Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 482: His Holiness has come! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 482 The Venerable Arrives! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Cosmic sea.

Chu Zhou and others got out of the spaceship and floated above the sea.

There are still black electric lights flowing below the sea level, but everyone knows that it is just some scattered, not much threat.

"It's safe!" Seid grinned.

This time, when encountering the 'thunder cloud storm', he thought he was bound to die.

Unexpectedly, he survived smoothly.

He took a deep look at Chu Zhou and the others.

Facing the 'Thunderstorm', Chu Zhou and others were a little shocked at the beginning, but they were very calm in the follow-up.

Especially, Chu Zhou took out two Venerable-class spaceships with ease to resist the 'Thundercloud Storm'.

Obviously, Chu Zhou and others are not simple.

However, Seid didn't ask much.

He understands very well that in this cosmic sea, sometimes too much curiosity is not a good thing.

Chu Zhou and others looked at the torn apart super giant ship wreckage, the wreckage of many spaceships, and the corpses of many warriors.

The situation of the other two super giant ships is similar.

Suddenly, there was a chill in my heart.

This cosmic sea is really too dangerous.

"I did the math just now, among the three super giant ships, there will be no one out of ten who survived in the end! It's too miserable!"

Chan Jia Po Sa said with emotion on his face.

"It's normal..." Said smiled wryly, "In the event of a disaster like the 'Thundercloud Storm', even the Venerable Universe may die."

"We are lucky to be able to survive."

"It seems that for the next journey, we can only drive the spaceship by ourselves." Chu Zhou said helplessly.

He has a road map to the Magic Mountain continent in his mind.

It is also possible to drive the spaceship to the Magic Mountain continent by yourself.

However, on the route to the Magic Mountain Continent, he encountered various dangers and variables...he had to find a way to solve it himself.

"It's not too far from the No. 03 barracks base. I'm going to return to the No. 03 barracks base and wait for the next super giant ship."

Said said his plan.

He is just a world lord, and the spaceship was destroyed by the "thunder cloud storm". It is too dangerous to wander in the universe sea with his own strength.

Chu Zhou and others felt that Saide’s decision was not bad.

"Let go of that spaceship, that's what I fancy!"

"Is what you fancy is yours?"



Suddenly, Chu Zhou and others found those who had survived by chance, and many people suddenly began to **** the treasures left by the dead, and fiercely fought on the sea.

Even, many warriors who have just survived the catastrophe are fighting each other for a treasure or weapon at this moment.

"Don't be dazed! We lost a lot just now, and we just use the treasures left by the dead to make up for the loss."

Said said, and immediately rushed into the sea below, looking for the treasures left by the dead.

Throughout the whole process, he appeared very calm and indifferent, as if this kind of thing was very common.

"It seems that we are still adapting to the cruel law of the 'Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races'!" Chu Zhou smiled wryly.

"Yes! The rules of survival in the wreckage of space No. 03 are cruel...but because of the constraints of the No. 03 barracks base, we humans cannot do anything to our own people. Many people are also restrained because of their cruelty to their own race. .”

"However, it will be different if you leave the barracks base. Without the constraints of the barracks base, many people will not hesitate to swing their knives at their own clan for the sake of profit."

Bingselin said, sighing deeply.

"Let's do it! Just like Said said, we have lost a lot just now and we have to make up for it. Of course, we don't take the initiative to do anything to others, but if someone does it to us first, we are not polite."

Chu Zhou spoke calmly, without moving his figure. Lines of rules that only he could see stretched out from him, merged into the void, and merged into the sea below, gradually interweaving into an invisible net of rules.

This net of rules not only covered the sea area below him, but also extended to the sea area where the other two super giant ships collapsed.

In the sea area covered by the net of rules, there were corpses rising and falling with the sea water. The source of life flowed quickly, flowed into the net of rules, and then transmitted to Chu Zhou.

In the attribute panel, the attribute points are increasing rapidly.

Long and the others rushed into the sea below after listening to Chu Zhou's words, looking for treasures.

Long and the others are powerful, and after four or five people who attacked them were easily killed by them, no one dared to attack them again.

After a while, Long and others, as well as Seid, all came back with smiles.

Apparently, they had a good harvest.

At this time, the competition for the relics of the dead also came to an end.

One by one, all warriors left in their own spaceships.

In the sky above the sea, only Chu Zhou and others were left.

After Chu Zhou devoured the life source of the last corpse in the sea, he put away the net of rules.

"Everyone, we are destined to see you again!"

Said bid farewell to Chu Zhou and the others, then turned into a streamer and returned to the direction of No. 03 barracks base.

"let's go!"

Chu Zhou took out the Panlong, boarded the ship with Long and others, and let Shenlan control the Panlong to fly in the direction of the Magic Mountain Continent.

After Chu Zhou and others left for half a day, in the sea area where the three super giant ships collapsed, suddenly a huge eye with two wings emerged from the sea water.

Wings are mechanical wings.

Eyes are mechanical eyes.

This huge mechanical eye scanned the sea area below, and countless data and information emerged from the blue eyes.

A moment later, a mechanical creature in military uniform descended on this sea area.

The majestic coercion emanated from him, pressing down on this sea area, and the sea water continued to sink.

The mechanical creature in military uniform stared at the mechanical eye, countless green data and information flew out of the mechanical eye, and shot into the left eye of the mechanical creature in military uniform.

"Chu Zhou, have you appeared here before and left towards the southeast? Chase!"

The mechanical creature in military uniform with mechanical eyes disappeared instantly with a whoosh.

A sea area surrounded by a faint black mist.

A huge warship, cutting through the waves and moving forward quickly in the sea.

Chu Zhou and others sat cross-legged inside the battleship, practicing silently.


In vain, the Panlong shook violently.

The figures of Chu Zhou and others could not help shaking.

"The Panlong is under attack!"

Chu Zhou and the others changed their expressions slightly, and flew out of the Panlong in an instant.

At this moment—

In front of them, there were actually a large number of figures floating densely.

Among those figures, there are humans, rock giants, creatures surrounded by flames, and all kinds of strange creatures.

It seems that there are almost ten thousand people.

These figures have one thing in common, they are all entwined with a ferocious murderous aura.

Above these people, there are three Venerable-class warships with different styles floating above them.

"Not good... These creatures may be pirates from the Cosmic Sea!"

As Bingselin spoke, her expression changed slightly.


Chu Zhou and the others fixed their gazes upon hearing this.

In the cosmic sea, besides 'natural disasters' such as 'thundercloud storm', there are also many 'man-made disasters'.

Pirates are one of the most notorious disasters among the "man-made disasters".

Some pirate gangs are composed of creatures from certain ethnic groups.

There are more pirate gangs, and there are creatures from all races and major forces.

There are also traitors and spies from many ethnic groups and forces, and they are also among the pirate gangs.

All in all, the composition of pirates is very complicated.

However, basically all pirate gangs exist for profit.


A red-skinned creature with four arms and a height of about six meters stood up and looked at Chu Zhou and the others with a smile.

"Thinking about it, you should be very clear about your situation."

"Be cool. Hand over all your belongings, treasures, weapons, etc., all valuables."

"Will you let us go if you hand it over?" Chu Zhou asked expressionlessly.

"Hahaha, my friend, it's your first day in the universe? You asked such an innocent question."

The red-skinned creature laughed.

Behind, many pirates also laughed.

The red-skinned creature looked at Chu Zhou and the others playfully, and said, "Leave you alone, and come back to take revenge on us when you become stronger?"

"Then what do you mean?" Thor shouted.

"What our boss means is that if you want to survive, you can only join our Red Mountain Pirates!"

A pirate said with a sneer.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about!" Chu Zhou sighed quietly.

"Our Hongshan Pirates never like to talk too much. Make your choice, whether you want to live or die!"

The red-skinned creature folded its hands on its chest, with a confident expression on its face.

They have three Venerable-class warships, plus more than 10,000 powerful world masters with rich killing experience.

Chu Zhou and other mere seven people, how can they compete.

He believed that Chu Zhou and others would succumb.

No one wants to die after all.

"Don't you like to talk more? Then you don't talk to other people in the future."

After Chu Zhou finished speaking, Lightning shot.


A giant chaotic arm like an ancient mountain range suddenly traversed the void, grabbing at the red-skinned creature.

The majestic and vast energy fluctuations diffused from the giant arms of chaos, as if to overthrow the entire cosmic sea.

"you wanna die!"

Red-skinned creatures, I didn't expect Chu Zhou to take the initiative and be so decisive.

He roared angrily, and with an extra red giant ax in his hand, he was about to swing the red giant ax and strike at the grasping Chaos giant arm.

However, he just raised the red giant axe.

He found that his body was imprisoned by a majestic force of space.

He couldn't move.

"Boom boom!"

A giant chaotic hand that covered the sky and covered the sun directly grabbed and shot down, instantly grabbing and devouring the red-skinned creature.

"Ah!! If you dare to kill my clone, you should die!"

At the moment when the red-skinned creature was caught and exploded by the giant hands of Chaos, an extremely angry roar came from a battleship above the pirates.

"Are you a clone?"

Chu Zhou was slightly surprised when he heard the voice. He didn't expect that the one he caught and exploded just now was actually a clone.

"Kill 'em!"

In the sky, there was a ferocious roar.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"...

These pirates also shouted loudly at the same time, while shouting, they shot Chu Zhou and others one after another.

More than 10,000 powerhouses burst out their attacks at the same time, or invisible soul attacks, or various material attacks. I saw countless sword shadows, knife shadows, light waves, etc. densely packed in the sky.

Overwhelming, rushing directly to Chu Zhou and others.

The joint attack of more than 10,000 world masters, except for Chu Zhou, Long and other six people, did not dare to take it hard.

Chu Zhou activated the power of space, wrapped the six people including Long, and when he stepped out, the figure disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, his figure appeared among more than 10,000 pirates.

"If you want to kill us, you are not qualified!" Sol sneered, and countless golden flames suddenly appeared on the surface of his body, as if turning into a human-shaped sun, killing many pirates.

The dragon inspired the bloodline of the mammoth and turned into a majestic giant, with a phantom of an ancient mammoth suspended behind him.

Every move contains overwhelming power.

Zuoyue, Bingserin, Xiliujin, Chanjapasa, and others also showed their strengths to make many pirates frightened.

Long and the others went on a killing spree among the many pirates.

Chu Zhou's body stretched out countless regular threads, interweaving into a regular net, covering the sea area, devouring the life source of each dead robber.

At the same time, step by step, he stepped up through the air and walked towards the battleship where the voice came out just now.

"You are courting death!"

An angry voice came from a battleship.

Immediately, the main guns of the three Venerable-class pirate warships in the sky all blazed violently, and a large amount of energy crazily gathered at the muzzles of the guns.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Three extremely bright energy beams pierced Chu Zhou's body with a terrifying aura that would destroy the world.


Don't wait for these three energy beams to hit Chu Zhou.

These three beams were hit by the other three energy beams shot from behind Chu Zhou.

Six energy beams collided in the void, and an earth-shattering explosion erupted, like three huge suns, suddenly exploded.

The void shattered, energy raged, and above the sea, huge waves hit the sky.

The power of the six energy beams was too great, and many pirates who were fighting with Long and others were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew backwards.

In a pirate battleship, a red-skinned creature that was exactly the same as the one that was crushed by Chu Zhou's giant chaotic hands just now was startled when he saw three energy beams flying from behind Chu Zhou.

He knew that Chu Zhou and others had a Zunhe class warship.

Then... Where did the other two energy beams come from?

Soon, he saw it.

Beside the Panlong, at some point, there were two more Venerable-class warships.

"Damn it, what is the origin of these seven people? There are so many Venerable-class warships!"

The red-skinned creature's heart trembled secretly.

Their Red Mountain Pirates were able to own three Venerable-class warships because they had accumulated tens of millions of years of plundering results.

Chu Zhou and the others are not pirates at first glance.

There are so many Venerable-class battleships.

This made him feel a little bad.

"The Venerable-class battleship, although powerful, is not invincible!"

Chu Zhou's figure suddenly flickered, and appeared next to the pirate warship where the red-skinned creature was.

He gripped the Zilong Sword tightly, and introduced the power of various laws and rules such as the five elements, reincarnation, space, gravity, repulsion, and soul into the Zilong Sword.


He swung the sword abruptly, and with a bang, the Purple Dragon Sword turned into a fleeting afterimage, and with a puff, it tore the energy shield of the pirate warship to pieces.

The next moment, he had a thought and appeared in the control room.

Looking indifferently at the red-skinned creature.

"This time, you should be the real body!" He said blankly.


The red-skinned creature pointed at Chu Zhou with trembling fingers, as if he had encountered a perverted monster, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Chu Zhou, a world lord, actually tore through the shield of the Venerable battleship with a single sword.

What kind of monster is this?

He swears that he has been in the universe for nearly 100 million years, and he has never seen such a monster.

Haven't even heard of it.

"It seems that you have nothing to say."

The purple dragon sword in Chu Zhou's hand moved again, and with a puff, it pierced through the red-skinned creature's eyebrows and passed through the back of his head.

He devoured the red-skinned creature casually, and transferred all the 'treasure mountains' formed by countless treasures in the inner world of the red-skinned creature to his own world.

He guessed that those 'treasure mountains' should be the wealth accumulated by the Red Mountain Pirates.

Afterwards, he repeated his old trick, entered the other two pirate warships, and killed all the pirates who controlled the warships.

"This time, not only got several 'treasure mountains', but also got three Venerable-class warships, which is a good harvest."

He smiled, and took the three Venerable-class pirate warships into his internal body world.

When the Chu boat landed on the sea, Long and the six of them basically killed nearly ten thousand pirates.

After waiting for a while, all the pirates died.

Chu Zhou didn't care about the death of the pirates, he only cared about the attribute points he harvested this time.

He looked at the attribute points on the attribute panel and couldn't help but be surprised.

The attribute points on the attribute panel were finally enough for him to increase his comprehension of the Five Elements Law to 10%.

"It seems that the time to be promoted to the Supreme Master of the Universe has arrived."

Thinking in his heart, he planned to find a relatively safe cosmic wreckage and attack His Holiness.

"Finally found you!"

Suddenly, there was a metallic mechanical sound in the sky.

As soon as Chu Zhou and others looked up, they saw a mechanical creature in military uniform in the sky.

On the right hand side of the mechanical creature in military uniform, there is also a mechanical eye with two mechanical wings floating.

The mechanical creature in military uniform, like a **** on high, is condescending, overlooking Chu Zhou and others.

The vast and boundless coercion enveloped the sky like a blanket.

Million miles of seas are trembling.

Chu Zhou and the others felt suffocating pressure at this moment, both physically and spiritually.

"This is... His Holiness!"

Long and the other six swallowed with difficulty.

"The lord of the machine race!"

Chu Zhou stared at the mechanical creatures in military uniform in the sky, and became highly vigilant in his heart.

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