battlefield, some creatures who were not affected by the aftermath of the magic sound looked at a creature with a mouth like a trumpet, and their expressions changed drastically.

The terrifying magic sound came from this creature with a trumpet-like mouth.

Chu Zhou, who was the main target of the magic sound, immediately became serious when the magic sound poured into his brain.

Without any hesitation, he used the "Killing Sword Art" with all his strength.


In an instant, a clear and loud sword chant resounded from the Zilong Sword in Chu Zhou's hand, and spread across thousands of miles in an instant.

As the sound of the sword chanting sounded, all creatures in a radius of thousands of miles felt a powerful sword intent rushing towards them.

The flowers, plants and trees all over the mountains and plains were blown by a gust of wind, and they all fell in the direction of Chu Zhou, and the sound of rustling was endless.

All the sword-shaped plants were densely packed towards Chu Zhou, as if worshiping a king who ruled the world.

Ding Yin Yin!

Bursts of sword sounds, from near to far, quickly spread to the distance.

I saw countless phantoms of long swords suddenly appearing on Chu Zhou's body. Under the gray sun, rows of long swords were arranged in a spiral shape and spiraled down above Chu Zhou's head. The hilts of the long swords were densely connected. With the pointed point outwards, it glows a dazzling golden light under the sunlight, and the sound of dingyin and sword-crying can be heard endlessly.


Clusters of translucent sword aura suddenly emerged from the ground.

Each cluster of sword energy is hundreds of meters high, and some are even as high as ten thousand meters.

The misty sword energy covered the space around Chu Zhou with an unreal veil.

Everyone looked at the space where Chu Zhou was in shock.

The space where Chu Zhou was located suddenly became ethereal and unreal, as if existing in another world. From a distance, it looked like a huge green lotus reaching the sky, blooming proudly between the sky and the earth, densely packed with sword lotuses.

"This is "Sword of Killing Sword Art"..."

Almost in an instant, many powerful people from all races in the universe knew that Chu Zhou had used King Beicang's famous technique-"Killing Word Sword Art".

Circles of materialized black sound waves crashed into the densely packed sword lotus.

Amidst the roaring and concussion, countless sword lotuses turned into dust.


Soon there will be new sword lotus growing out.

The magic sound is rolling, breaking the sky and breaking the earth.

The sword lotus is endless, the cycle of birth and death.

This amazing confrontation between the magic sound and the sword lotus.

Many cosmic powerhouses were secretly shocked when they saw it.

Chu Zhou stood on the lotus platform, staring deeply at the creature in the void with a mouth like a loudspeaker.

This creature is so powerful that it can be called the strongest opponent he has ever encountered.

also made him feel a huge sense of threat.

What made him even more troublesome was that he felt that the other party hadn't exerted all his strength at the moment.

"Hehe, is this the world-famous "Killing Sword Art" of King Beicang? It really is extraordinary!"

Yibo glanced at Chu Zhou's figure with a sneer, and did not attack again. He had already noticed that someone was going to **** the 'Sacred Spring of Law' while he was fighting with Chu Zhou.

The shot against Chu Zhou was just to reduce a strong competitor.

'Sacred Spring of Law' is his goal.

He took a deep look at Chu Zhou, and instantly turned into a distorted afterimage, chasing after the 'Sacred Spring of Law' in the distance.

"Is he the magic sound clan Ipo of the Freedom Alliance? No wonder he is so powerful!"

"Yes! Yibo is one of the ten most powerful sages in the Freedom Alliance. Moreover, he has also tapped the power of the blood of the Demon Sound Clan to the extreme. It is normal for him to have such strength."

Some cosmic powerhouses whispered.

Some people, after realizing Yibo's identity, immediately decided to give up fighting for the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Ipo is no ordinary venerable.

Famous for more than 100 million years.

is an extremely terrifying ancient venerable.

Freedom Alliance is one of the nine most powerful forces in the universe, and there are countless strong ones.

But Yibo's strength is enough to rank among the top ten among the many venerables in the Freedom Alliance.

It can be seen that Yibo is terrible.

Many people simply didn't have the courage to compete with Yibo for the 'Sacred Spring of Law' and decided to give up.

"Ipo from the Liberty League?"

Chu Zhou's eyes froze slightly when he heard the information revealed by many cosmic powerhouses.

Just now, Ipo really made him feel the danger.

Even, he wasn't sure if he was Yibo's opponent after he shot with all his strength.

However, even so, it is impossible for him to give up fighting for the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Such rare treasures are likely to be encountered only once in a lifetime.

If he misses this opportunity, he might never meet it again in the future.

However, since there is such a powerful existence as Yibo among the competitors, he must consider the safety of Long and others.


He had a vague feeling that among those competitors, besides Yibo, there were also several terrifying demon creatures not weaker than Yibo, and several cosmic powerhouses who were hiding extremely deeply.

After thinking about it, Chu Zhou immediately sent a sound transmission to Zuo Yue.

"Zuoyue, take Long and others to leave the battlefield immediately, and wait for me near that black mountain!"

Zuo Yue was taken aback when she received Chu Zhou's voice transmission, and then looked at Chu Zhou. When she saw Chu Zhou's serious expression, she immediately understood Chu Zhou's intention.

She nodded slightly, without any objection.

In fact, ever since seeing the terrifying scene of Yibo's attack, she understood that with someone like Yibo around, she, a newly promoted venerable, is basically not qualified to compete for the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

It is very likely that he will die in the battle for the 'Sacred Spring of Law', or become a burden to Chu Zhou.

In this case, it is better to take Long and others away from this competition, so as not to drag Chu Zhou down.

Zuo Yue left quickly with Long and others.

Without any worries, Chu Zhou rushed towards the location of the 'Sacred Spring of Law' with a thought.

Chu Zhou had just approached around the 'Sacred Spring of Law' when a claw that covered the sky and the sun suddenly grabbed him.

That was the claw of a high-level sage-level demon creature.

Chains of laws hang down from that huge claw.

Crush the sky.

Chu Zhou's complexion remained unchanged, and the mighty five-color divine light bloomed all over his body. He waved the Zilong Sword in his hand and used the "Killing Sword Art".

Billions of sword qi surged out of him, converging into a long river of sword qi, crashing against the suppressed claws.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

The dense sword energy continued to collide with the claws, and large expanses of void continued to explode.

The paw was knocked back by the long river of sword energy, and a three-headed dog from the devil world, as towering as a mountain, appeared.

A black body like an ancient mountain range, burning with pitch-black flames of hell, and three ferocious heads, each with the word 'magic' flashing on it.

Three pairs of eyes, six blood eyes, all exuding endless cruelty and indifference.

This is an extremely powerful creature.

Chu Zhou judged from the law fluctuations emanating from his body that he could conclude that it had reached the level of a high venerable.

Moreover, its strength may be far superior to ordinary high-ranking venerables, and it is the same level of powerhouse as Yibo.

Chu Zhou and the three-headed dog of the Demon Realm looked at each other indifferently, and did not continue to fight.

They both feel threatened by each other.

Unless it is a key battle for the 'Sacred Spring of Law', they will not kill each other, so as not to hurt both sides and take advantage of others.

Next, Chu Zhou, the three-headed dog in the demon world, Yibo, and other strong men all chased the 'Sacred Spring of Law' while fighting.

It's a big dogfight.

No matter who it is, as long as it is close to the 'Sacred Spring of Law', it will immediately become the target of everyone else's attack.

Chu Zhou approached the 'Sacred Spring of Law' three times, but was repelled by other strong men and was also injured.

The three-headed dog in the demon world, Yibo and other creatures are the same. They also approached the 'Sacred Spring of Law' several times, and then they were attacked by a group, and they all had to retreat, and they were seriously injured.

A group of people are chasing and fighting, and in the blink of an eye, they have been fighting for thousands of miles.

Wherever they passed, the sky crumbled, the earth sank, the mountains broke, and the forests turned into ashes...

During the journey, many devil creatures and cosmic powerhouses were affected and died tragically.

And this battle for the 'Sacred Spring of Laws' has disturbed more and more demon creatures and cosmic powerhouses.

Some powerful demon creatures, as well as cosmic powerhouses, have also participated in this battle for the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Let the situation of this battle become more and more tragic.

Chu Zhou found that it was difficult for him to rely on his own strength. After capturing the 'Sacred Spring of Law' in a short period of time, he also secretly started to 'paddle'.

He tried his best to follow behind the high-speed moving 'Sacred Spring of Law', not to fall behind.

But when fighting, they no longer rush forward, no longer try to get close to the 'Holy Spring of Law', to ensure their absolute safety.

In addition, he also secretly released a web of devouring, constantly devouring the corpses of fallen creatures along the way.

In fact, this web of devouring had already been released when he joined this battle.

Therefore, his attribute points have been increasing rapidly.

"My attribute points have accumulated nearly 200,000 trillion. Just a little bit, I can upgrade the law of reincarnation to 20%!"

Chu Zhou glanced at the attribute panel, seeing that the attribute points were about to reach 200,000 trillion, he couldn't help but feel happy.

If the law of reincarnation is also increased to 20%, then his strength will increase dramatically.

At that time, even if he is a middle-level venerable, he can definitely challenge a top-level high-level venerable like Yibo.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry.

In this melee, the more powerful people fall, the greater the benefits he will get.

While Chu Zhou was paddling silently, he was also observing other creatures.

Among them, there are six creatures that he regards as the greatest threat.

In addition to Yibo and the three-headed dog of the demon world, there is also a mysterious figure surrounded by black mist, a strong man whose whole body seems to be made of water, and a mana creature covered with flowers, and a figure with a larger size The three-headed dog of the demon world is also a huge demon creature with two horns on its head.

These six powerhouses, in many confrontations, have shown strength that is obviously superior to other powerhouses.

Chu Zhou weighed it in his heart. If he used all his methods and powers, it seemed that he could only protect himself under the hands of the six powerhouses, and it was difficult to defeat.

This is also an important reason why he is not in a hurry to **** the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Strength, not enough!

However, he was not depressed.

These six powerhouses are basically the strongest among the Venerables.

How many years has he practiced? He is less than a hundred years old, and he is good enough to compete with these strong men.

While Chu Zhou was paddling and silently collecting the bodies of the dead, he suddenly froze.

Not only him, but even the six powerhouses including Yibo and the three-headed dog from the Demon Realm were stunned.

I saw a small snow-white beast suddenly appearing above the high-speed moving 'Sacred Spring of Law', and when it sat on its buttocks, it stopped the moving 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

The little snow-white beast tilted its head, widened its eyes full of innocence, and scanned the crowd curiously, as if wondering why a group of people were chasing the 'Holy Spring of Law'.

At this time, it seemed to be thirsty, and as soon as it lowered its head, it drank a few mouthfuls of the 'Holy Spring of Law'.

It seems to regard the 'Sacred Spring of Law' as an ordinary spring water, and it doesn't cherish it at all. After drinking the water, it seems to have drunk too much, and spit it out casually.

Chu Zhou: "..."

Ipo, the three-headed dog of the Demon Realm and other creatures: "..."

A group of people, their mentality is broken.

The 'Sacred Spring of Law' that they fought for with their lives was wasted like this.

This is the 'Sacred Spring of Law', even if there is only one drop, it is enough to cause **** competition among many venerables.

However, this little beast of unknown origin in front of him actually drank the 'Holy Spring of Law' as if it were an ordinary spring.

After drinking too much, he vomited at will.

Damn it, the mentality of a group of people is going to collapse.

"The Holy Spring of Law, I, Ibo, want it!"

Ipo suddenly roared, and circles of terrifying black sound waves spread out from him.

The sky and the earth were all shaken to pieces by the terrifying magic sound.

And the circles of black sound waves are also extremely miraculous, as if they have turned into real objects, and they all go to the little snow-white beast and the holy spring one after another.

"Ipo, others are afraid of you, but I, Shatara, are not afraid. If you want to obtain the 'Sacred Spring of Law', each depends on his ability!"

The figure surrounded by black mist sneered coldly, and black chains suddenly flew out of him, entwining towards the little snow-white beast and the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

"Shadara... so it's you!"

Yibo looked at the figure shrouded in black mist, his eyes were indifferent, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

Shadora, one of the strongest venerables of the nine most powerful forces "Original Alliance", his identity and strength are not weaker than him.

At this time, the powerful three-headed dog of the demon world also started to fight.

Ipo wants to make them give up the 'Sacred Spring of Law' with just one sentence, that is a dream.


The little snow-white beast seemed to be taken aback when it saw so many venerables attacking it one after another.

Its body jumped and disappeared out of thin air.

It's not just that it's gone.

Even the ‘Sacred Spring of Law’ below it disappeared.

A series of terrifying attacks all landed in the air.

The next moment, the little snow-white beast reappeared with the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

Moreover, it still appeared beside Chu Zhou.

Shua Shua Shua Shua...

Ipo, Chadara, the three-headed dog of the Demon Realm and other creatures all looked in Chu Zhou's direction.

All eyes are as sharp as a blade.

Chu Zhou: "..."

What the hell, he doesn't want to do this either.

He really wanted to get the 'Sacred Spring of Law', but not in this way of 'death'.

What's more, the 'Sacred Spring of Law' is not his yet.

He looked down at the little snow-white beast.

The little snow-white beast also opened its innocent eyes wide and looked at him.

One man and one beast, looking at each other.

The atmosphere is weird.

However, creatures such as Yibo, Chadara, and the three-headed dog in the demon world don't care so much.

All they knew was that the little snow-white beast appeared beside Chu Zhou with the 'Sacred Spring of Law'.

The little snow-white beast probably has some connection with Chu Zhou.

The next moment, creatures such as Yibo, Shandara, and the three-headed dog from the demon world attacked Chu Zhou one after another.

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