Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 335: Storm (1)! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 335 Storm (1)! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chu Zhou found two more cosmic bandit groups in the starry sky near Star Beta. With the help of these "good friends" who "sacrificed themselves for others", his attribute points increased by another 100 billion.

His total attribute points reached 223.7 billion.

"Didn't you say that there are more than a dozen cosmic bandits near Star Beta? Why did you only find four and the others disappeared?"

Chu Zhou thought in doubt, and then returned to Panlong Villa.

Late at night.

Beta City.

Nigrich touched the scar on his face, staring coldly at the Star Lord's Mansion in the distance.

He stood in front of the French windows with gloomy eyes.

He is back.

After he failed in the vortex of the family struggle, he was expelled from Planet Beta by his dear brother.

He still deeply remembers that day, he was like a dog in a mess.

Now, after so many years, he finally has the capital to revenge.

"Ulmers, I will 'repay' you for everything you bestowed on me back then!"

Nigrich sneered, his eyes were indescribably sinister, like a poisonous snake that wanted to choose someone to bite.

"How many star ninth-rank warriors are there in the Star Lord's Mansion?"

His lips didn't move, and his voice came to the ears of several people behind him.

"Including Star Lord Ulmers, there are a total of 28!"

"Then, apart from the Star Lord's Mansion, and the five giants, as well as people from major families and major forces, how many star-level ninth-level free warriors are there in Beta City? How many of them are related to Ulmers?" There are relationships?"

"Planet Beta is a commercial planet, and there are quite a few free warriors at the ninth level of stars. There are about 32 of them. Among them, 20 have had direct or indirect contact with the star master."

"Is that all there is?"

"Yes." The three subordinates answered in a low voice behind them.

Their voices did not spread, but directly penetrated into Nigrich's ears without any leakage.

"According to the plan, once the operation starts, our colleagues who are attacking the City Lord's Mansion will also control those ninth-level free warriors who have a relationship with Ulmers to prevent them from helping Ulmers..."

"As for the five Big Macs, don't worry. They will not interfere in the internal disputes of various countries in the universe..."

"Other families and forces, I believe they will not intervene in our dispute with the Star Lord's Mansion before they see the situation clearly."

Nigrich said calmly.

The three subordinates nodded slightly, but did not speak.

At this moment, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Nigrich.

In the light curtain, a majestic old man with green skin and blood-colored eyes emerged.

"Nigrich, I have met Master Berg!"

Nigrich immediately knelt down on one knee when he saw the old man in the light curtain.

The three subordinates behind him also knelt down.

"Nigrich, I have already given you the support you need. Don't let me down!" the old man in the light curtain said lightly.

"Master Berg, rest assured, after today, I will definitely become the star master of Star Beta. And what I promised to the Talon family will definitely be fulfilled."

Nigrich said.

"I hope so!" The old man in the light curtain disappeared after saying this sentence.

Nigrich stood up, waved to the three subordinates behind him, and said sharply: "Notify everyone, twelve o'clock at night is the time for action."

"Follow the order!" The three figures immediately turned into afterimages and disappeared.

It's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

A group of people appeared outside Panlong Villa.

Headed by three figures in purple.

"We are a majestic purple army, but we have to obey the orders of this trash, Nigrich, it's really annoying!"

Selkin said with an unhappy face.

"Serkin stop talking, this is the patriarch's order." Jing Yan glared at Serkin.

"Perform the mission!" Xilai Talon glanced at Serjin and Jing Yan lightly, "According to the plan, the three of us will deal with the target Chu Zhou, and the others will deal with Chu Zhou's companions in the manor... If there is any resistance , shoot to kill."

"Captain, we are the elite fighters of the Talon family. The number of ninth-level stars who died in our hands is beyond count... It is not easy to take down that Chuzhou."

Serkin said nonchalantly.

"Stop dawdling, act!"

It directly turned into an afterimage, soared into the air, and rushed towards the manor.

Selkin and Jing Yan, as well as a group of people behind them, rushed into Panlong Manor one after another.

Hile Tallon. Serkin, Jing Yan and the other three had a clear goal and rushed directly to the castle where Chu Zhou was.

The remaining people rushed to other castles.

Hile Talon, Serkin, and Jing Yan entered the castle where Chu Zhou lived smoothly, and also found Chu Zhou smoothly.

"If you don't mind, can I ask you a question? What kind of death do you think is most suitable for you?"

Chu Zhou sat on the sofa, looking at the three of them with a smile.

Hile Talon and others glared at Chu Zhou instantly.

who are they?

They are members of the Purple Army of the Talon family.

The nine thousand purple-clothed soldiers of the Talon family are well-known in the entire Galactic Empire, and even in several nearby elementary civilizations in the universe.

Chu Zhou, a star-level fighter from a planet on the frontier of the Galactic Empire, dares to despise them, how brave!

"If you say the wrong thing, you will die." Hilley Talon stared into Chu Zhou's eyes indifferently, "Originally, we just wanted to control you, and you still have a chance to live...but now you have ruined this chance yourself."

"A martial artist from a border planet, who has never seen the world, dares to despise our purple-clothed army. He really doesn't know how to live or die!"

Serkin sneered, and 108 shuttles intertwined with purple electricity shot out from him like lightning, and the purple lightning shuttles flew across the void with mysterious trajectories, interweaving a net of sky and earth, covering Chu Zhou. come.

Chu Zhou clearly felt the terrifying power of rules contained in each shuttle.

108 purple electric flying shuttles, each of which contains a terrifying power that can instantly kill eighth-level star powerhouses.

"The purple-clothed army cannot be humiliated!"

Jing Yan said coldly, a vast sea of ??magma and flames suddenly appeared behind him, and the vast sea of ??magma and flames was rapidly compressed and condensed, and finally turned into a scarlet fire wire the size of a hair, and the lightning entwined towards Chu Zhou.

The temperature of the scarlet fire line is so high that it is unimaginable. Wherever it passes, even the void is roasted with scar-like scorched marks.

Hile Talon didn't do anything, he crossed his arms and looked at the scene in front of him calmly.

In his opinion, Serkin and Jing Yan are enough to deal with a warrior who has never seen the world on a frontier planet like Chu Zhou.

Serkin and Jing Yan are both members of the Purple Army of the Talon family, and every member of the Purple Army is selected from thousands of people, has experienced countless trials and battles, and is an elite.

Their strength is trustworthy.

Serkin grinned grimly, and Jing Yan also watched indifferently, as if they had seen the scene of Chu Zhou's death.

However, their faces froze quickly.

Chu Zhou's whole body suddenly penetrated the attacks of 108 purple lightning shuttles and scarlet fire wire like a ghost, and then suddenly appeared in front of them.


Chu Zhou just stretched his hands forward naturally, like two peerless sharp swords, easily piercing through their hearts.

There is also a force of terrifying rules, spreading out from his two peerless sword-like arms, directly obliterating vitality and soul.

Serkin and Jing Yan are dead.

When they died, their eyes were still wide open, staring at Chu Zhou in shock, as if they couldn't believe Chu Zhou's strength.

" is this possible?"

Hile Talon was stunned.

His two companions were instantly killed by Chu Zhou?

At this moment, Hilley Talon finally realized that Chu Zhou was not an ordinary ninth-level star, but an unrivaled evildoer in the ninth-level star.

There is a gap between people.

It’s like the same class, there are some with poor grades and some with good grades. And...sometimes, the gap between the one with the worst grades and the one with the best grades is unimaginably large.

The same reasoning applies to warriors of the ninth rank of stars, but the combat power of some unrivaled evildoers far exceeds that of ordinary ninth rank stars.

It even gives people a feeling that they are not creatures of the same dimension at all.

As an elite in the Purple Army and a direct descendant of the Talon family, Hilley Talon naturally knows that in the universe, many elite talents trained by superpowers are monsters with combat power far superior to those of the same rank .

But what he didn't expect was that Chu Zhou, a free warrior who settled on the border planet of the empire, was actually such a monster.


After realizing something was wrong, Hilley Talon turned around and fled without hesitation.

"My place, you can come and leave whenever you want?"

Chu Zhou crossed his arms and looked indifferently at the one who wanted to escape.

Seeing that Chu Zhou didn't chase him down, Xilai Talong couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. He mobilized the original force in his body with all his strength and ran away at a faster speed.

But soon, he was dumbfounded.

He flew with all his strength in the void for several breaths. Under normal circumstances, he would have already flown out of the castle, and flew hundreds of miles away.

But his body is still in the castle.

" this space folding?"

Heilei Talon suddenly thought of a very terrifying mystery, and suddenly turned pale with fright.

"It seems that you know a lot, and you know the mystery of space folding. But... this can't change your fate of death."

Chu Zhou said indifferently, and suddenly grabbed Hille Talon from the air. The space where Hille Talon was located instantly distorted into twists, and then burst into dark space cracks.

Hile Talon, under the attack of the two space mysteries of space distortion and space tearing, first his whole body was twisted into twists, and then shattered into countless pieces.

Chu Zhou quickly finished touching the corpses, and then summoned a black hole, which swallowed three corpses.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, there was a huge battle fluctuation in Beta City.

"It seems that Beta City is very lively tonight!"

"Originally, this is none of my business... But since it has already affected me, then I am not polite."

Chu Zhou said coldly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

(end of this chapter)

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