“This is…”

“A list of city council members suspected of taking money from the cartel. During the election season, this list circulates quietly among them. Once they reach a consensus, it disappears without a trace. Take it.”

Evelyn reclined in her chair as she conveyed this information.

“With your broker’s skill and connections, she should be able to trace where the cartel’s money is flowing even with just this information.”

“… I owe you one.”

As Evelyn mentioned, identifying which city council members are primarily funded by the cartel is of paramount importance. Each council member is responsible for a distinct district and possesses their own specific areas of influence.

In essence, this information reveals the sectors in which the cartel conducts its operations, where it concentrates its investments, and how it maneuvers to evade regulation.

Considering the immense utility of this data for Lennok alone, there is no need to emphasize how effectively Jenny could utilize it.

The fact that Evelyn shared this confidential information, which circulates covertly among council members, essentially aligns her with Lennok’s cause. If this information were to leak, Evelyn would be the prime suspect.

It’s evident just how earnest she is in summoning Lennok here.

“The reason I’m doing this is not solely because I want you to settle the score with the cartel,” Evelyn stated.

“Do it moderately but efficiently. Stop when you have secured your position. Do you understand?”

Her perspective is rational. Even if Lennok and Jenny manage to dismantle the cartel, immediately filling the void left by the cartel would be impractical. Evelyn desires for Lennok to gain a measured advantage over the cartel and then infiltrate its clandestine business network.

Nevertheless, Lennok merely responded with a subtle smile.

“Well… that depends on how the other side reacts.”

Lennok exuded confidence. He was well aware of the extent of the cartel’s influence, but he also understood that in a direct confrontation, one side would undoubtedly suffer more.

And in matters such as these, nobody was swifter and more efficient than Lennok.


Upon Lennok’s return to the bar, Jenny immediately sprang into action.

In a world where magic thrived, the restoration of a damaged building posed little challenge. She swiftly enlisted contractors and, within a single day, restored the structure to its original condition. Simultaneously, she initiated preparations to safeguard against potential future assaults by the cartel.

Leveraging her extensive network, she commenced the recruitment of guards to protect what had essentially become an office building.

Within a mere half-day, more than thirty mercenaries had assumed their positions throughout the streets of the 49th district.

“I’ve given you a generous time frame. Work until we’ve dealt with the cartel,” Jenny remarked, a grin on her face as she addressed the mercenary before her. “We’ll pay you well, so work your bones off.”

The man replied with a wry smile, “I never thought I’d be hired by you in this manner,”

Dray Krimgal, a tall, broad-shouldered middle-aged man with imposing muscles and a composed demeanor, nodded in agreement with Jenny.

“Fine, we owe Van anyway. We’ll take full responsibility for the security this time.”

The Krimgal Mercenary Office had previously partnered with Lennok to eliminate scavengers. Jenny had thoroughly evaluated the office, including Dray, to secure the building.

“Mr. Wizard, long time no see. It’s been a while since the curse sorcerer incident,” Dray remarked.

Lennok responded with a casual exchange of pleasantries, “You look healthier than before. Seems you’ve recovered,”

Dray smiled and replied, “Well, that’s part of it. Plus, our office has been doing pretty well lately. We’ll have even more forces available once things stabilize. Things have definitely changed since the days when we were just starting out with the kids,”

“Captain, did you consider us kids all this time?”

“Don’t you know you get stabbed in the back if you look down on the founding members?”

A bespectacled woman named Kidel and a bald, burly man named Ike grumbled in jest.

As the three engaged in amiable banter, another individual approached Lennok.



“It’s been a while.”

Weian, grinning, had undergone such a transformation that he was hardly recognizable compared to the Weian in Lennok’s memory.

The awkward appearance of his youth had largely vanished, replaced by substantial growth in height and a much more matured facial structure, making him appear like a young man of similar age to Lennok.

The magical aura enveloping his body had been honed to such a degree that Lennok couldn’t help but take a second look.

Were it not for the two tonfas strapped to his waist, Lennok might not have recognized him.

Weian, sensing Lennok’s reaction, offered a polite handshake with a slight bow.

Lennok accepted the handshake, his expression tinged with nervousness.

One was a werewolf with a lengthy snout, and the other, a giant birdman with the sharp beak of an eagle.

Jenny’s office was by no means cramped, but with these two imposing creatures locking eyes, the space appeared to lack breathing room.

Upon Lennok’s entrance into the room, both beasts simultaneously redirected their attention towards him.

“Oh, welcome! Long time no see. How have you been?”

Almost in perfect synchrony, the two creatures waved at Lennok, only to immediately resume their intense staredown.

The spectacle of a wolf and a bird engaged in a psychological standoff held an oddly captivating quality. However, it was even more peculiar that Lennok recognized both of them, a testament to how much he had achieved on these streets.

Taking a seat, Lennok turned to Jenny and inquired, “Did you bring in both Dyke’s Head of Security, Killian the werewolf, and Antares Mercenary Group’s giant birdman, Felix?”

Lennok possessed a fairly sharp memory, and the striking appearances of the two creatures allowed him to recall them instantly.

“Killian, why are you transformed for no reason?”

In response to Lennok’s question, the werewolf scratched his chin with an awkward expression.

“No, when I came into the room, that bird was already transformed.”

“This is my natural form, there’s no need for transformations or whatever.”

Felix replied solemnly, arms crossed, prompting Killian to avert his gaze with an audible tongue-click.

In an instant, Killian reverted to his human form with green hair and addressed Lennok.

“I’ve heard the gist of it. You’re planning to fight the cartel?”

He grinned, displaying his teeth.

“Panua asked me to send her regards. She sent me instead, so let’s do well together this time.”

“…So you guys have already finished discussing?”

“Of course. From our perspective, who were originally doing business in the light, it’s much better to split the pie with you than to share it with the likes of the cartel… Ahem, that’s the gist.”


Lennok chuckled at Killian’s words as he averted his gaze.

He had a rough understanding of Killian’s perspective, which, from his standpoint, wasn’t unreasonable.

While he hadn’t anticipated that Jenny would seek cooperation from Dyke, it was surprising that Dyke had readily accepted the proposal.

However, it made some sense.

Jenny’s existing connections were intricately intertwined with the cartel, making them less likely to act independently. Consequently, Jenny had reached out to newcomers in the area, approaching them from a more neutral standpoint, or organizations that had no direct ties to these interests.

The Antares Mercenary Group appeared to fit the latter category.

“Felix. Is it the same on your end?”

“…That’s precisely the issue I came to discuss.”

Responding with a serious tone, Felix cleared his throat and glanced down at Killian.

“Our circumstances are different from a corporation’s.”

“What are you looking at?”


Whether it was due to animosity between their respective races or some other cause, their frequent bickering was quite conspicuous.

Felix, who had initially projected an air of calm and seriousness, had now displayed this heated behavior, which was unexpected.

“Of course, I am thankful for Jenny’s consideration in not contacting Dylan or Mila first. If it were them, they’d accept the request without considering the position of the mercenary group…”

Lennok reclined in his chair as he absorbed this information.

“So, you came in person to discuss the importance of dealing with the cartel.”

“That’s exactly right. To add, it’s not so much about refusal but more about…”

“Wanting to make a deal, right?”

Jenny, who had been standing behind Lennok, interjected.

“This gentleman came to propose conditions to us from the beginning, acting on behalf of Antares.”

“You’ve got it exactly right.”

Felix’s gaze bore a sense of gravity.

“The Antares mercenary group is willing to cooperate with you guys, depending on the situation.”

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