Chapter 300: The Emperor Enters the Fray

Although the Demon King has been away these days, the Chaos Federation has steadily progressed in its invasion of the southern border of the Thunder Empire.

In the imperial palace of the Thunder Empire, Emperor Frelio XVI listened to the reports from his subordinates, his expression growing increasingly grim. A terrifying pressure was continuously released, causing all present to feel a strong sense of oppression.

According to the report, nearly half of the empire's southern territories had already fallen under the Demon King's control. Dozens of nobles and their families had forsaken their honor to pledge allegiance to Darkness City, clearly indicating that the situation in the south had become quite evidently worse. Several marquisates and dozens of counties were practically defenseless, making it only a matter of time before they fell to the Demon King.

The only uncertainty lay in the Bachor Duchy. Unlike the usual noble hereditary lands, the Bachor Duchy was the only duchy in the empire's southern frontier. Thus, it possessed the broadest territory and the largest population, as well as the strongest defenses, barriers, and most elite military forces in the south.

However, with the Duke Bachor assassinated and the principal knightly order of the duchy nearly wiped out, relying solely on the duchy's own defenses and troops might be insufficient to hold back the invasion from the Chaos Federation.

The only question remaining was whether the empire would continue to send reinforcements. If the empire decided to play its last cards, then Bachor City might still stand a chance in battle. This was undoubtedly a vexing decision. If no reinforcements were sent, the fall of the Bachor Duchy seemed inevitable. However, determining how many troops to dispatch if reinforcements are indeed sent poses another challenge. If not enough military support is provided, it could equate to merely aiding the enemy unintentionally.

On the other hand, deploying a substantial military force would inevitably weaken the military power at the core of the empire. Should the battle end in defeat, not only would it fail to protect the Bachor Duchy, but the heartland of the Thunder Empire would also face difficulties due to a shortage of troops.

In a room filled with hundreds of the empire's greatest minds, Emperor Frelio XVI demanded, "What are your opinions on the current situation in the southern territory? Speak up!"

Yet, the hall fell silent. The power of the Darkness City's Demon King was unfathomable, and under such circumstances, any advice could lead to unpredictable consequences, a responsibility no one was willing to shoulder.

Faced with his ministers' silence, the Emperor was visibly displeased. He scoffed, "Out of a billion people, the empire chose you as its chief ministers. Now, when the southern territory is in crisis, not one of you stands to speak. What use are you if you are so worthless?!"

As he spoke, the imperial might of a ruler, inherited from generations and possibly nearing or at the level of a sixth-tier epic being, enveloped the room. Such a formidable presence was unbearable for ordinary individuals, and even the top talents present felt the immense pressure.

It was then that Marquis Gabrulain stepped forward. He bowed respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, I believe we should abandon Bahor City, evacuate the citizens, and withdraw the troops."

His statement caused an uproar. The silence had been largely due to a common understanding---Bachor Duchy and the empire's southern territory were likely indefensible. Advising the Emperor to personally lead troops or to send more would be too risky. If another battle were lost, the Demon King's forces could directly threaten the capital, placing the entire empire in jeopardy.

Yet, advising the Emperor to abandon the southern territory was sure to provoke his ire. After all, the southern territory, with its population of one to two hundred million and its vast resources and land, was too valuable a loss for the empire. For an emperor, nothing was more humiliating than ceding territory, even if temporarily. Suggesting such an action in public was akin to slapping the Emperor's face and admitting the empire's incapacity.

As expected, Emperor Frelio XVI erupted in anger: "The southern territories have been developed over two to three thousand years by dozens of my ancestors. You expect me to hand it over to a Demon King?"

"For the ultimate victory, we must make this decision," Marquis Gabrulain responded. "The Doom Prophet, Primo, has already predicted the fate of Bachor City. Even with the empire's intervention, its fall is inevitable."

Hearing this, Emperor Frelio furrowed his brow.

Gabrulain continued, "Sending our forces to Bachor City not only fails to guarantee repelling or holding back the Demon King's forces but may also weaken our defenses at the capital. We must prioritize our efforts."

"Moreover," he added, "after repeated defeats, the morale of both the people and the army in the southern territories is already compromised."

"Although Bachor Duchy still has a million imperial troops, in the current situation, it's nearly impossible for them to perform at full capacity. Even if we manage to hold Bachor City, after a major battle with the Demon King, the city will likely be reduced to ruins, and the reconstruction would take an unknown number of years. It might be better to retreat strategically."

Marquis Gabrulain reasoned, "We could concentrate all the empire's forces around the capital, marshaling the nation's strength to oppose the Demon King. With the capital's defenses and the empire's foundation, we are sure to defeat him."

This argument seemed logical. Emperor Frelio hesitated slightly.

Marquis Gabrulain continued, "By temporarily withdrawing from the southern territories, we preserve a large portion of our troops and can maximize the preservation of the local population. Once we reclaim the territory, everything can be quickly restored. Additionally, several empires, including the Sunset Empire, have agreed to send reinforcements. Allowing the southern territories to fall temporarily can enhance their sense of crisis, prompting them to send more support and significantly easing our pressure."

Emperor Frelio's expression gradually softened: "Your points are well made."

Marquis Gabrulain pressed on: "Your Majesty, this is not the time for hesitation. We must act immediately and cannot afford further delays. I believe that with the mobilization of the empire's resources and the support of several forces, the Demon King will pose no significant threat."

"How did the Prophet's attempt to probe the Chaos Forest go?" Emperor Frelio inquired. 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

Marquis Gabrulain responded, "It has not gone well, Your Majesty. The Prophet dispatched a top-tier Druid Hero, but this Hero has been missing for two days. According to the Prophet, it is likely that he has perished."

"Dead?" Emperor Frelio was somewhat displeased. "If he claims to be a prophet, why do such things still occur? Can he not foresee them?"

Marquis Gabrulain explained, "The paths of fate are constantly changing, Your Majesty. Even the smallest disturbances can alter outcomes. The Druid's fate was not something the Prophet had foreseen."

This was not hard to understand. Even a powerful seer like the Doom Prophet Primo could not predict continuously around the clock.

Hero Jason was sent to investigate the Chaos Forest after Prophet Primo had completed his predictions and past-retracings for Bachor City and the battlefields. This means that if Primo had not detected any signs of a concealed Demon King in the future of Bachor City or in the past of the battlefields, he would not have sent Jason into the forest, and Jason would not have fallen. This implied that the timeline had already changed. Primo could see the future, but what he saw was only a possibility. The future was susceptible to disturbances, and no one could truly predict destiny.

Emperor Frelio scoffed internally. It seemed the Prophet was not all-powerful after all.

Seeing the Emperor's slight dissatisfaction, Marquis Gabrulain quickly added, "Although this reconnaissance was not successful, the Prophet is increasingly interested in the Demon King of Darkness City. He is gathering more allies, and it seems he is determined to not rest until the Demon King is destroyed."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Frelio was satisfied. Although the Prophet's abilities were not flawless in predicting fate, he was continually predicting outcomes to ensure that even before combat, the size of the enemy and the forces they would deploy were known. This meant that as long as the empire maintained an overall advantage in strength, it was practically impossible to lose to the Demon King. With this in mind, it seemed prudent to take measures to avoid any more significant defeats.

After careful deliberation, Emperor Frelio XVI made a decision. He decreed, "Issue the command for the troops in the eastern and western frontiers to be recalled to the imperial fortress. Order the evacuation of all troops and resources from the southern territory and ensure the complete evacuation of the populace of Bachor Duchy!"

Although such a move was a blow to his pride, for the sake of the greater good, Emperor Frelio made this decision. He planned to withdraw the remaining forces, all combat capabilities, and major resources from the southern territory, and simultaneously consolidate the main troops from the eastern and western frontiers.

Thus, the residual forces from the three frontiers would gather at the empire's core. This force would still be formidable, augmented by the imperial capital's strength and the empire's hidden resources. The Demon King would not be able to penetrate this defense, especially with additional support from imperial powers like the Sunset Empire and allies such as Prophet Primo. No matter how powerful Darkness City was, compared to an imperial power, it was still too inexperienced and lacked the profound resources that come with established empires.

As for the civilians of the southern territory? Although Emperor Frelio ordered their evacuation, in reality, this was merely a formality. How could tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people be evacuated? The empire was prepared to abandon them, fortunately, the Demon King did not massacre civilians. Once the Demon King was repelled, it was still possible to reclaim these people.

"Affirmed!" Marquis Gabrulain promptly replied, "We will proceed immediately!"

Emperor Frelio XVI then added, "Also, have the priests ready the Imperial Temple, I need to enter the Hall of Valor!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present was greatly surprised. Marquis Gabrulain, shocked, quickly asked, "Your Majesty, are you certain you want to utilize the power of the Hall of Valor? Isn't it too early to resort to such measures?"

Emperor Frelio XVI scoffed coldly, "The morale of the empire is low, we cannot afford any risks. We must win this time, and only by harnessing this power can I be absolutely sure of redeeming our honor."

Seeing the emperor's resolute attitude, the ministers dared not object further.

The Imperial Temple of the Thunder Empire was essentially the royal mausoleum, where the remains of the emperors of Thunder Empire were interred. Exceptionally legendary figures of the empire, who had swept through their era and earned fame, were also entombed here if they achieved sufficient honor and recognition.

Each year, the empire had expended vast resources to hold rites for the mausoleum. This mausoleum was not merely a resting place for the dead; it had become a part of the empire's heritage. The older it got and the more emperors it housed, the longer the rituals had been performed, and thus the more powerful it became. Inside the Imperial Temple laid a special area known as the Hall of Valor.

Accompanied by hundreds of imperial priests, Emperor Frelio XVI slowly entered the Hall of Valor, where dozens of massive crystal statues were situated around the grand hall, each radiating potent energy.

"Your Majesty!

"Receive the Blessing of the Ancestors! Only you, the legitimate emperor of the empire, have this right! You will receive the blessing and protection of the spirits of the previous emperors, granting you near invincibility and an almost immortal state for a short time. But this blessing can only be performed once every few centuries and is one of the empire's most important assets. Are you sure you want to use it now?"

It was the chief priest of the Thunder Empire who spoke, an elderly man with white hair and considerable power. He held the strength of a Level 6 monarch and led the empire's priests in conducting various significant ceremonies and rituals.

Emperor Frelio firmly replied, "Do not dissuade me further. I know what I'm doing. I need this power now, and the empire needs it too!"

"In that case..." The elderly chief priest sighed and opened the seals of the Hall of Valor. "Please, follow me, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Frelio put down the sword he carried and followed the long line of hundreds of priests into the Hall of Valor. Soon, the doors closed, and a powerful aura began to gather in the mausoleum. Those outside were filled with awe, well aware of the power that this gathering represented---the collective force of the empire's past emperors.

No one had expected a mere Demon King to force the empire into revealing this trump card. With the emperor deciding to use the power of the Hall of Valor, it became clear that he intended to personally lead the campaign and confront the Demon King himself!"

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