Global Beast Taming: Awakening Top 10 SSS Talents at the Beginning

Chapter 362 - 362: I Dare Not Only to Fight, but also to Kill You! _1

Chapter 362: I Dare Not Only to Fight, but also to Kill You! _1

Translator: 549690339

“It’s them, the two Emperors from the Ascension Camp!!”

“Emperors of the Ascension Camp are here to receive those who have ascended from the Eternal Realm. Seems normal enough, but Master Qiu likely won’t let them off easily!”

“After all, we still answer to Master Qiu in Star City, and Master Qiu is an Emperor of the Eternity Camp.”

“Master Qiu simply can’t let them go! If the Ascension Camp gains another Emperor, the force of our Eternity Camp will be weakened.”

“The Ascension Camp has only been able to rival the Eternity Camp because of their many years of accumulation.”

The majority of the strong entities in Star City are the native beings of the World of Eternity. They fear the ascended emperors but don’t precisely hold them in high esteem.

After all, they believe that without these ascended ones, the World of Eternity would still be theirs, rather than being divided as it is now.

As Eternal Emperors, He Liang and Yong Shang could hear the discussions of those people, even whispered as they were.

Their assigned task was to take Ye Feng away. If they could not take him, they definitely couldn’t let Qiu Dao capture him.

After all, there have been instances of Eternal Emperors from the Ascension Camp betraying their sides in the past.

This chapter is by .

Therefore, when he saw that Ye Feng refused to go with them, He Liang’s eyes became coldly fierce.

Then, he made his move!

Suddenly, the space around Ye Feng solidified, comprehensively shackling him.

The Path of Space!

Ye Feng raised an eyebrow, surprised that he had encountered an Eternal Emperor with a top-tier Dao Fruit so soon.

However, he felt that this Path of Space came across as somewhat weak.

With a thought, Ye Feng’s Eternal Body trembled, and boundless force exploded. With a loud crack, he broke out of He Liang’s space shackles.


A gleam of surprise flashed across He Liang’s eyes, quickly turning into fury!

A newly ascended wretch that dared to fight back, he’s courting death!

In an instant, He Liang unleashed the Power of Eternity. The onlooking crowd was directly suppressed on the spot by this sudden outburst, the beings beneath the Supreme Realm were even outright crushed by the pressure.

However, He Liang didn’t care about these people’s lives. Even the strong from the Ascension Camp were nothing but ants to him, killing them would be their greatest honor. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Actions were quicker than words. Ye Feng once again felt the squeeze of the space shackles on his Eternal Body.

And this time, the squeeze was countless times stronger than before.

Other newly ascended beings of the Eternal Realm might not be able to withstand it.

At this moment, Ye Feng looked at his opponent with a curious expression. Despite the second attack being countless times stronger than the first one, it was still space shackles.

Could it be…

“Hey, is this the only move you know?”

“Isn’t your control over the Dao Fruit of Shackles, rather than that of Space?”

As Ye Feng’s voice echoed, He Liang felt his attack broken once again.


He Liang’s face turned utterly ashen. His space shackles would take some time for even others of the Eternal Realm to break. More so, these shackles bring immense pressure.

This kind of force could easily crush a newly ascended Eternal Emperor.

However, right now, his unassailable attack was ineffective against Ye Feng!

This was something He Liang absolutely couldn’t accept.


At the same time, Qiu Dao and Chen Qing, who hadn’t made a move from the start, along with Wu Xiao who was hidden in the shadows, were all taken aback.

“This guy’s strength… If we let him go, he is bound to become a serious threat to us.”

Chen Qing, dressed in black, had a murderous aura flickering in his eyes.

“Indeed, however, with those two leading the charge, it saves us a lot of effort.”

A smile appeared on Qiu Dao’s face. He was more than happy to let He Liang and Yong Shang face the brunt of the battle while they could strike at the critical moment, eliminating the threats once and for all.

On the other side, seeing He Liang fail twice consecutively, Yong Shang frowned and made his move.

Staying in Star City, where situations could change in an instant, it became obvious to him that Qiu Dao was lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

He could be on guard when Qiu Dao wasn’t making his move, but the longer they stayed in Star City, the more unpredictable things would become. Thus, he was compelled to make his move.


Boundless Power of Eternity enveloped Ye Feng. His strength, even greater than He Liang’s, caused Ye Feng to turn his attention to Yong Shang.

This guy is stronger than the previous one!

However, his strength was limited!

Now, Ye had figured out that his Eternal Body alone was capable of confronting these two.

Having just arrived in the World of Eternity, he was still unsure of the complexities within the Eternal Realm.

It was best to eliminate these two swiftly.

With this thought, Ye Feng took immediate action!

In an instant, the entire Star City shook violently. All the strong ones who were watching saw Ye Feng not only break free from He Liang’s shackles but also withstand Yong Shang’s attack without any injury.

On the contrary, Ye Feng took a step forward, causing He Liang to jump in surprise.

“You dare to lay a hand on me!!”

He Liang’s roar echoed through Star City, accompanied by an escalating chilling atmosphere.

At this moment, He Liang was completely infuriated by Ye Feng!!

“Heh, not only do I dare to do so, but I also dare to kill you! Believe it or not!”

With that, Ye Feng’s voice rang out, followed by a resounding explosion of his Power of Eternity. He threw a punch directly.


A dazzling blaze in an instant pierced through He Liang’s Eternal Body. With just one blow, more than half of He Liang’s Eternal Body was annihilated.

Upon seeing this, Yong Shang’s heart pounded wildly, and his complexion changed drastically.

“He Liang!!”

He didn’t expect Ye Feng would be so powerful as to inflict serious injury on He Liang with a single punch.

Furthermore, Ye Feng’s punch, after piercing through He Liang’s body, hit the dome of the World of Eternity directly. The terrible force disturbed the heavens, startling everyone.

“Holy shit!”


“What did I just see!!”

“One hit, just one hit and that guy pierced through the Eternal Body of that Emperor!”

“That blow, at least annihilated more than half of the Eternal Body!”

“This is such a deep-seated feud!”

Everyone was stunned by the unfolding events, and Ye Feng’s power brought a big surprise to the hidden Qiu Dao, Chen Qing, and Wu Xiao.

“Damn, these two, they are more of a burden than a help!”

Wu Xiao’s face darkened, especially after discovering Ye Feng’s formidable power, he cursed He Liang and Yong Shang in his heart.

Such an Eternal Emperor, even with him, they probably would not be an opponent unless they brought an Eternal Divine Weapon.

It should be known that not all Eternal Realm beings possess Eternal Divine Weapons.

Such treasures, even for the Eternal Realm, take endless years to cultivate and then make their debut!

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