Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Chapter 13 - 13: Long Tian’s Dark Side!

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Long Tian's Dark Side!

Before he could speak further he was interrupted by the young elder and the father of Long Bai, Long Tai.

" You interrupted this meeting for this insignificant matter."

His voice laced with anger but the Patriarch stopped him and signaled the butler to continue.

The butler composed himself and continued. He took a deep breath before answering.

"The servant was Master Long Bai's personal maid and in anger he attacked Long Tian. He was also injured during the fight."

"Why couldn't you speak of this earlier, you idiot? Let's go, Father. I'll personally end that trash's life today," Long Tai exclaimed, causing a pitiful look to appear on the butler's face. 'Wasn't it you who asked me to calm down, now you are blaming me.

Long Tai was on the verge of leaving the meeting hall in haste. However, he was once again stopped by Long Chen, much to his displeasure and annoyance. Ignoring his son, Long Chen looked at the butler and instructed him to lead the way to where the incident had occurred.

After a short while, they arrived at the scene, only to be met with a horrifying sight.

The body of the maid was lying there on the ground. her body parts were in a state they were not supposed to be, her hands and legs were contorted in unnatural ways, her lifeless eyes still reflecting horror.

Numerous blood stains from punches and kicks were shaped on her body. The sheer brutality of the act sent shivers down their spines. The blows were delivered in places they would cause more pain than they were supposed to.

They hurriedly looked for Long Bai to find him with broken teeth and a punch mark on his face.

Seeing that his grandson was unharmed, Long Chen sighed in relief and turned to look at the boy who caused this disaster.

Long Tian was being restrained by the guards.

Long Chen's words went back in his throat for a moment seeing the emotionless look in his eyes as if he was a dead man. The boy who had just killed for the very first time was unaffected by it and even tortured the maid like it was natural for her to suffer.

"Tell me everything that happened here."

He turned to the head butler demanding details from him. He knew if he asked other's they might cover up for Long Bai and he won't be able to understand the whole situation.

"Patriarch, Young Master Long Bai instructed his maid to insult the Madam in front of Long Tian while he was training." The butler spoke in a trembling voice as he looked over at the dead body of the maid.

"However, the maid crossed the line, she slandered Madam was cheating on master by engaging in relationships with other men to pass her lonely time." The butler started sweating as he remembered the cold eyes he had seen on the boy's face.

Even the most ruthless killer he has seen does not have such looks.

"As soon as she said that, the aura around Long Tian changed. Then he..."The butler looked at the dead body of the girl indicating whatever happened after that led to her current state.

"Master Long Bai was infuriated by the maid's death and he attacked the boy. He was also about to be beaten by Long Tian but the guards intervened and restrained them." The butler shifted the topic instead of giving the details.

In the middle of their talk another figure also joined them.

Xin Yan had also arrived and questioned the guards for an explanation, when she learned what happened she was shocked. She never imagined her son could act like that. He might not get along with others but this is the first time he acted like that.

Long Chen was taken aback when he noticed a slight aura of warmth returning to Long Tian in the presence of Xin Yan.

He saw that Long Tian regained his composure upon her arrival.

He declared that Long Tian was sentenced to 100 lashes with a whip, a punishment that Xin Yan protested against.

However, Long Tian accepted the punishment, causing Xin Yan to shed tears.

Observing his son's dissatisfaction, Long Chen glared at him, knowing the importance of keeping the kid alive for their plans with the Xiao family. He was once again shocked when he saw Long Tian endure the whipping without any change in his expression. Blood dripped down his body and he did not even whimper out loud.

With each whip he took Xin Yan felt twice the pain he was feeling in her heart.

'I need to keep him under control, or he might become a problem in the future,'

Long Chen thought. As the punishment ended, Xin Yan led her son away without uttering a word.

Long Chen decided not to interfere in their matter for the moment.

[Back in the arena]

Long Tian now had the similar expression that he had back then, Long Chen was now thinking on what to do . This caused him to think of plans on how to keep the relationship with the sect.

A calculated spark ignited in Long Chen's eyes as he contemplated the possibilities. He recognized that this incident could serve as a strategic advantage, allowing him to manipulate the situation to his favor. With a quick assessment, he formulated a plan to exploit the circumstances for his own gain.

Amid the audience's attention and confusion, Long Chen's gaze also fell upon the Wang family head. He clenched the arm of his seat, nearly breaking it.

The head of the Wang family was watching the drama with an undisguised grin on his face. This scene fueled Long Chen's determination to turn this situation to his advantage, even if it meant using it as a means to destruction of the other clans.

The atmosphere was now filled with a heavy air of tension as Long Tian looked at Lin Feng.

The impact of his remarks hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the atmosphere.

The commoners who admired Long Tian for his filial duty towards his family were now directing their collective hatred towards Lin Feng. Even though they were unfamiliar with Long Tian personally, they thought that boy was a commoner just like them.

They could easily empathize with the humiliation that Long Tian must be experiencing. Every one of them has faced the tyranny of the clans, so they could understand how the boy was feeling or so they thought.

They really wanted to condemn Lin Feng's audacity. However, the harsh reality of their citation slapped them in the face with the fact that they were powerless to do anything. They lacked the authority and influence to exact any sort of retribution.

Ruo'er was looking at Lin Feng, she was about to move but the voice inside her head spoke once again, instructing her to watch first. The voice she heard caused her to restrain her actions, she chose to believe in Long Tian.

Turning her attention to the boy, Ruo'er was taken aback by the startling transformation she witnessed.

The boy standing before her was the exact opposite from the cheerful and carefree individual she was familiar with.

His eyes held an eerie emptiness, devoid of life and emotion.

A cold sensation washed over her whole body, it was as if she was staring into the eyes of a lifeless corpse. She shivered seeing those eyes.

This inexplicable chill that seemed to creep up her spine left her both stunned and captivated, rendering her unable to move despite the instinctual desire to flee from the unsettling presence in front of her.

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