Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Chapter 16 - 16: ’Someone is after My life?’.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: 'Someone is after My life?'.

The sudden burst of qi was so profound that it resonated with nature creating a palpable tension that gripped the atmosphere. The elders became alert seeing the sudden appearance of the qi on the boy's leg.

That was the sign of some entering Qi Gathering realm!!

Everyone sucked in cold breath seeing the scene. The boy became cultivator using his raging emotions.

The entire hall seemed to hold its breath, as the only sound that was heard was the sound of air piercing. The elders rushed to intervene as the leg was about to connect. No matter how trash he was, the elders had the duty of protecting him. They might suffer the wrath of their Sect Master if they did not intervene.

"Let me take away what you like the most."

Long Tian's cold voice echoed in Lin Feng's ears. He felt a sudden shift of wind around his nether region. As a chill crept down his spine, he felt panic rush to his mind.

Before the attack could connect, Long Tian felt that he had met a strong barrier and his leg could not move a single inch. He looked up and saw that Elder Shen Che was holding his leg with a single hand. He was looking at him with an indifferent look.

Long Tian turned to look at his opponent and saw that he was knocked out cold on the ground from the shock. His qi dissipated as the elder let go of his legs. Even though the elder was not angry he had to put an act for the public

"You should Know when to forgive Junior. Although Young master Lin was in the Wrong, you should not be this cruel." He spoke like a benevolent senior while stroking his beard ignoring the boy lying on the ground.

In reality the elder wanted to shout his favorite line 'Presumptuous Junior! How dare you hurt our young master!!!' but seeing how things had taken ugly turn, he just pulled his beard in frustration.

As he stopped speaking, The other Elder added without casting a glance at the knocked out boy.

"You should go back home and get treated."

Long Tian was baffled by their act. He thought they would be coming after him for trying to harm their young master but when he analyzed things from their perspective, he immediately understood they were trying to repair their image.

Everyone present was shocked at the turn of events, the sheer thought of being attacked in their Lower area chilled their heart. Some of the males in the audience even covered their lower part with their hands unconsciously.

The girls had a slight blush on their face as they called him Rogue. Yet, there was a look of shyness on their face, not one of anger or shame.

Ruo'er had a grin on her face as if her heart was happy at the turn of events, while a little blush crept on her face seeing the peculiar actions of Long Tian. She was also concerned about the retaliation from the sect but seeing how things turned out she sighed in relief.

'What a bad boy~' she thought, glancing at his charming face.

Xiao Mei was biting her nails, although she didn't like Lin Feng, she supported him because she wanted Long Tian to suffer for ignoring her, but the turn of events baffled her as much as it did the other heirs.

They were betting on Long Tian's loss and now they were slapped in their faces.

Long Tian turned to look at the place Long Chen was sitting and seeing the cold and emotionless eyes of his so-called grandfather he confirmed his involvement with the sect.

"Thank you for your guidance elder, I almost lost myself in anger. I will take my leave and go back home."

Long Tian bowed a little to show respect while he scoffed at them. The elder nodded seemingly pleased with his actions.

Long Tian turned to walk down the stage and the look in his eyes turned cold for a second before returning back to normal. Under the hushed crowd his steps echoed in the hall as he walked out of the City hall.

The elder's also turned away from the crowd to hide the killing intent in his eyes.

'We need to nip the bud before it can bloom, even though we can not use him he can not be left alive.'

With those thoughts he exchanged glances with Elder Tang and nodded, it seemed they were having the same thoughts.

Long Tian, oblivious to everything, walked back towards his home. With each step he took a step he felt his internal organs ache because they were in a mess.

If anyone knew about the sheer amount of willpower he needed to even lift a foot, they would have held a deep admiration towards him.

Under everyone's shocked gaze he walked out of the city hall with heavy steps.

Xiao Mei looked at his back and killing intent flashed her eyes, she moved a few steps back and moved towards a secluded area away from everyone's gaze.

She took out a piece of yellow paper from the pouch hanging on her waist hidden under her robes. This was the Communication talisman her father gave her. It comes in a pair and is used by two people to communicate from a long distance.

The amount of the power he just showed terrified her but soon she calmed down after remembering his innate talent.

'No amount of hard work would take you anywhere with trash talent.'

She took out a shining stone from her pouch and touched them together, causing the paper to shine and a female voice came out of it.

"Is there something you need, young miss?!"

See spoke for a while and after she was done sending some instructions through the communication talisman she went back to her original position.

In the middle of the empty streets of the city, Long Tian's lonely figure made its way towards his home.

With each step he took a grunt escaped his mouth.

He started to remember the novels he read in his previous life and how the villain acts, although most of the things he had seen till now were similar but there were many things that were different in real life. There was no such thing as plot armor for him and the only thing he has faced till now was sorrow and hate.

'I might be a side character who has no use in the plot..' as the thought passed through his head Long Tian shook his head to dismiss the useless thoughts. The figures of his mother and Ruo'er flashed through his mind and he smiled a little.

'My life may not be that bad.'

Before he could move any further he sensed something and turned to look back only to see a blur in the distance, he instantly got on guard.

' Does someone want to finish me in my weakened state?'

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