Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Selection Begins!

Before long, the duo arrived at the City Hall.

The place was alive with bustling activity, filled with herds of people eager to join the sect, including even those who had merely come to observe the contestants taking part in the competitions.

The hall itself stood as a monumental structure, boasting a vast width of 400 meters, typical of the exaggerations that were common among the cultivators. With no ceilings inside the hall, the open sky stretched over the head, making it visible to anyone within.

In fact, the guards guarding the gate were cultivators themselves.

Given the significance of the event, it was expected that many high-ranking individuals would be present among the attendees.

Notably enough, the heads of the three ruling clans would also be in attendance at the event.

As Long Tian made his way toward the gate, he couldn't help but notice that Xiao Mei seemed to be deliberately creating some distance between them.

A smirk tugged at his lips seeing her actions as he knew very well that she wanted to avoid any public association with him, which apparently was the same for him, though for different reasons.

After entering the City Hall, a loud noise assaulted Long Tian's ears. Despite the fact that many in the crowd were preoccupied with their affairs, he could sense a few lingering glances that were cast his way.

However, the attention swiftly shifted as all the eyes turned to the girl who had followed him inside. Her entry stirred murmurs, stating how it was their dream to make her glance at them.

"Isn't that Miss Xiao, she is as beautiful as they say. I won't regret failing after being blessed to see her."

"Hey, any guesses on just how exceptional Miss Xiao's talent might turn out to be?" Numerous murmurs of speculation and conversation amongst the onlookers soon filled the air.

"She will definitely secure a place in the sect. But do you know that she's engaged to someone from the Long family? It's a mystery as to who he is, but rumor has it that he can't cultivate and is worthless trash."

Another voice chimed in, weaving more intrigue into their discussion.

Xiao Mei's gaze flicked towards Long Tian as she tried to gauge his reaction, but he remained nonchalant and brushed off the attention and continued to move forward, before not being able to help but roll his eyes at the last comment.

'Obviously, how am I supposed to cultivate when I haven't even started cultivating at all,' he couldn't help but muse.

In this world, people were only able to start their cultivation journey once they turned 14 years old.

This age was set because of two reasons.

One is that, in order to cultivate, one needs a strong vessel to hold the qi and a weak body would imminently generate a weak foundation.

The other reason was that cultivation was a long journey, and it was impossible to achieve in just a few days. People would need the right mental fortitude for this journey.

Due to these two reasons, this age is considered to be an ideal age for one to start their journey in the world of cultivation.

Long Tian, who was confined to the clam mansion by his grandfather, had nothing else to do other than spend years preparing for this movement and hone his body to lay a solid foundation for this very day.

A day when he could start his cultivation journey.

Approaching the registration tables organized in a sequence, he observed the short lines that were formed at each station, where candidates were undergoing the selection process.

Joining the same queue, Long Tian took his place, well aware that individuals hailing from noble families were granted the privilege of being able to bypass this queue given their higher status.

This was because the head of the family had instructed him to keep a low profile to avoid their name getting tarnished if he were to fail the test.

Beside him, Xiao Mei proceeded to register herself before proceeding towards the area reserved for the heirs of noble families.

Meanwhile, people around him thought that he was someone of low status from the Long family after taking a look at his robes, which only the people from the Long family could wear.

As the queue progressed, eventually, it was his turn and he faced the registration officials who inquired about his credentials.

"Name and age?" the person responsible asked.

Long Tian answered, giving them his full name and age, while in return, they handed him a token bearing the number 1173.

Making his way toward a secluded spot, Long Tian settled down and closed his eyes trying to rest his mind.

As time drifted by, he allowed his gaze to wander, observing the various lively interactions and exchanges that were unfolding in the bustling hall.

Amidst the crowd, his attention was caught by Xiao Mei, who was engaged in conversation with his cousin, Long Bai, the one who often bullied him using his servants.

A smile played on her lips as the two exchanged words, her gaze occasionally flickering towards him.

Long Tian was easily able to see through her intentions with clarity. Her aim was as clear as day to the boy– to incite jealousy within him.

However, unperturbed by her efforts, he refused to entertain her provocations, instead, he chose to ignore her. 'Bitc# please! You want to make me jealous? Even if you suddenly gain a Steamy hot body, I won't spare a glance at you.'

Shifting his focus away, Long Tian moved his gaze to explore the hall, and it wasn't long before it settled on a wide, raised stage.

He could see that two orbs were carefully placed on a table and knew that these orbs held immense significance, as they would serve as the instruments which would be used to appraise the talents of the participating candidates.

After waiting for so long for the guests to arrive, he was now getting bored. But fortunately, he didn't have to wait any longer as an unmistakable loud screech echoed throughout the city.


The shrill cries of an eagle pierced the air, heralding the majestic entrance of a colossal beast with a wingspan of ten meters.

Despite the impressive display of raw power which gained a reaction from him, Long Tian rolled his eyes at the clichéd entrance.

While the massive bird descended gracefully, it landed upon the spacious rooftop that served as its landing platform.

After it landed, one was able to see four figures that were standing on its back—two elderly men, a youth of Long Tian's age, and a young woman dressed as a maid.

Jumping from the eagle's back, the young man gallantly carried the maid in his arms, but upon landing, he missed his footing and stumbled before barely managing to regain his balance and stand up straight.

But the momentary misstep caused the crowd to let out a chuckle before they could cover their mouths in an attempt to stop their laugh. Nonetheless, under the stern gaze from the two elders, the people managed to hold back.

As the quartet stepped onto the ground, they proceeded to walk side by side before arriving at the center stage, drawing the attention of the eagerly waiting audience in the hall.

Amidst the hushed anticipation of the crowd, one of the elders stepped forward, his voice commanding the attention of all those in attendance.

"The selection ceremony begins!"

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