Chapter 254: The Breaking of the Covenant

The High Council of the Sea Tribes was the supreme governing body of the Azure Water Federation. This council, comprising only thirty members, was formed through a highly complex and intricate process of scrutiny and election, with representatives from various maritime regions. Each member held the federation's top-level secrets, making their identities exceptionally mysterious, and they rarely appeared in public.

Fontentina, the Chairman of the Council, was an exception. Having served as the Chairman for fifteen consecutive terms, one might have assumed she wielded dictatorial, unquestionable authority. But in reality, the situation was quite different. The Azure Water Federation, with its unique loose structure, meant that the power of the High Council was limited. Sovereigns of various nations and leaders of prominent families, although generally respectful towards the council, often disregarded its authority when their core interests were at stake. Over the years, this disregard had grown increasingly pronounced.

In essence, the authority of the High Council was rapidly eroding, and the federation's system was effectively becoming paralyzed.

Fontentina was deeply concerned about the current state of the federation. She was acutely aware that the apparent prosperity was a facade, like a palace built on sand, seemingly grand but easily collapsible. The leaders of various nations and heads of major families, empowered by the legitimacy granted by the Azure Water Covenant, acted increasingly unrestrained and unscrupulous for short-term gains. The number of people trafficked as slaves each year reached nearly ten million.

Without the Covenant, wars would have likely broken out among these greedy leaders. The resentment of ordinary sea tribes oppressed by the nobility and emerging powers was almost unbearable. A full-blown eruption of this anger could lead to unimaginable consequences.

"Madam Chairman! Regarding the Calamity Trench incident, we have completed our investigation. We have sufficient evidence to show that the invasion and disruption of the seal in the Calamity Trench was orchestrated by the Deep Sea Hermit Society!" reported a middle-aged sea elf to Fontentina. Many in the federation's direct forces had been infiltrated by the Deep Sea Hermit Society.

The sea elves, a branch of the elven race, are amphibious creatures usually living on islands in the heart of the ocean. They resemble other elves but have the ability to breathe underwater and are adept in various water magics, earning them the title "Tide Elves." This sea elf was not ordinary; his name was Borelka, one of the newly promoted members of the Azure Water Federation's High Council and the chief of the law enforcement elders. With a promising future, he was considered a strong candidate for the next chairman of the Azure Water Federation, as Fontentina might step down in one or two terms.

Fontentina asked, "How is the situation with the underwater seal in the Calamity Trench? Is it stable?"

Borelka replied, "Madam Chairperson, we have sent people to thoroughly inspect the seal altar. Currently, the seal is in good condition and shows no signs of damage."

"Good. As long as the seal in the Calamity Trench remains intact, it poses no threat to the Azure Water Federation. We must strengthen our surveillance of the Calamity Trench!"

"Yes, Madam Chairperson."

Fontentina wasn't surprised by the Deep Sea Hermit Society's actions. She had set numerous baits, specifically for this purpose, and the Calamity Trench was just one of them. She hadn't expected the Deep Sea Hermit Society to act so covertly and swiftly. Fortunately, though the external seal of the Calamity Trench was compromised, the seal established by the former empress to seal the world rift remained intact. So, overall, the Azure Water Federation hadn't suffered direct losses. In contrast, the Deep Sea Hermit Society paid a significant price for this meaningless operation.

Why did Fontentina set so many traps concerning the Azure Water Covenant? Aside from protecting the real Azure Water Covenant, it was also to counter the Deep Sea Hermit Society, a mysterious organization that emerged a few centuries ago, involving many internal and external powers. The High Council had no direct means to destroy it, so they used the Azure Water Covenant as bait to lure the society into action. As long as the Deep Sea Hermit Society moved, they were almost guaranteed to expose flaws.

For example, they managed to enter the Calamity Trench, but found nothing of value they sought. They gained no benefits and instead lost several top-tier individuals, exposing a number of spies and infiltrators within the federation's forces. At this rate, if the Deep Sea Hermit Society took the bait a few more times, their power would be significantly weakened.

The sea elf Borelka continued, "Additionally, regarding the incident at the Calamity Trench, we've identified two points of concern."

"What are they?" Fontentina inquired immediately.

Borelka explained, "Firstly, the forces mobilized by the Deep Sea Hermit Society this time are suspected to be comprised of Demon Kings and Heroes. This suggests that these two groups within the Azure Water Federation are highly colluding with the Deep Sea Hermit Society."

Hearing this, Fontentina's brow furrowed in concern. She was apprehensive about this potential threat. The high growth potential of Demon Kings and Heroes could easily disrupt the balance, and now these two uncontrollable forces were being exploited by the Deep Sea Hermit Society, posing a significant danger.

"It seems we need to systematically purge the Demon Kings and find a way to relocate the Heroes to other places, like the northern Chaos Forest," Fontentina concluded.

"And the second point?" she asked.

Borelka responded, "We discovered that besides the Deep Sea Hermit Society's forces, there was another mysterious but powerful force involved."

"What is it?"

"It's not entirely clear yet, but it seems to be an external force, possibly related to the Holy Tides City of the Pale Moon Kingdom."

Fontentina's frown deepened. Troubles seemed to be piling up one after another. The Azure Water Federation couldn't allow any infiltration by external forces. She decided to organize a team to investigate and see if there were any signs of external forces infiltrating Holy Tides City.

However, before any arrangements could be made, a high council guardian elder rushed in to report, "Chairman, there's trouble! Our temple on the Isle of the Sea God has been attacked!"

Hearing this, Fontentina was shocked. Borelka looked puzzled and asked, "What? The Isle of the Sea God? Are you sure? That place is heavily guarded and located in the heart of the Federation, surrounded by rich resources. Why would the Deep Sea Hermit Society attack there?"

The guardian elder quickly explained, "It seems like it was indeed the Deep Sea Hermit Society's doing. They not only outnumbered us but also possessed great strength, breaking through our nearby garrison forces directly."

Fontentina spoke gravely, "In the name of the High Council, mobilize all available forces in the vicinity immediately for reinforcement. The temple is of utmost importance and must not fall!"

The guardian elder was momentarily stunned, not quite understanding the need for such a massive mobilization. But an order from the Chairman was tantamount to a directive from the High Council itself. Without raising any objections, he immediately agreed and went to prepare.

Borelka expressed his doubts, "Chairman, is such a large-scale mobilization necessary? If we dispatch all our forces to the temple, other areas might become vulnerable, giving the enemy an opportunity."

Fontentina's expression was grim, "We have no choice. The Temple of the Sea God is critical because the true Azure Water Covenant is housed there."

Hearing this, Borelka's face paled. Even though he was a member of the High Council, he was not privy to information about the Azure Water Covenant. Only a few people, including Fontentina, were authorized to handle the covenant to ensure maximum secrecy.

"There's no time to lose," Borelka asserted. "We must take action ourselves!" Given the gravity of the situation, which not only affected the fate of the High Council but also the survival of the entire federation, Fontentina had no choice but to inform Borelka of the covenant.Island

Fontentina and Borelka, along with a group of elite troops, quickly used costly long-distance teleportation to reach the center of the island. This unmarked island, known as the Isle of the Sea God, housed many temples dedicated to various sea deities, primarily used for worship.

At this moment, the island was engulfed in fierce battle. The Deep Sea Hermit Order deployed two Level 5 Demon Kings, cultivated by the order, along with tens of thousands of combat units. They surged from the surrounding seas towards a temple of a sea goddess. The defense of the temple was on the brink of collapse. Besides the low-cost Demon King army, most of the Hermit Order's top fighters were engaged in the assault. Fontentina was certain that they had identified the location of the covenant; they wouldn't risk attacking the island otherwise.

She immediately ordered her accompanying troops to hold off the attackers. Then, Fontentina, Borelka, and several council elders teleported directly into the temple of the sea goddess. Contrasting the chaos outside, the temple interior was relatively peaceful and untouched. Relieved that the covenant was still safe, Fontentina decided it needed to be moved for greater security. She activated a mechanism in the statue of the goddess at the temple's heart, releasing various seals and making it translucent.

"Come!" Fontentina commanded, reaching out to grasp a square jade box that materialized. Though the contents were not visible, a potent, ancient, and mystical force of the covenant emanated from within.

"This place is no longer safe," she declared. "We must take it back to the capital city for now."

Fontentina, holding the ancient covenant, was suddenly attacked from behind by an unimaginably powerful and sharp force. The closeness of the attacker and their overwhelming strength sent her flying a hundred meters away, crashing through several massive pillars before slamming into the temple wall. The other elder council members were instantly killed.

Shocked and ignoring her injuries, Fontentina exclaimed, "Borelka, you...!?"

The sea elf effortlessly grasped the jade box and eagerly opened it, revealing an ancient scroll emitting a mysterious aura, seemingly close to the power of a fundamental law. "Such potent energy!" he marveled. "Such an incredible item! It seems I've finally found it."

Fontentina, filled with horror, cried out, "Who are you, and what do you intend to do?"

Borelka replied with a smile, "I've spent years performing in front of you, hiding my true power. It took considerable effort and time, but now I've succeeded. Allow me to introduce myself---I am the leader of the Deep Sea Hermit Order!"

Fontentina was horrified. This member of the highest council was the elusive leader of the Deep Sea Hermit Order? He had waited and planned for this moment for so long, and now he had finally succeeded! The covenant was in his possession. Borelka didn't waste time monologuing like typical villains. Having paid a high price in time and resources for this opportunity, he wasn't going to give the federation's high-ranking officials any chance to react.

"Spatial Rend" Borelka activated a spatial skill. In the next instant, a rift tore through the space, targeting the covenant scroll. However, when the space healed, the scroll remained intact.

A glimmer of hope arose in Fontentina. The Empress's Covenant was akin to an epic-grade item. It wasn't easily destroyed. However, Borelka wasn't surprised about this outcome. Prepared for this, when his magic failed to destroy the scroll, he promptly drew a dagger emitting an aura even more potent than epic equipment.

"This is..." Fontentina sensed danger. Was this a near-legendary-grade weapon?

Borelka thrust the dagger fiercely into the scroll. Intense energy burst forth, instantly resulting in a violent explosion that reduced the Temple of the Sea God to ruins. At that moment, the entire population of the Azure Water Federation felt the dissolution of the covenant that had bound their souls for thousands of years. The Azure Water Covenant was destroyed!

Fontentina witnessed it all, powerless to stop it. As the covenant disintegrated, she fell into complete despair. The covenant was gone, the restraints were gone, and with them, the Azure Water Federation... was finished."

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